Archives For Fun

La Yuma (2009)
Genre: Drama, Comedy
Starring: Alma Blanco
Directed by: Florence Jaugey

La Yuma — don’t ask me what Yuma means, but La Yuma is the boxing nickname of the character — tells the story of a girl from the poor neighborhoods of Managua, Nicaragua, who wants to become a professional boxer. One day she sees her brother mugging a young journalist who loses a disc with his work, so she decides to return it to him, and decides that she likes him. As she deals with her possible love life, as well as her family life with her younger siblings, good-for-nothing mother with her good-for-nothing boyfriend, she finally gets the chance to train under renown boxing trainer Polvorita.

La Yuma pretty much reminded everyone of Girlfight — which launched the career of now the familiar Michelle Rodriguez — for their “tough girl who wants to box” theme, but ultimately La Yuma distances itself from boxing, and focuses on what Alma Blanco’s character has to do for her and her siblings to survive.

Since the story starts out as a boxing film, and then distances itself from it… La Yuma seems a bit disjointed, as if you were watching 2 or 3 different films. However, the film’s protagonist is interesting — she’s tough and sassy with a sense of humor — she keeps bringing you back into the story. The acting is a bit uneven, especially from Ernesto (Gabriel Benavides) the “love interest” and you wonder why La Yuma feels attraction towards him, but characters like Doña Scarlett (María Esther López), or La Cubana (Juan Carlos García) are enjoyable and memorable enough.



Monday 9 @ 5.15pm in Cineplanet Alcazar  – Sala 1
Tuesday 10 @ 7.30pm in Centro Cultural Catolica – Sala Azul
Thursday 12 @ 9.45pm in Cineplanet Alcazar – Sala 1

At last! I had seen this video about 2 weeks ago and was waiting for Typhoon to upload it because the version I had seen was a TV capture and it was fullscreen.

In Chan Mian Jing, Bibi is all eclectic again. I think her hair is really great, she has had great hair since she moved to Typhoon – why are we discussing this? Well, because we already know Bibi can sing. She can’t dance, but she can sing. So Bibi’s biggest obstacle is looking and acting like an idol. I really suggest Typhoon moves away from this. Yeah, make her look sleek… I even admitted she looked really great on Canned Fish without the glasses and the long hair, but I also said she didn’t look like Bibi. So I appreciate that Typhoon let Bibi use her dark-rimmed glasses for this video, but the eclectic look doesn’t go with it.

So keep Bibi’s hair styles and colors, keep the glasses… and please, put Bibi on a well-tailored suit with a Motown sound. Her voice can deal with it.

As for the music here? I liked it, the song is one of the highlights in style from an album that has a LOT of types of music. She experimented a lot with different sounds. It feels you’re going through different music eras when you listen to it. For instance, there was a song that sounded so much like Stevie Wonder, and then  I Miss U Missing Me sounds very late-90s, while Canned Fish sounds early 2000s and One-Way Mirror sounds mid-2000s LOL.

It’s independence day in Peru! So I made you all a playlist again with old school Peruvian rock. Awww, man~~~ those where the days. Or maybe I have my stages… without the internet, I grew up with this music. With the internet, I moved on to music in English… and having Asian friends, I follow so much Asian music now. — Did you noticed the whole front page was filled with Asian music posts??? — And then people call me a music snob.

Anyway, Feliz 28!

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  1. Tierra Sur – Llaman a la Puerte [They’re Calling at the Door]
  2. Yvonne y los Mercantiles – Sin Parar [Without Stopping] – the chorus goes “I want to dance all night long without stopping” though it would translate better to “I want to dance all night long, all night long, all night long”.
  3. Miki Gonzales – Akundun
  4. Sangre Purpura – Que te Pasa Javier [What’s Going On Javier] – which goes “What’s going on, Javier? You look like a woman”
  5. Fragil – Avenida Larco [Larco Avenue]
  6. Los Mojarras – Triciclo Peru [Peru Tricycle]
  7. Los Nosequien y los Nosecuantos (NSQ y NSC) – Las Torres [The Towers]
  8. Autocontrol – Por tu Amor (For your Love) – This one sounds straight out of Saint Seiya.
  9. Arena Hash – Cuando la Cama me Da Vueltas [When the Bed Spins Around]
  10. Los Nosequien y los Nosecuantos (NSQ y NSC) – Magdalena — referring to a Lima district, so the song goes “I live by/for Magdalena, but I’d die for Susana”

Thank you, J-Melo – The Oreskaband performance was pretty awesome.

