Archives For internet

It’s all about money, of course. The International Olympic Committee wants to retain all the control of its brand — who can blame them? — and to retain its control online, it took the social media control from the London Olympic committee, unlike what happened back at the Vancouver 2010 Olympics.

To Olympics lovers’ surprise, the Vancouver Olympic Committee was allowed free social media range, which they put to good use with online apps, tweeting athletes interacting with fans, the whole shebang [1]. I don’t actually care about online apps (nor Vancouver’s nor London’s), and I don’t care if athletes tweet. My only interest in the Olympics is watching the games and finding photographs xD

Cool photo, huh?

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Everyone loves to hate Jetpack. I actually hated the fact that… 1. I was forced to switch WP-Stats for it, and 2. How long it took them to address the fact that Jetpack had a YouTube embed conflict. It took them so long, that I had to choose between proper YouTube sizing or web stats.

A few days ago, I got a new Jetpack update that told me I had two new features. The first one was… COMMENTS. I could finally have the same commenting features that WordPress-hosted blogs had.

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Jewels from Weibo. xD

I have no idea where people find these things…

I feel a little like invading her privacy… maybe I shouldn’t post these, huh? What do you think?

Weibo just rolled its latest feature… Kandian integration.

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I’ve been talking a lot about Popular lately, it feels [1]…

So I was updating yammag lists — especially the actors one — and I usually double-check people’s follows (sometimes to my disappointment ToT – I’m looking at you, Naka Riisa >,<). Anyway, it turns out Duncan Jones (Moon, Source Code) follows Leslie Bibb, then I checked her follows and found that she was following Tamara Mello.

Things went on, and I decided to make a list of everyone who was on Popular that was on Twitter.

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We’re always bombarded with news at how the music (and movies, and everything else) industry is losing money to piracy, even though we keep hearing all these facts about how Glee has had more songs charted than The Beatles.

When Sarah, from the Music Production Schools’ design team, emailed me this infographic depicting all these facts onto one place… is hard not to share, right?

I won’t lie to you, the numbers are good — though I really don’t know how that works with adjusted inflation — but the numbers also make me sad. To imagine Katy Perry standing on similar ground as MJ or Flo Rida standing on similar ground to The Beatles… or Ke$ha selling MORE than The Beatles. It’s depressing.

Mainly because there are MUCH better artists out there, and half the world haven’t even heard about them. I think it’s a crime that everyone knows Katy Perry, but it’d be rare if someone knows who Shiina Ringo is.

In any case, this is an infographic about sales~ so there you have it.

Full infographic after the break~

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I always wanted to use that phrase: “From the Vault” LOL. Have I said how much I love Weibo? You find all these gems uploaded all the time. It’s amazing.

Yu-chan was so young in this one that she didn’t even write the kanji for “sai” next to her age.

I don’t want to say it’s a sad SAD day, because I’m pretty sure there are so many worse things going on in the world right now, but I was pretty shocked to find this one out after my ISP was wonky and wouldn’t let me on Facebook and Twitter. I seriously could only use Google-based websites and the Chinese ones.

Anyway, Megaupload is dead. Or at least, dead for the moment. I wonder what people that had paid for premium accounts and had loads of files stored are going to do. It’s like… their lives are gone. PUFF! That’s it. I hope they have physical copies or other backup uploads.

Could you imagine the repercussions for all those file upload systems? So uploading your iTunes backups to dropbox would be ilegal, cloud systems wouldn’t really be possible, right?

And what about all those Blogger sites, WordPress and other websites that dedicate to it. Does it mean that all those sites are getting axed next?

Anyway, it always happens this way. A site gets shut down, it gets bought, or something happens to it. There’s people outcry, and we move on to the next thing.

I have no immediate idea of how I feel about Facebook Timeline. I just made the switch about 15min. ago. One thing is certain — I don’t like automatic loading. I don’t know exactly why I don’t like it, but maybe it’s got to do with reaching the end of “the page” and having more content loading. It makes sense, of course. If you scroll down all the way down, you must want to read more – but I don’t.

It’s like reading a book… reaching the last chapter to then have more chapters magically appearing.

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You know those times when Facebook changes and people go all “WTF is wrong with Facebook?” because they usually make atrocious changes that we end up getting accustomed to. I don’t think I can say the same with YouTube (or Google, for that matter).

I kinda like the YouTube facelift that goes alongside the facelift that Google got its Reader, Mail and other stuff. However, one think does bother me…

You can’t eliminate stuff from your subscription timeline! Remember there used to be an ‘x’ with each video, so you could make it go away. Well, I used that a lot to keep up with what I already watch or things I wasn’t interested in. Then, when things were cleared, you could “load more” and move on.

Now? Now I have to load more and more, and I get a subscription timeline of tons of videos. I makes it almost impossible to keep up, because you can also see the favorite/add to playlist/etc activity!