Ahda does some serious cute baking,
and I’m not talking about my 2nd batch of cookies. xD

Just take a look at her Fall Apple Pie. Lurv!

Sorry for the late post on Glee.

This week’s quote has also to do with the screencap~~~


“How to Raise a Baby on Five Dollars a Day”

Saw it at the bookstore. Figured I’d steal it for you.
You know, in case you change your mind and decide you wanna keep it.

thank you Puck and Quinn…

Hahaha, it’s hard to resist Family Outing Hyori.
So irresistibly a-dork-able Hyori. xD
And man, that fake Afro. Totally kills me.

And yes, I’m sad Jaesuk is leaving. No more FO. U.u

– edit –

Since the video was deleted from YouTube, I wonder if this new version can load. If not, you can try to check it out at Soha.vn

Yeah, yeah. Didn’t post anything substantial today. I know.

Watched Precious last night. *sighs* It was sad.
Like, “want to hug you” sadness.

— EDIT —

Seems the video is gone from the net. :(

Here’s something to get you by.

— EDIT 2 —

Lo and behold!

Just got a box full of cookies my friend made and sent over~
it is indeed Fried Rice Day. LOL

The Library of Congress has colorized a bunch of B&W photos, which make them look completely kick-ass. Honestly, just sit back, hit on the “Slideshow” link and watch on fullscreen.

On what is a Photochrom~

Published primarily from the 1890s to 1910s, these prints were created by the Photoglob Company in Zürich, Switzerland, and the Detroit Publishing Company in Michigan. The richly colored images look like photographs but are actually ink-based photolithographs, usually 6.5 x 9 inches.

Like postcards, the photochroms feature subjects that appeal to travelers, including landscapes, architecture, street scenes, and daily life and culture. The prints were sold as souvenirs and often collected in albums or framed for display.

Check out the complete set here.

I’m totally all over this.


And of course it’s a $2200 special order. LOL
check out some more photos and info over at 1977mopeds.com

I received my Independent Spirit Awards agreement over the weekend, which allows me to get screeners (of some) of the films that will get nominated for the next Indie Spirits, which I just got my notification on Google calendar. xD That means it’s nearly award season, which will bring a LOT of Nomination and Winners posts until the first week of March when the Oscars happen.

In the meantime, here are some Academy Awards posts to keep you busy and updated.

Hope that keeps you busy. xD

I wasn’t gonna post this CM, but Yu’s blog was updated with a couple snaps from it. Why so important? Because it’s Yu in trousers, shirt and a tie, and such very long hair.

Seems a waste to have her only for a few frames on this CM. LOL

but then again, I’m biased.

Also, I know guys love silky long hair… so you can’t get better than Yu Aoi’s hair for a shampoo commercial. Shampoo Commercial Hair is surreal.

photos after the break
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We Are Seventeen has created a pretty cool motion piece with some Must See Movies.


Check out the video here. [needs Quicktime]

I get it, social media is hot right now.

I’ve seen it working… sometimes, but I’ve also seen it rendered pretty useless.

I know the importance of Social Media for up and coming stars, and I’m all for them having Twitter accounts, Facebook Groups, MySpace accounts, etc. Even if I think creating your OWN Facebook Fan Page is a bit lame. I mean it. It’s called a fan page for something. It’s meant to be handle by fans, not you.

It’s like creating your own Fan Site. I really like it when stars work with their fans on their fansites, but don’t open a website and call it a Fansite. Call it Star Name Official, but not a Fansite. Just saying.

I understand the importance of Social Media and the rise of some people, especially independent artists. I actually think it works great. But I don’t suggest all my clients getting Social Media accounts, especially if these clients are already well established people and pride themselves for their traditional values and their quality.

Off-topic example, Bjork’s a great performer. She’s a visually stunning artists, and she’s well respected. She’s got a very useful website with great info and media material from photos, videos, tour info, etc. Perfect website, but her Twitter is pretty… not… useful. Her MySpace is okay-ish… and her YouTube account should be useful (even if YouTube deletes some of the stuff, WTF right?), but her Twitter is kind of a waste. Probably just because her label requires her to get a Twitter account.

Bjork doesn’t need to talk to us about her project, I think she just wants to live her life normally without people fawning over her whenever they see her, so she doesn’t need to have # of Followers trying to send her tweets about what she had for dinner, or telling her how ROCKING she is.

On the other hand there’s Tom Cruise. He’s got more than 100k Following him, but it’s only the webmaster talking. Again, why? Because Tom Cruise doesn’t really need a Twitter account, but he wants to be hip (he’s management requires him now?) so he gets his official Tom Cruise Twitter account.

So yes, Social Media is okay, but not everyone needs to get into it.

It’s hard when all clients go to you telling you “I need to get into Facebook/Twitter” and when you ask, “Sure, what do you plan to make with it?” They only tell you “I don’t care. I just need to get into it.” Please, don’t make me waste my time. If you’re going to do this, you’d better do it right. You hire a Social Media team, and you get them to work it. I ain’t gonna be handling those for free.

I have already talked about this whole Social Media with Julz when she went to Japan, and I told her how I would use a Twitter account, but I don’t feel like I need an account now. Many of my friends do, but most of them just have it laying around there. Funny thing is, all of them are designers.

btw, I do love Fictitious characters tweets. LOL
As long as they are funny. I still wanna work on that Twittermovie.
Anyone would be interested? I’ve got too many projects lying around.
And I need cash. <- this is a plea for Ad revenues.