I was zapping, when their sound caught my ear, so I went back to NHK. They sounded like Gwen Stefani had gotten together with the guys of Reel Big Fish, had some extra fun with Swing Girls, and ended up with a lovechild in Oreskaband.

And I’m always game for some Ska. And, OMG PAPAYA! I totally kept hearing “Papa Para Papaya” which in Spanish means “Dad for Papaya” LOL but I think the lyrics go “Papaya ga suki da Papaya” LOL and in their “Shake it up, baby” I keep hearing “Shaking a baby” which is even funnier.

Continue Reading…

Oh man, this is one of the last silly films I actually laugh with. I don’t know what is it about Zoolander, and its silly humor, but it still makes me laugh more than anything Jude Apatow has come up with [40 Year Old Virgin, Knocked Up]… or even Sacha Baron Cohen with Borat or Bruno.

Yup, yup – Zoolander still cracks me up… and Mugatu. OMG, MUGATU~ and Katinka Ingabogovinanana [omg, the way Will Ferrell introduces Milla Jovovich there kills me]. What is THIS! A CENTER FOR ANTS!?!?!? and Hansel, he’s so hot right now~ AND!!! Orange Mocha Frappuccino!!!!!! Wake me up before you go-go! xD

I specialize in a very specific type of exploration~
exploracion subconsciente xD
you talking about dreams. sueños.

Very good! xD

Can you say BRRRRRRRRR?
Very good!!!

Unubore Deka aired its 2nd episode on Friday. ;P

The show tells the story of a detective whose ex-girlfriend is now married to his newest co-worker. Now, for reasons unknown, he always ends up obsessed-in-love with women who turn out to have committed crimes. In the end, he always ends up asking them to choose between marriage to him, or being arrested… without much success for him in his love life.

Well, that’s the best thing I can do without subs.

But no worries!

Unubore Deka is getting subbed by TOMAlicious Fansubs in hardsubs English, Suu no Command in hardsubs Spanish, Haniko’s Fansubs in Hungarian, and Asia Powa Fansubs in French~

In this week’s episode, Yu plays Konuma Setsuko, who appears to be your everyday masseuse. One day Unubore ends up in the massage parlor she works in, and falls in love just by her touch.

A lot of kinky stuff going on.

Continue Reading…

And you know what’s funnier (weird)?

My dad agrees. Hahahahaha. This is why dad rocks~

So I was showing my dad Jing’s latest music video, and we were agreeing (again) that before you realized that the video was about Cyndi Wang and her dead boyfriend, that it felt kinda gay-ish with Jing waking up next to Wang. Anyway, we ended up searching for Jing’s performances in her idol days…

I’m telling you, JingCastleSubs are the best.

And, OMG! She’s so handsome xD and I told my dad “wow, she looks more handsome than my cousins” and we burst out laughing, coz we always pick on family like this. And then we got sad… just watch the video, awwww just wanna hug her so she doesn’t cry… and then she rubs her eyes – through her non-glasses glasses, so we burst out laughing again.

My dad’s totally having an identity crisis, I just know it. LOL

And you know what’s even funnier??? The first time Jing performs on the show, the host first says “I thought this one was a girl.” Once Jing tells her she is, the host tells her that she’s a little too handsome. She totally is. LOL

“Left you must keep.”
“Must left you keep.”
“You left keep must?”
“You’re going to kill people giving directions like that”
“Must you keep left?!”

hahahaha oh gosh~ Yoda talk gets me everytime.

I was completely sold on these, until the general shot…
I felt the bubble bursting… baw~~~~

Oh man, I used to have an imaginary dinosaur pet after Jurassic Park hahaha.

Also… down with CGI! I want puppets back in the game! The dinos here look so lifelike, it’s so freaky. It’s like you can actually feel their skin. Complete freak out. Nothing CG can do…