The CM was taped using a high speed camera and only used 2 seconds of it to produce the whole CM. The CM shows Aoi Yu eating the chips with her mouth opened wide and gnawing it in very slow motion.
“I feel a little embarrassed,” said Aoi Yu with a smile. She also said that she loved Calbee’s Pizza flavoured potato chips and has been eating it as a child.
Well, that is embarrassing, to be honest. Imagine someone taking a photo of you as you close your eyes to chew on your food — I’ve done that, to my mom buahahahaha — now imagine someone shooting you on high-speed camera for just 2 seconds to probably make a 15sec commercial. Embarrassing! xD
I’m pretty sure I discovered Pink on one of the non-subtitled broadcasts of some Music Award they used to aired back in the day on Fox or something. That same year or maybe the next (?), in 2001, I went to Los Angeles to spend my 15th bday there… and then head off to San Francisco to visit family.
On that trip? I remember Popular was airing the few of their lasts episodes on The WB. Which episode? I remember it clearly… I have one of those memories. The News of my Death Have Been Greatly Exaggerated.
On my stay in LA? I almost pissed myself because I was in LA the day of the Grammy awards. Two Spanish girls that were on the tour bus with us were attending… I watched from the hotel, of course, but I remember seeing all the limos arriving. I was over the moon, because you know me… I get celebrity-giddy really easy… and I was 15.
I saw the Grammy broadcast, and saw Faith Hill performing Breathe. Wow. Guess what I ended up getting when I got to SF, and told my parents I wanted to get some CDs? xD A broad variety, because you know me… I’m not genre specific, if I like it, I like it and that’s it. So I ended up getting Pink’s debut Can’t Take Me Home, Faith Hill’s Breathe, and Eminem’s Marshall Mathers LP.
Oh man, this is one of the last silly films I actually laugh with. I don’t know what is it about Zoolander, and its silly humor, but it still makes me laugh more than anything Jude Apatow has come up with [40 Year Old Virgin, Knocked Up]… or even Sacha Baron Cohen with Borat or Bruno.
Yup, yup – Zoolander still cracks me up… and Mugatu. OMG, MUGATU~ and Katinka Ingabogovinanana [omg, the way Will Ferrell introduces Milla Jovovich there kills me]. What is THIS! A CENTER FOR ANTS!?!?!? and Hansel, he’s so hot right now~ AND!!! Orange Mocha Frappuccino!!!!!! Wake me up before you go-go! xD
I was reading AfterElton’s Best Gay Week Ever column, and thought the “ass hat” of the week nominee has to be a true ass hat, so I decided to post. This Ass Hat of the week nomination is brought to you by the National Organization for Marriage.
It turns out NOM (for short) had been holding a Tour for Marriage… to er… protest gay marriage. It’s sort of a parade against gay marriage, so pro-gay marriage protesters showed up to protest their protest. LOL In the video, a woman talks about how these protesters — packed with their rainbow-colored umbrellas — didn’t back off and intimidated her and her… er… playful kids.
It’s actually not this woman’s fault to actually spew what she is actually saying. But come on, NOM people~ You really watched this footage and said, “Yes, this video will support our cause protesting gay marriage”? You cut this video together and said “Yes, gay people are intimidating us with their lifestyle”? It’s a bunch of people with rainbow-colored umbrellas (Don’t Rain on my Parade!) and hearts on their t-shirts.
Watch and listen to the video below. It is a real video and not a joke.
“Left you must keep.”
“Must left you keep.”
“You left keep must?”
“You’re going to kill people giving directions like that”
“Must you keep left?!”
Hyori never fails to make me laugh, despite the lacking elements in her albums or performances [idol, not an artist], I find it very compelling to just watch her… especially on variety programs. I mean, sure… she’s hot, and in that case photos would do, but her thing are variety programs. She just shines in those. Like in here~
Hi, Glee Quote of the Week, Glee is over for the season O.o
I think last night’s (real) season finale was a good sappy episode. I had a problem with the whole Quinn giving birth, as she was not sweaty or red enough, in my opinion… but I have never been pregnant, let alone given birth, so I’m just saying. The scene was quite funny though… and after having Puck peeking to the forbidden lands of down there during the birth, I doubt he will be getting laid any time soon. Anyone who’s seen any documentary knows. LOL
My second pet-peeve was the crying during To Sir with Love. I know it’s hard to cry while singing, but even Will had to look away from the line of the camera.
Anyway! The blogosphere is abuzz with this quote~ at least part of it.
Announcer: She is fresh off her fifth consecutive National Cheerleading Title, and author of the soon-to-be-published memoir, I’m a Winner and You’re Fat, Ohio’s home-grown iconoclast, Coach Sue Sylvester!
I dunno if I would buy I’m a Winner, and You’re Fat… but I would totally read it.