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February 19, 2010 — 1 Comment

This is so awesome. The most Batman I had was a sleeveless t-shirt with the batman logo. However, I did have a Spiderman pajama that had everything (even the mask) except for the hands, coz hands are difficult. So it was like a one-piece Spiderman pajama with a mask xD I totally rocked that one.

I know I should have a picture of that somewhere.

In the meantime, take a look at these super heroes! xD

an afternoon in the ER

February 18, 2010 — 2 Comments

Wow. It’s the first time I visit the ER.

I woke up with a fever last night, and after my mother came back from work, she decided to walk me to the hospital. In reality, the hospital is about one or two blocks away, but walking there while feeling like shit, it’s hardly ideal. After all the paper work, we went up 5 floor by stairs because it was more efficient than queuing for the elevator.

The doctor took a look at me, and checked my temperature. My mom thought it was gonna be 38-something, but in reality it was closer to 40C. The doctor prescribed some pills, and some for the shot I was supposed to get. On our way down I told my mom “I can’t believe you made me go up 5 floors with almost 40C of fever” LOL

I had never been to the ER, but I went to it to get my shot against the fever. It hurt like a bitch. It still hurts! The worst part was that I had to go back walking after it!

Anyway, fever seems to be gone. But still need to take all those pills… *sighs*

out for the not-a-holiday

February 17, 2010 — 3 Comments

no post today or maybe tomorrow.
got a fever of almost 40C.

the injection hurt like a bitch.

Otouto Takes a Darker Tone

February 16, 2010 — 2 Comments

I found a review of Yoji Yamada’s Otouto, which will be closing the Berlinale this 21st – hopefully Yoji Yamada and the cast can be there. The review has possible spoilers~~~

So you’ve been warned!

From the The Mainichi Daily News
by Tomomi Katsuta

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We Are More by Shane Koyczan

February 15, 2010 — 3 Comments

One of the most “proud to be Canadian” moments at the Winter Olympics Opening, even if you’re not Canadian, was the moment Canadian slam poet, Shane Koyczan,  took the stage with his “love song” to Canada “We Are More.”

CTV took some time to catch up with Shane after his presentation.

How does that feel?

I’m honestly flabbergasted. I don’t know how to react. All I can really say is thank-you, and those words never seem to suffice because I want to express the totality of my gratitude, but I don’t have much more to offer than thank-you. I guess it’s like I said in the poem: please and thank-you.

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YAM008 for the Metal Tiger~

February 14, 2010 — 5 Comments

Happy Chinese New Year!

Yes, it’s your favorite movie to hate. LOL

We’ve got a very cool issue this month, but I’m not gonna ramble what’s in it.
Just head over here to download it and read it.

Did you watch the Vancouver Olympics Opening? Sadly, Peru… especifically America Television, even though they’ve got the rights, they’ve only done a 1hr cap of the whole opening. So I ended up watching on ESPN, which wasn’t much better. One, it’s fullscreen instead of wide. Plus, the guys couldn’t shut up on the first part of the show.

I will post cool photos if I find them.

The show was nice. Living in Vancouver, I did get a bit emotional, but not as emotional as I got on Beijing 2008. However, Vancouver did a pretty great show, even though there were some things people point out.

One thing I hated was Nelly Furtado, Bryan Adams and the song. It was cheese, I can take cheese but not at the almost beginning of the show. They should have closed the show instead.

Sarah McLachlan was pretty great vocally, as was KD Lang… but does KD Lang need to sing that song again? She does it perfect, but isn’t there another song? Oh yeah, what’s up with the pop-version of the Canada anthem? It just felt not very patriotic, in my opinion.

What I loved the most? The digital displays, beginning with the ice cracking, the killer whales swimming — skipping the yellow fields and the flying dude — and continuing with the punk rock celtic tappers. Because they were punk rock, right? They had tattoos, mohawks, dark eyeliner, leather, jeans and Converse Chuck Taylor Low-Top… and they had plaid fabrics, and they were playing celtic music. I’m pretty sure they did a bit of Riverdance too… plus the tap dancing. With the red maple leaves digital display. It was my favorite.

Check back later in the day. In the meantime, check out the Vancouver2010 website.

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Check more info and photos at Yanko Design.

Tina Few will be gracing the cover of Vogue on March 2010, with photographs by Peruvian photographer Mario Testino. Funniest part? Fey’s Testino accent…

“You look like Stephanie Seeeee-mour.” Her favorite moment: “At one point I was posing for him, and he was talking from behind the camera and he was like, ‘You have to fliiiirt, darleeeng. You have to bee-leeve you are wuuuurthy to be on the cover.’

On the interview she covers normalcy, hand-me downs, mom jeans, power-suits, award season fashion, wardrobe on a movie set… her new film, and much more.