Archives For Rants

is go international for once and for all.

iTunes is not international. For one, if you’re from Peru (just found this one out, hahahaha) there IS a new iTunes Store Peru, which you can possibly use ONLY with a Peruvian CC. Makes sense that there is a Peru iTunes Store, now that they sell iPhones here. Only BIGGEST problem of them all…


Same with iTunes Argentina, Brazil, Chile, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Czech Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Hong Kong, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Israel, Korea, Kuwait, Lebanon, Malaysia, Mexico, Pakistan, Panama, Philippines, Poland, Qatar, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Venezuela and Vietnam.

Yes, I went through all the stores by country when I found the one from Peru to check that I’m not the only one getting screwed here. What good is something called iTUNES if I can’t get tunes… *rolls eyes*

Then there’s the issue with “only one-region” exclusive download, which could be in either of their country stores and you won’t be able to buy unless you got the cc and billing address from that region.

If Amazon is intelligent and goes international without regional restrictions (meaning no US IP addresses or minding the billing address) they will gain market. Availability is all. iTunes is still more available than Amazon since Amazon only works with a US IP.

Suffering from…

December 6, 2008 — 1 Comment

Long-lost-love Syndrome. LOL’ There was a time when I was very romantic in my movie viewing, and I began picking “best kisses,” but I can’t remember the last time I saw a romantic film – and if I’ve done so… I can’t remember a single kiss. I mean, I remember kisses (mostly of shows), but they don’t feel in the same level of the kisses that I picked before…

What I do know is that the possible romantic films, or other genre with love interests have always turned out to be people who love/loved each other and parted and never see each other again. BUM. I spent the first 15 episodes of Atsu-Hime crying my eyes out because Naogoro and Atsu-Hime… sighs, even the thought of it depresses me. It crashes my heart when Eita (as Naogoro) says “Nippon Ichi no Otoko” T_T Atsu-Hime (at that time Okatsu) tells him she wants to marry the best man in Japan, and then everything happens. GOSH! That last scene when they play Go together…

Aha! Thinking about it at the moment… maybe my lack of hot kissing is because of watching too many Asian films and series. LOL’ The only kiss I recall from the films I’ve seen is the one in Memories of Matsuko, yet another Eita project. xD EITA LUVIN’!!! But that kiss was not hot, as much as it was funny and kinda icky. HA! Another kiss that comes to mind was the one in Shinku (Deep Red) with Asami Mizukawa, but that was just a bizarre kiss placed in the film. Then there was the weird biting-the-lip kiss with Juri Ueno and Hayato Ichihara, LOL in Rainbow Song. xD

Then, I’m pretty sure there was a kiss or two in Les Chansons d’Amour, but I can’t remember… I only recall the awesome ending quote. xD

Aimez-moi moins, mais aimez-moi un longtemps.


Then there was Fucking Åmål, but I only remember the cute chocolate milk scene at the end. xD Then there was Enchanted, which I’m sure there was a “magic kiss” and all, but I was more concerned in Patrick Dempsey’s hotness, and Amy Adams’ big cartoon eyes. LOL Then came Dan in Real Life, and Juliette Binoche’s hotness in the film… There’s a lot of hot in Lucia y el Sexo (obviously), but can’t remember a kiss hahaha~~~

So… I’ve gone back at least a year of movies, and those are the ones I can come up with. There are kisses from shows… but still, have to think about those. Fact is, Amy is suffering from LLL Syndrome. xD

Grammy Nominees 2009!

December 4, 2008 — 3 Comments

Did you know that they changed the way they announce the nominees? I didn’t. Just found out tonight they were doing presentations and stuff, instead of just naming them… didn’t watch, did you? Anyway, I’m not really impressed with the music… Coldplay with Viva la Vida, REALLY? I thought the album was pretty rubbish…

Viva la Vida got 7 nods, including Record, Song and Album of the Year. Really? Lil Wayne apparently has 8 nods, but I can only count 6… so whatever.

Other nominees include… Sara Bareilles with Love Song in the Song of the Year category – it baffles me how she can get a nod, when Regina Spektor has NONE. Jason Mraz is also nominated in this category with I’m Yours, while Duffy and The Jonas Brothers are nominated in the Best New Artist category.

And I’m too lazy to go category by category, so here’s a not-so-tidy list of some of the names in the list…

Pink, Leona Lewis, Katy Perry, Kid Rock, Alison Krauss, John Mayer, Paul McCartney, Eagles, Maroon5, Alicia Keys, Madonna, Justin Timberlake, Sheryl Crow, Rihanna, Daft Punk, Kylie Minogue, Moby, Robyn, Natalie Cole, Josh Groban, Rufus Wainwright, Metallica, Radiohead, LeAnn Rimes, Brad Paisley, Rascal Flatts, Juanes, Ximena Sariñana, DLG… etc etc.

Including nominations for the films American Gangster, August Rush, Juno, Mamma Mia!, and Sweeney Todd for Best Compilation Soundtrack. The Dark Knight, Indiana Jones, Iron Man, There Will Be Blood, and Wall-E for Best Score Soundtrack… AND, Wall-E, The Bucket List, Walk Hard the Dewey Cox Story, and a double nomination for Enchanted for Best Song Written for a Motion Picture.

For the long boring list of nominees… lol – you can go here.

It’s December Already!!

December 1, 2008 — 1 Comment

Forgive for not posting sooner… I got sick. Is it foreboding of the year to come? After all the dude didn’t fall of the Mikoshi, and the sake was opened not on the count of three. AND, next year is an odd number year… my family always gets screwed some way or the other on odd number years…

Anyway… at the Matsuri, I saw Daikon-san.


