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I dunno what to do about the Glee Quote of the Week now that Glee is off until April. APRIL! For the love of God!!! What am I supposed to do until then, uh? Tell me.

Glee - 1x13 - Sex is not dating.

Santana: Sex is not dating.
Brittany: If it was, Santana and I would be dating.

*awkward silence*

LOL. That was so awkward, and so phunny. But the whole episode was soooo funny, especially the part about the judges. Oh but you gotta watch the whole scene play out. And I’m so totally convinced Rachel has a little Mary Cherry in her too. She also has (psychic) powers! LOL

Late quote, anyway~
I was listening to the Glee OST *sings*
I’m having trouble accepting there won’t be Glee for months.

Glee - 1x12 - Break into the Business

I can cry on demand. It’s one of my many talents. I am very versatile, and aside from nudity and the explotation of animals, I’d pretty much do anything to break into the business.

so true, Rachel. so true. LOL

I received a notification on my email that Amazon was going to begin selling The Best of Rocko’s Modern Life: Volume 3 this week. First of all, I wasn’t aware that Volume 1 and Volume 2 were on the market. Then I read properly. It’s not an official release! It’s on DVD-R, so they won’t play on many DVD players. And they’re edited! And you gotta pay over $20USD for those volumes.

So that’s about $60 for just three volumes.
The Best of Rocko’s Modern Life – Volume 1
The Best of Rocko’s Modern Life – Volume 2
The Best of Rocko’s Modern Life Volume 3 (2 Disc set)

Now, is that fair? As a consumer, and as a fan of the show?

No, I don’t think so.

So this is a link to the complete 4 seasons of Rocko’s Modern Life.

Sorry for the late post on Glee.

This week’s quote has also to do with the screencap~~~


“How to Raise a Baby on Five Dollars a Day”

Saw it at the bookstore. Figured I’d steal it for you.
You know, in case you change your mind and decide you wanna keep it.

thank you Puck and Quinn…

Daria DVD News Spazz~~~

November 21, 2009 — Leave a comment

On July, I posted this about the Daria DVD.

I just got an email update with more info, which sound spazz-tastic~

  1. It sounds as though, rather than put the episodes out season-by-season, they are looking to put the whole series out at once, including the movies.
  2. There will be goodies, though which ones, I am not sure. However, the Sarcastathons and the specials were mentioned, and it looks as though they are going through ANY footage to find superfluous Daria appearances (like on TV talk shows).
  3. The commercial bumpers will be preserved, and in their rightful places.
  4. The episodes will be from the original masters, so no Noggin jujitsu cuts.
  5. The DVDs could come out as early as spring 2010. I’m going to play it conservative and still claim that they won’t be available until late 2010. For outside of the United States, it will be closer to 2011.

Also, apparently… for licensing reasons — there will be music replacement. However, it appears that they will replace some songs with covers, so they are trying to make changes not too noticeable. As for licensing explanations, old shows that used music prominently are having issues with their DVD release because the permits they used on the original TV broadcast don’t apply when releasing the music on DVD.

New shows don’t suffer from it, because the different licensing issues are dealt when shooting the show.

via TVShowsOnDVD and DVDAria Petition.

Courtesy of Terri~~~
Will’s not-a-pregnant wife.

Glee - 1x10 - I'll Kill You Suzy Pepper

Listen, you little psycho. This is Will’s wife, and if I don’t get enough sleep my anti-depressants won’t work, and then I’ll go crazy and I’ll kill you.

Stalkers make me laugh.

Suzy Pepper (laughs) was played by Sarah Drew, who also played Bianca… Jaye’s stuttering stalker on Wonderfalls.

Courtesy of Mercedes, and Mr. Schuester~

Glee - 1x09 - My Chocolate Thunder

Why do we have to go all vanilla on this song? See what we need is my chocolate thunder.

*all in agreement*

Okay, we don’t have time to re-arrange the song for you, Mercedes. Rachel is singing it. Don’t worry, we’ll find something for you to dip in chocolate.

