Archives For big vocal chops

The first edition of the Global Chinese Golden Chart was held recently in Taipei, Taiwan.

Besides Leehom performing All the Things You Never Knew, Bibi was also there performing a medley of her i.Fish.Light.Mirror singles, including a bit of Canned Fish (like… the intro LOL), Single Mirror, and finally closing with I Miss U Missing Me.

I’m happy that BiBi performs her best when there’s important people. LOL Like… she sounds pitch perfect when musician, producers, and actors are in the room. She doesn’t even need fireworks, outrageous clothing or flashy stuff, just her singing.

Ahh fandom… NSFW fandom.

Shane and Molly have Asian fans! It figures~ I wonder if some pairings are more popular in each region just because of cultural preferences. The fact that Shane wanted to become a better person… more studious, more knowledgeable for Molly is what sold me on the pairing. I also think it’s a very Asian thing xD

Plus, they’re hot… but Shane and Carmen was hot– but too much drama.

I liked they used a song by a Taiwanese singer called Joanna Wang. She reminds me of the style of those easy listening tracks by Kendal Payne, or those tracks used so often in Grey’s Anatomy xD And the ending of the video, so sad.

The BiBi Discography

January 3, 2011 — 11 Comments

I told you BiBi was going to be my first post of 2011! xD

It’s common knowledge I don’t buy singles… or usually “best of” compilations — unless it’s an artist with too many albums that I don’t want to “catch up” on with.

Julz also knows I don’t do mini-albums.

But I do own all of BiBi’s albums ;P I have named myself her biggest fan living the farthest away. LOL Unless BiBi has a fan living in the Patagonia, I’m taking the title, thankyouverymuch.

Bibi’s latest albums are far from perfect. Really respect that she’s trying to expand her style, her vocal range, as well as her image. Though it sometimes feels like her label doesn’t know what to do with her, like they need to change her style (from Time to to sell well in Taiwan and Hong Kong – where she probably did sell well after the change.

I sat today listening to her first album (not counting her EP), Who Touched My Violin String?, and it was really quite good. Very strong, except for maybe two skippable songs.

Her second effort, her double album NOW and WOWUMPH! They’re a killer combo. After over two years of listening and discovering Chinese pop music artists, I have learned to appreciate NOW a lot more. But WOW blew me away right away for its hard to figure out sound.

In NOW, she is a lot more traditional sounding… a few “Chinese” or I guess zhongguo feng songs, nice ballads with tight vocals, great production values, and lyrics. In WOW, she does the opposite. She’s R&B without sounding R&B, she’s a bit Rock without being Rock, she’s Pop without being truly Pop — she’s got funk, soul… her lyrics are whack, and she sounds like no one else.

If Leehom coined Chinked-out style, BiBi was able to pull it off in WOW.

I really believe those two albums have been the highlight of her career, and hope that her new contract with Gold Typhoon lets her — as an artist — experiment with those styles more.

Hopefully, I will be able to get the pinyin for Bibi’s songs. In the meantime, you can check the one that’s already done for the WOW album. If you’re lucky, I will learn Chinese hahaha… tough luck!

I’ve never seen this video of Bibi during her Super Girl days. And I never knew she sang Gone by NSYNC! She even has a more likable – hint: not nasal – voice than Justin Timberlake. Someone tweet this to him ASAP! xD

I wish she had changed the line about “being a man and be strong” xD but to what?

Then? Then she pulls of the ABC song in blues? Please, WTH.

I’m also making a YouTube playlist titled “Why Zhou Bichang is Awesome” LOL And you see the 2nd clip on that list? The duo with Priscilla Chan – that’s the same song she sang on this clip up here in the contest.

Makes me feel so proud.

I thought I should re-post from here.

And I get to fangirl here.

I knew this had to become a single. Surprised that Bibi’s English is so well-pronounced. I mean, we got a tiny official peek when she sang those bits in English on her song Seasons from the Time album, which has a super soft tone to it, so easy to listen to and so lovely.

But in I Miss U Missing Me she goes all power ballad on me xD

The video is eh… eclectic for a power ballad. But I can dig the color palette, though I don’t get the circus and carousel theme.

This is the best I’m going to get from Lily. A new song.

For those of you who don’t know, Lily Chou Chou is the fictional singer portrayed in Shunji Iwai’s film All About Lily Chou Chou. Lily was played by Salyu on the film, and there was an album released under that artist name. This is the only new material ever since the film was released… and it’s even rare to get to hear the Lily songs in a Salyu concert.

If you haven’t watched All About Lily Chou Chou, it is a rough experience.

Visitor Uzaigaijin kept me posted on the status of her concert ticket, and she messaged me saying she got one! So she will be writing a review of Lily Chou Chou’s concert this week for YAM Magazine. ;P

I’m excited and jealous. xD

Musica Criolla is a funny business — it’s not really hip. You don’t go to high school and said “you guys, I just bought the awesomest musica criolla album ever.” There’s no musica criolla playing on MTV. Maybe latin pop with hinted musica criolla on latin music channels — like Gianmarco, but NEVER on MTV. And we know that in school, MTV is hip – NOT MTV is not hip.

Then there’s this quality to musica criolla… musica criolla is many types of Peruvian music. There’s festivities music (festejo), then there’s Marinera — which is more the dance, than the actual music. I don’t recall ever hearing the term “Marinera album” but musica criolla has a very distinct quality — it’s better served live. Musica criolla, at least for me, it’s about the performance, the sentiment, the passion~~~

It’s like Tango, we don’t want to listen to an album with music for Tango, we want to see the passion and the performance of tango. It’s the same for me with musica criolla.

There are types of music that sound the best on albums, you can have great albums that are rubbish live because that feeling of the album is lost — that’s why concerts should be handled different to making an album, right? Then there are okayish albums that just go the extra-mile when they’re live.

That’s musica criolla. The albums, the productions — beside lacking in presentation and printing qualities and what-product-stuff-not — they lack that performance quality. They sound good, but they fall flat. But then you see these people perform, and just give their all on that one song and just… blown away.
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Ahh… nostalgic much?

I was doing some TLC reading – rumored new material? Please, Grilled Cheesus! – and found that Alicia Keys had put together a performance honoring her fave girl groups.

Ehhh???? Atami no Sousakan End

September 24, 2010 — 7 Comments

I need someone to discuss this. LOL That ending, I did not expect THAT ending. But I like what I’ve been reading around. I like it a lot, without revealing too much – I like the concept of duality. Even more so considering how it ties with Tokyo Jihen’s theme, which let me tell you – could blow your mind.

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— EDIT —

All the YouTube uploads are going missing (THANK YOU, SONY >,<), so I’m just going to embed this Youku no-so-sync version because it’s the only one I’ve been able to find. In any case, here’s a Portuguese subtitled version on YT.

Please, let the explanation of the # mean that there will be a second season~~~

Also, Japan! WHY NO OFFICIAL SUBTITLES? The 8eps DVD collection is priced at over $150USD – considering the Yen’s so high compared to dollars now – and no subs? Oh, really?

Sponsor of Heiwa Fansubs will have to do – google “atami no sousakan” and watch the show – they did a great job at subtitling this… in a time when I was uncertain this show would get picked up by any group, they were our saviors! Thank you Heiwa Fansubs~ Please, don’t stream the groups’ subtitles.

Say hi back to Lauryn Hill.

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