Archives For Spanish

What to Watch…

November 1, 2008 — 1 Comment

If you’ve got Cable Magico, that is… though I am pretty sure I’m double-checking times, don’t hold a grudge if I get a wrong date… blame the cable magazine~~

Some of them I’ve seen actually… but it is to be note off~~~ INTERN ACADEMY. xD Not sure how that film will be, but it has none other than Carly Pope in the cast, so worth checking out for me. LOL’

November… again?

November 1, 2008 — Leave a comment

Wow, time flies! Really does… anyway, this month I was checking out some films on cable, and was interested in watching a few so I made a list. Yes, because I’m a geek… and there’s plenty of films, so I didn’t wanna miss one by overlapping them. Anyway, Little Fish was supposed to be on HBO tonight at 12.25am, and as you can see it’s 1am and it’s not on, so I went to the HBO Latin America site to check that out. Surprise!

Cable Magico - Horario Equivocado

As you can see… the HBO site (Peru schedule) has The Others listed as ‘now playing’ while there’s still 1.30hr for Little Fish, meaning it will be playing at 2.35am or so instead of 12.25am like the Cable Magico site and magazine say~~ which begs the question~ will the other films also be at other times?

Took some Photos…

October 21, 2008 — Leave a comment

, but lost my front lens cap… xD

Seriously… can’t find it anywhere.

I went to the event celebrating the 25 years of relations between Lima and Beijing (you can see some photos here) – and by the end of the show, I thought I lost my lens cap, but it was deep in my camera bag. I grabbed it and PUT THE CAP ON. Next thing I know, I was at home… about to upload my photos, when SURPRISE! My camera had no lens cap!

I thought maybe it fell inside the camera bag like before, but no luck~ I also checked my pockets, but nothing… T-T oh, the sadness…


Is it common to lose lens caps? LOL’ Since I found they sell lens caps for separate, I’m thinking yes… but I only could find it in the Sigma Online Store. You know where I can find a Front Lens Cap for a 55-200mm Sigma Lens?

Amy seems to be quite the TuneSocial application user on Facebook… if you’ve no idea what is this, it’s an application that sort of works as a ‘virtual’ CD shelf… you can add the albums you own, or the one’s you’ve heard, etc…

I was browsing through ‘my collection’ and noticed that I’ve never given a 5/5 score to any of the albums on my collection, HA! Talk about picky, eh? I also noticed a few glitches, but won’t report because in order to do so, I’ve got to open an account with THEM. DUMB! The main glitch is that when I wanted to find out which CDs had the best rating, and wanted to organize the albums by rating, some of the albums didn’t show up… so in order to verify my list, I had to go through the +600 albums on my list. SUCKY!

Anyway, over the +600 albums… only 30 reach the 4.5 mark. ONLY 30!! Over +200 reach the 4/5 – so AM pretty confident about my choices of stars per albums and artists…

So here it is! Amy’s Top Rated TuneSocial Albums! Continue Reading…

Amy post! I’m currently typing while listening to Salyu’s debut… ‘landmark’ – I’ve been listening to it for the past two days, repeating out loud what I could make out from just listening. Ha! Listening and pronunciation practice xD

Coding… coding either bores me, or gives me headache. I don’t know which one I prefer. T_T – But I make do.

ANYWAY – Continue Reading…

Actually name of the book in Spanish is “Kioto,” but I can never get used to writing Kyoto with an “i” –  I don’t think I can write “Tokio” either, there’s just something odd for me…

Anyway, I bought this book on Monday… short one, “The Old Capital,” it’s called in English, from the original Japanese title “Koto,” referring to Kyoto which was Japan’s capital back in the day~ xD – I bought this book because I’m superficial and buy books by their covers. LOL’ ~ I had seen a bunch of books in the store, and read a bunch of synopsis, but eventually returned them to the rack… but not this one, because I liked the cover. xD

Written by writer from Osaka, Yasunari Kawabata, who won a Nobel Prize for Literature in 1968 (First Japanese, and only?). In fact, this was one of the books mentioned (but I didn’t know this) … sadly, he killed himself 4 years later.

Kyoto (sorry, can’t type it with an “i”) is a book about nothing. There’s no BOOM by the end of the story, but yet it is a surprisingly good read. You know? Like one of those films that is about a little about everything, but nothing at all? Just like that. But just so you know exactly… the back of the book says it’s about a 20-year-old girl named Chieko in Post-War Kyoto, daughter of a Kimono maker, who discovers she was an abandoned child, despite her ‘parents’ story. Then one day, she discovers something while attending one of the many festivities in the city.

