Archives For Television

Courtesy of Noah “Puck” Puckerman
Hawt-mohawk-guitar-playing Jew-football-player~

Glee - 1x08 - Hot Jew!

Rachel was a hot Jew, and the good Lord wanted me to get into her pants.


Entertainment Weekly is reporting that Madonna is letting the Gleeks sing her song catalog. What that means? Possibly an episode full of Madonna tracks~ But it’s not the first time Ryan Murphy is featuring Madonna~~~

I had read a rumor that Madonna (and Gwyneth — split from the same cell as Mary Cherry) were fans of Popular. LOL Could that be true? Because that’d be awesomeness~~~


Ladies! We’ve got our Smokin’ Gun~~~ xD


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Must be that hole in my heart that left my years of Britney Spears listening. LOL

So I began watching Family Outing, at the request of Diana who slips those “you must watch Family Outing” or “the other day in Family Outing…” or those FB messages stating how funny Family Outing was — so I watched Family Outing with my dad today after a rough debate day.

And ZOMG, Lee Hyori?? Are you the answer to the Britney hole in my heart? xD

True, U Go Girl is pretty much average (but pretty much catchy, so isn’t that what it’s all about?), and well *cough cough* that video is uhm… pretty much what a lot of guys dream about. As far as live performances go? I’ve seen 2 — and NO, that “smooch” with TOP wasn’t really a smooch — but she seemed pretty average in both, in my opinion.

I really really like her on Family Outing though. I can’t believe (or can?) that she’s 30, and in such a much better state than so many other pop princesses on my side of the world. Maybe they should be taking note? She’s sassy, and pretty bossy — LOL, she scares me — but I also luv her for it xD And I think she looks so much better casual (sweatpants and baggy clothing) than over-made up like she is on her videos, even though she is pretty rocking on that hybrid music-video/commercial thing after the break~~~
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joss-whedon-is-my-master-now-tshirtNo, we ain’t gonna see vampires on Glee, fellows~

Entertainment Weekly reported, and has confirmed thanks to this Whedon comment that he will be directing an episode of our favorite new loser show Glee.

As you know, Fox has already ordered the complete first season (13 episodes, plus 9 more) – one of these new nine eps to be shot will have Whedon at the helm, after such classic musical extravaganzas like Once More with Feeling — the classic Buffy musical episode — and Dr. Horrible.

What the people are asking for?

Neil Patrick Harris!

Of course! I second that one!!!

For sure there’s a whole demand for all the cast of Dr. Horrible, and Buffy — After all, it IS the Whedonverse we are talking about here, but let’s not forget this is Glee! xD I’m sure there’s a lot of Whedon fans who are also Ryan Murphy’s fans (moi!), I;ll just be thrill for the episode. And I’ll spazz if NPH shows up.

PS: I also want Mary Cherry and Cherry Cherry for a cameo~

PS2: There’s Glee posters all over town here. I’m spazzing.

Oh, Ms. Holloway~

October 16, 2009 — Leave a comment


Christina Hendricks has been called buxom, voluptuous, and even bodacious by the press. She wants us to know that she’s much more than her hourglass figure and bottle-red hair, but one thing can’t be denied: Whether she’s warm or cool to her secretarial pool, Joan is always smoking hot.

The Advocate has a new interview with Mad Men’s (and also Firefly’s) Christina Hendricks. x)

I can NOT believe she was a goth… and that she’s a natural blonde.

I’ve had many, many unrequited crushes. I knew this one guy’s entire schedule my senior year of high school and would conveniently be outside his classrooms whenever class let out. But I was a goth kid and he was a soccer player, so he wasn’t having it. He was just horrified by me.

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or… “you’re looking very Shane today”

Three Rivers is showing its first ep next week down here,
and I needed to see Kate Moennig xD


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So so hard to pick a great quote
because the whole episode was filled with Sue Sylvester
dialog to spare~~~

Glee - 1x07 - Minorities!

Alright, everybody! Listen up! When you hear your name called, cross over to my side of this black shiny thing.

(That’s called a piano, Sue.)

Santana, Wheels, Gay Kid — come on, move it! Asian, Other Asian, Aretha, and Shaft!

BUAHAHAHA. So so many great quotes on this week~

We are actually making it half our list of Actresses now! On #6, Aoi Miyazaki.


Always, all the time, all I hear is “Miyazaki Aoi is so kawaii (cute) and how awesome she is,” and well~ she is also so very popular in Japan topping every list there could be. However, scratch all of that, and what have you got? You’ve got an actress.

I’ve seen her in a few couple of films, some of them are pretty great like Gaichu (Harmful Insect), or are very deeply sentimental like Sukida. Her films often have to deal with human emotions, though I’ve also seen her doing comedy~ but what truly makes me think she can pull it off if she decides to stay away from this love-interests type of films was her decision to play the lead on NHK’s historical drama, Atsuhime.

This role that lasted a whole year let Miyazaki play Atsuhime from her tender kid age, throughout her teens, her 20s, her30 up until her death in her late 40s. She played innocent, clueless but at the same time idealist. She matured and began learning how things in life and politics work, and stood by her ideas trying to make everything better for everyone. Miyazaki truly nailed it on this one.

This is why I’m putting her here.

I don’t know any of the winners, except for Coldplay’s Strawberry String which won Video of the Year… which is kinda bumming because video doesn’t seem to be released yet, so WTF. I did like some of the videos though… or sometimes just the songs, but I was expecting something else, I think.

Moray McLaren – We Got Time

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I seriously can’t believe this is a Fox promo for House M.D., Lie to Me, Bones, Dollhouse and Fringe.
has there been that many strippers on the shows?? xD