And I thought of Osen, and I laughed… and took the picture. LOL – Then I had lunch, which wasn’t all that good (I think it also did me some wrong), saw the music performances… and stuff, and it was windy, so I got a fever, which did me more wrong. I was kinda screwed yesterday, so I couldn’t even sit in front of the computer… at least not until 10pm, when I began working on the photos.

I’m okay now, only a sore neck…

Always the same old problem… I was reading about the new, so I visited to test. However, the same with Hulu… other streaming sites and even YouTube, content restrictions. - Not in your Region

And this is why illegal viewing can’t still be overcome.

The other day my friend sent me the Robyn – Cobrastyle link on YouTube, but it turns out that I can’t view any of Robyn’s official video releases, I also couldn’t view the Lady Gaga official releases – I could understand the content restriction on the shows YouTube is showing, but can’t see the point in making music available by regions… bloody stupid.

This is why illegal viewing will continue growing. If you don’t let people see your video due to content region restriction, they will look somewhere else…

Hate the World Today!

November 24, 2008 — 1 Comment

ARGH! >,<x

So the apartment where me lives is getting new paint, so me is crashing on the other side. They painted the ceiling today, and ARGH!! The paint splattered all over my graphic and photography books… of all the books I had, it had to stain the graphic and photography books. WTF! It splattered all over my Juri Ueno A Piacere, it stained my Yu Aoi Travel Sand and Dandelion… lucky for Yu, those two have plastic cover and they covered the Kaiten TABURU PB… but my Juri PB wasn’t so lucky… neither was my Mario Testino book, or some of my other heavily graphic books.

I thought you’re supposed to cover all stuff with plastic… so how the xxxx do they splattered on THOSE books.

Someone must pay! 8-S Someone’s tainted my PBs…

Good Taste is DEAD.

November 23, 2008 — Leave a comment

… or at least scarce.

First, with Maca’s announcement that Twilight earned a little over $70M this past weekend… which isn’t really surprising considering the amount of promotion they did trying to shove it down my throat. Ugh.

If I want smut, I’ll head over to read smutty fanfiction on HP characters, thankyouverymuch.

If I want a broody dark vampire to save my life, I’ll love Angel forever and always. If I wanna rough it up with a bleached rockish vamp with a ‘tude, I’ll pick Spike. If I wanna watch/read an interesting vampire story, I’ll watch/read Let the Right One In (Låt den Rätte Komma in)… and please, NO REMAKES.

THEN! It gets WORSE. UGH! I just read that Pushing Daisies is over. EF it ABC – what the heck, they keep on stretching pretty stupid uninteresting Grey’s Anatomy’s storylines… go wacky with Lost, which I never enjoyed, and you kill Pushing Daisies. WTF! Shut your Pie Hole ABC… >,<x

Takes so Long!

November 22, 2008 — 1 Comment

So I lose my interest… what am I talking about? Movies…

For example, Mon Meilleur Ami – came out on 2006, and it’s actually playing on Cinemax Latin America, but it opened in theaters in Lima this month (Nov. 6 2008) – why bring it if it’s already on cable~~
*rolls eyes*

Next up, The Other Boleyn Girl which just opened this week, and if I’m not mistaken it’s already on DVD. There is also Juno (which I already OWN on DVD) – which is coming out next week (nov. 27).  And so on~

I haven’t been to the movies since Batman came out… There hasn’t been a ‘world premiere’ since Batman came out… unless you count the new James Bond movie, which came out just a few days later, but still… LATER is the keyword. How about all those films that have already come out months ago~~~ Like Tropic Thunder, Forgetting Sarah Marshall… which I never intended to watch, but still had to wait two or three or even half a year to hear about them here. When they finally get here, I have already lost interest or have seen it online somewhere else~ or I have it already on DVD.

When DVD players are already region-free, why make people wait longer than it takes to put the DVD on the market.

Digital Content Question~

November 5, 2008 — 3 Comments

I do… I do like digital downloads, but can’t figured out WHY an eBook is as expensive as buying a book. Also, can’t understand why digital films are as expensive as buying a cheap DVD… and don’t get me started on music~~

Also… region restriction? Sucky. Digital should be for all.

Does anybody know good online stores for digital content available internationally?

For eBooks, I seemed to have found, who answered my email wondering if international users have access to the books there. They told me that some books have region restrictions, but that most are available to anyone.

Continue Reading…

AVG 8 Free, Win XP issues?

November 5, 2008 — 2 Comments

I have been googling about it, but haven’t found much. Will blog more later, coz I’m off to see Volver. Has anyone found issues with the AVG update of last monday or yesterday? Been having issues… just managed to uninstall AVG, and will write more here when I get my computer back online…

I am having a similar problem to the one I had when I did the last Silverlight Windows update.

Ok… back to my computer. According to the comments below,  AVG now works fine.

Anyway, there’s also the description of the problem… maybe someone can explain why it could happen, or how to fix.

The problem I had was with the Win XP interface. Whenever I tried clicking on the Start Menu, it would open for a blink and disappear. No right-click menu could be open… so basically the taskbar was not usable. On the desktop, any icon clicked to try to open a program would open the Property Window instead.

If by chance I managed to open Firefox to try and google, I couldn’t type anything at all. And if by chance I would type any letter (eg. “S”) that would open a menu item(eg. “History”), the menu would drop down. If I managed to open a website and try to click on a link, it would work as a right-click-save-link-as.

The only thing I could do was either restart or turn off the computer.

The first time this happened was on a Windows XP update of Silverlight, which was undone by a system restore. The second time is this with AVG. Does anyone know why? O_o