A great set by Ben Heine combining photographs with his “doodles” or the other way around.
Archives For Photographs
After many hours installing drivers, which I shouldn’t be spending time on… because, well – I have other important software to install. I think I am finally operational. It seems… even though the Intel Audio Bus Driver or whatever it’s called still won’t install properly. But I have audio, so I dunno what that’s about.
Happy place~ Happy, Happy~~~
Anyway, I’m already late for zzzzzleeping. Got an early show for From Paris with Love. I don’t know anything about the movie, except for the actors… so I might actually have a good time. xD
Ahhh… the dreadful formatting time. It’s been like 4 years since I last cleaned up my hard drive and did a clean install. Decided to do one because my computer has been sluggish… and since I did those updates to my drivers, it’s been wonky in the video and sound department too.
Lucky for me, now 95% of my stuff was already in an external hard drive, so all I needed to do was migrate all my video files (over 20 Gb)… which took like 2hrs, but it beats burning 5 DVDs for backup. Now let’s hope my Windows copy is still good for use, as well as my other software.
Multiple blogging will possibly remain non-existent until I get this old comp back online… which I hope happens tomorrow, because I will get behind with work. Ah… so computer dependent xD
CinemaCafe has an interview [jp] with Yu Aoi about Otouto — recently released on DVD and Blu-Ray. If someone could give a proper translation of it, that would rock. In the meantime… some of what I think are interesting bits.
Title of the piece is Kotoba ni Dekinai “Kankaku” ga Kanojyo o Tsukiugokasu, which seems to be something like “It isn’t the words, it’s the emotions that motivates her”.
First sub-title, Ii Deai no Renki ni Megumaremashita, which is something like “Blessed with good encounters,” referring to the people she worked with in Otouto [Yoji Yamada, Sayuri Yoshinaga, Tsurube Shofukutei, Ryo Kase], plus I see mentions of Kyoko Koizumi [from Gakuya].
GAH! I really can’t translate more, but the following paragraphs seem interesting. Like the last one about balancing work and free time. My head hurts.
Here’s some more Yu photos =D Like the intro said something about her gentle smile.
Forgive the lack of respect with the chan and all. LOL
It’s Yu’s bday in Japan already. You want to have a celebration on this post? xD Well, write away. We don’t do anything fancy like bday projects, because frankly those take too much work, and I’m lazy. But I can, at least, dedicate one post… or maybe one day to Yu Aoi postings. xD
So Aug. 17th is Yu Aoi posting day. LOL
Sure they can.
Hi, Shane. xD Okay, not Shane. Shane’s just promiscuous.
In some recent posts on Jezebel and AfterEllen, they argued the yays and nays.
One side says that no, they can’t be called slutty because there’s no shame in sleeping around. Because “slutty” is a negative word that men use to make women feel less. ‘Coz a slutty man is a dog — with the forgiveness of dogs who are supposed to be loyal, but will diddle anything that’s in heat. Oxymoron!
The other side says lesbians can be promiscuous… which some argue means the same as slut. But if you think about it, different words have different connotations… even if they seem similar.
I see the word “slutty” as being easy. Nothing to do with prostitutes, whom you know have been around since the ages. Prostitutes work, sex is their trade. Nothing easy about that. However, slutty women are easy… not because they enjoy sex on their terms — those would be promiscuous… like Shane xD — slutty women have sex on other people’s terms. Actually, no… the first sign of slutty women is how tacky they are. Slutty is an attitude, so yeah… being a slut is different to being promiscuous.
I don’t wanna state names, but some not-a-celebrity who used to be on E! Hmm… actually a lot of people on E! Entertainment are slutty. They’re tacky, and they prance around their business like it’s our business to see them. Sluts are tacky women who crave so much for attention that they’re willing to give everything for it.
On the other side, you might think that Dita Von Teese, being a burlesque dancer and being nude a lot of the time, is slutty, but no. Von Teese is anything but that. If you read her or watch an interview with her, you might notice that she’s a pretty classy lady.
So being a burlesque dancer, a stripper, a companion, an escort, etc. doesn’t make you a slut. Your attitude is what makes the difference between a slut or not, while sleeping around makes the difference between being promiscuous or not. Not that I accept being promiscuous… though, you know… I love Shane, but that’s only because she’s such a good pal to everyone. I can be friends with someone who sleeps around, but I don’t think I could date someone like that. In theory, I’m up for an open relationship… in practice, I dunno.
So as conclusion… xD I, for one, think that men and women can be slutty. But that’s just me. If queer women can/can’t be slutty… what happens to queer men?
It wasn’t blistering cold — I’d be lying — but it was windy. However, wind can NOT stop Jedis and Sith Lords fighting to defend the Force. The Force weren’t with them, so some little kid ended up hitting one of them on the head. Phunny.
And then I went for Waffles. xD
Hmm… Waffles.
I’m lazy, don’t wanna make a Top10.
I hate photographing social events, mainly because I’m anti-social. Also because social events are usually all about who you photograph, and them posing, and faking their smiles. There’s nothing I hate more about photos than fake-smiling. But alas, we must photograph those sometimes… not so much about social events parties, but the events themselves.
I have a few rules that I follow. They might be strange rules, and nobody probably does it because they’re not anti-social like me, but I always keep them in mind.
– I never call out celebrities so I can take pictures of them. I don’t want them to see me — I do carry weird hair, and that calls attention… but that just goes with the hair — I don’t want them to look into my camera. I like that when they don’t look at my camera, it feels voyeuristic. LOL
– I never use flash. Flash is hard on the skin – mind you, sometimes events are so badly lit, it’s impossible to take photos without it. However, in those cases, sometimes I borrow/steal other people’s flashes. I believe the use of flash is only appropriate on studio settings, because when flash is used in a natural or “non-set-up” setting, it just makes it look out of place.
Plus, women who aren’t necessarily made-up like models for a shoot look rough with a flash hitting on their faces. Clear skin women looks very pale like zombies… and overall, people have shiny skin. Plus PLUS, flash in these cases make wrinkles pop up as if they were the grand canyon.
I have a lot of issues with flash.
– A natural pose is better than Pose-Hard. I rather catch a person standing naturally in conversation with someone else, than having to photograph them standing in pose and smiling at cameras.
– Be a tourist. I love photographing the stages and how the light hits different parts of the scenery. It makes the event about the place, as well as the people behind it. You know, the people who work on the stage and the lights.
So having said that, these are my Top5 Tips for Red Carpets Events from my photographing point of views – as well as a viewer at home ;P