Though, to be honest, the episode was more heartfelt this time around.

Glee Dubbing Nightmare!

November 11, 2009 — 4 Comments

*le gasp*

Yes, you are reading me right. Glee just began showing on Fox Latin America, and to my surprise~~~ I was surfing channels this evening, and *le gasp* again — Rachel was talking in Spanish.

If I’m reading correctly, Fox Latin America is showing the subtitled episodes on Thursday nights (going up against House M.D. on Universal channel) and a repeat the next day with dub. DUB! How can you show a series like Glee DUBBED!

First, you know I hate dubbings.

But then you take a show like Glee, which is funny because of all the dialog they throw in… and you DUB it? I mean, REALLY? I even had my apprehension towards the subtitles, and now you tell me people are dubbing it? Look, I get it. Glee has cute musical numbers, some Disney people might think that’s entertaining, but what’s truly great is Sue being all harsh and mean, and the whole absurdity of it all. I mean, really!? Pregnant through jacuzzi??? xD

Glee - 1x04 - Yes, We Cane!

Plus, you canNOT dubbed Jane Lynch’s perfect mean delivery. How can you dub…

I will go to the animal shelter and get you a kitty cat. I will let you fall in love with that kitty cat. And then on some dark cold night, I’ll steal away into your home and punch you in the face.

it’s all about delivery. cannot be done.

I haven’t used a cellphone since someone stole mine nearly 3 years ago, but I’ve seen it moving towards it. I mean, I still think it’s gonna be tricky watching the show on my phone while making sure no one is following me to mug me.

Stories on forums that became premises for films, blogs that became books, etc. After all, everyone’s got something to say. Then came the days when Marketing caught up with technology, and we began with viral videos. We love viral videos, you’ve probably received thousands of emails from different people all sending you the same goddamn video.

Then there’s Mobile Phone Dramas. Sort of a hybrid between a series and commercials.. or other PR material, maybe a mix between short films and commercials that end up becoming a movie… like the Kit Kat short films by Shunji Iwai starring Yu Aoi and Anne Suzuki that became the film Hana & Alice. And so came Shunji Iwai again, this time with LISMO Channel and their nine 5-minute episodes titled Koibana ~ SUIKA to Bansoukou ~ (恋ばな ~スイカと絆創膏~) directed by Kodomo no Kodomo director Koji Hagiuda.

Iwai, who is producing, has mentioned the high quality of this drama, and seems to be interested in turning this idea into a feature film. In reality, anyone can say whatever they want to say, but if anyone can make a Phone Drama and turn it into a film is Iwai. I mean, after turning Kit Kat into Hana & Alice, I believe anything can be possible.

But how far have we gone… 45 minutes of Koibana may turn into a feature film, short stories become nearly-three-hour films… Facebook becomes a movie, episode recaps as if they were on Facebook. What’s next? Twitter movies? After all, there are Twitter accounts for television characters already. Yes, definitely… a Twitter movie in the future. Anyone wants to discuss a story idea?

There’s already people on LiveJournal doing roleplay (though with real people), we can make one work, right? Anyone want to pitch in? It’s casting time! LOL Just gathering people who have the time to pretend they’re a character, and see where we go. xD

While Asia is taking product placement and marketing to a whole new level, here… they try to shove ads and other silly commercials on printed media. And more commercial time. And more clicking banners.

Also, I might need to add a new category besides Television. xD


It was right after this week’s episode that I began feeling the need to watch a new episode of Glee, only to find out there won’t be a new episode until November 11!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!

What to do in the meantime?

Fox Latinamerica is beginning Glee this November 5th,
but that still leaves me with one week of no Glee. *sighs*

Did I fuzzed about the Glee ads all over town? Yes, I did.

There are some issues with Glee with Spanish subtitles… and those problems will arise with translating the jokes, and people actually getting them. Just like “hairless pussy” [insert WB’s Popular plug] got translated literally, it lost all funny. Plus, it gets all passed the censors on ABC’s Family Channel — even funnier. xD but no such thing here.