When I first began reading, I had a picture in my mind of how Chieko looked like (you may have an idea of who)~~ But then, I decided to look it up online, and found out that there was a made-for-tv-movie done for this, and OH SADNESS! I was kinda disappointed with the choice of Chieko~ T_T

Though the Spanish translation seems good enough, it does lose some UMPH… and it makes me wonder how it would look with the use of Japanese Honorifics. I mean, they already used words such as geisha, and maiko… so why not keep the honorifics too? I think it would’ve been a better read…

The book gets very nostalgic at points, there’s also some funny moments here and there, and there are parts that I don’t think I really got… which requires me to read it again. xD All in all, this book is a keeper~ and I want to check out other books by Kawabata.

Enter the Dragon - PosterYes! Amy grew up with this film. I was VERY little, and my dad, being a feverish Bruce Lee fan, taped Enter the Dragon (Operación Dragón) from a broadcast at Panamericana Television (aka. Canal 5). I still remember the Spanish dub… “PANAMERICANA TELEVSION… PRESENTA!” said the voice in off, “Operación Dragón, con Bruce Lee.” – Of course, I became a feverish 4-year-old Bruce Lee fan~ My grandpa was also a fan… he even named my little cousin “Xiao Long” (FYI. Little Dragon, Bruce Lee’s Chinese name), and yeah~ I KNEW the lines… I still KNOW the lines in Spanish.

Kick me. Kick me.
What was that? We need emotional content. Try again.
I said, emotional content, not anger. Now, try again, with me.
*kicks, kicks*
That’s it!

xD, You know that scene… with Bruce Lee and the student? Right before they try to recruit Bruce to go to Han’s island??

Patéame. Patéame.
¿Qué fue eso? Mayor emoción interna…
Mayor emoción interna! No ira, otra vez, tonto…

Continue Reading…

Because I did. Malditos promotores! How on earth am I supposed to find out people are coming if you don’t bombard me with printed stuff on magazines, newspapers, cable commercials, or even a pityful data addition at Eventful. Continue Reading…

What are the chances… really~~~ to become a fan of Juri Ueno and having the chance to watch Swing Girls at Centro Cultural Peruano Japones???

And now, what were the chances of watching Tekkonkinkreet not long ago… buying it online just a couple of days ago, and learning that it will be playing all throughout September on Cinemax Latin America??? So rejoice television surfers~~~ the zapping will end when being able to watch this, ‘coz it’s totally worth your viewing. Plus, it’s Yu Aoi… once you know Yu, her voice is very recognizable. Here’s what the Cinemax-LA website says about the film….

En la Ciudad del Tesoro, donde la luna sonríe y los niños pueden volar, la vida puede ser tan apacible como brutal. Allí dos huérfanos tratan de sobrevivir, mientras intentan proteger a sus habitantes de la mafia yakuza.

The two orphans, named Kuro (Black) and Shiro (White), make perfect compliments. Amy loves herself some compliments because it reminds her of symbols, and Amy loves symbols… for OBVIOUS reasons. xD Okay, maybe not so obvious… but whatever, that’s why they’re called “symbols” because they’re not obvious. LOL’

Anyway, knock yourselves out~~~ Here are the times for Cinemax Este and Cinemax Oeste – If you don’t have anything fancy (meaning just Cable Magico) you have Cinemax Oeste.

Cinemax-E 11:15 Sab 30/8/2008 | Cinemax-O 13:15 Sab 30/8/2008
Cinemax-E 15:45 Jue 4/9/2008
| Cinemax-O 17:45 Jue 4/9/2008
Cinemax-E 17:30 Vie 12/9/2008 | Cinemax-O 19:30 Vie 12/9/2008
Cinemax-E 14:15 Lun 15/9/2008 | Cinemax-O 16:15 Lun 15/9/2008
Cinemax-E 07:15 Dom 21/9/2008 | Cinemax-O 09:15 Dom 21/9/2008
Cinemax-E 14:00 Jue 25/9/2008 | Cinemax-O 16:00 Jue 25/9/2008
Cinemax-E 11:00 Mar 30/9/2008 | Cinemax-O 13:00 Mar 30/9/2008

Oh yeah, they are also showing Continue Reading…

Chinese stories? Yah, in the Western Media.

Last week or so, my mother woke up to some news reporter, what else, talking about the Olympics. Such news report, title Cuento Chino (Chinese Story, as in Tall Tales?), broadcast sometime on Sunday (probably Reportajes) in Canal 2 (Frecuencia Latina).

Furious, my mother wrote a letter to one of those so-called opinion columns, for Somos magazine that is part of El Comercio newspaper.

Here is the copy of her email to them.

Continue Reading…