At Incheon Airport waiting for flight to Taipei. First few minutes in here, loving. Free high speed no hassle wi-fi. I’m easy to please.
Archives For Photographs
After a whole afternoon at Universal, a quiet night resting for that 13hr trip to Seoul and Taiwan.
Universal was pretty empty… most tourists seemed to be Asian, and had barely chance to practice English coz everyone speaks Spanish now. ^_-
Geeked out on the tour when we visited Wisteria Lane~ Like… OMG, Bree’s house. Mom geeked out to CSI. Also, the 3D King Kong update was awesome. Nuff said.

We’re in Los Angeles… after 10 years. Food on the plane was awful, so we’re treating ourselves with some Denny’s breakfast~^o^
I dunno what to tag this.
But you know my fave Misster member is Chris xD
Her face is perfect. Look at that jawline and the cheeks.
I always wanted to use that phrase: “From the Vault” LOL. Have I said how much I love Weibo? You find all these gems uploaded all the time. It’s amazing.
Yu-chan was so young in this one that she didn’t even write the kanji for “sai” next to her age.
This is a superficial post on The Flowers of War.
You can also check my post on propaganda films — Propaganda: Movies and their Message ~ and you are more than welcomed to flame me for liking “rubbish” films or liking China, whatever. LOL
I honestly liked The Flowers of War, it had its faults of course… as any and many a film does, but I totally think that the shameful 29% in RottenTomatoes is undeserved. It’s… with all my honesty and my unbiased, a solid 70%. All of that aside, wow– these are beautiful. If only the film could have been promoted with these pictures~
They’re the heroes~
I love Japan’s hair fashion. I have curly hair – and have no hair at the moment LOL — so I haven’t done anything with my hair like I used to.
These are some of my favorite hair from the latest TomoTomo.
You gotta love Rie Miyazawa~
and of course, these are my favorite shots of the shoot. I like the detail on the thumb and the watch, and the fact that she’s looking straight at the camera.
I don’t get to watch Nigella on tv any longer, mainly because I’m not stuck to it — and when I am, it’s only on the news channel. But I used to watch her show as often as I caught it running.
I had always thought Nigella had a way with words because she had an MA in language and, as such, knew the right way of talking to get you interested. LOL and then my friend told me she didn’t watch her show because she felt Nigella was flirting with her through it all xD
I guess I got caught in between all the flirting.
Anyway, Nigella is the guest editor for this month’s (?) Stylist Magazine, so all their frontpage at the moment is covered with Nigella content ranging from videos, recipes, tips and things~ and with that a lusciously dirty cover with Nigella’s face covered with salted caramel.
Her post on her love affair with salted caramel is also a good read, with loads of good dirty quotes. Like “I don’t want merely to experience pleasure, I want to wallow in it – gloriously and gratefully – while it lasts.” or:
Not since the first ever infant suckled at its mother’s breast had a food – it felt – had so much instant impact. If I’d been in a cartoon, my eyes would have bulged, stars would have emanated from my head, and I would have been licking my saliva-spurting lips wolfishly.