A long long LONG time ago (actually, about three years ago), I made a rough list of Yu Aoi films I had watched and ranked them on MUBI (then TheAuteurs). Since I’m way too lazy to bother adding films to their database, unless I really REALLY wanted the films to be on their database, I’m just gonna work on the ranking here, like I started with my Russian fandom love Chulpan Khamatova.
Notes — Haven’t been able to locate the following films (*) or haven’t watched willingly (**)
- 1980 (2003) *
- Mask de 41 **
Sea Cat (Umineko) *- Jukai *
- Tetsuji 28 **
- Sugar & Spice (2006) **
Miyori no Mori **Vampire *
[iframe src=”https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vSIyyST2QBWJtJyWPC9JiW60XKt0zVvhp83l-d2ZTqqtAdYDnH8bCL51l0RkDQxsQ2av5chXtEnLoo4/pubhtml?gid=0&single=true&widget=true&headers=false”]
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