Archives For Screencaps

Courtesy of Mercedes, and Mr. Schuester~

Glee - 1x09 - My Chocolate Thunder

Why do we have to go all vanilla on this song? See what we need is my chocolate thunder.

*all in agreement*

Okay, we don’t have time to re-arrange the song for you, Mercedes. Rachel is singing it. Don’t worry, we’ll find something for you to dip in chocolate.

Though, to be honest, the episode was more heartfelt this time around.


First, I have to admit something. I used to find Jim Carrey kind of attractive. LOL – There, I said it. I don’t care, most people I know don’t read this blog anyway. Hahaha. But Julz does, and I know she’ll probably have a field trip with this. She will either admit a crush too, or point it out from here on to make fun of it for the rest of my life xD

Anyway… website talk! I haven’t fully navigated through it because, either my internet connection is REALLY and I mean REALLY slow today, or this website weighs a ton because it took me 3 refreshes and more than a 2-minute load to just have the website appear. I mean, seriously~~~ 3 refreshes for the loading page to appear?

But still, I like the look. It’s pretty. I know. But navigating through some of the sections, I just tried clicking on stuff, but things took ages to load — I mean, I know. I get it, the transitions are nifty. But I don’t like waiting for my transition to load, you know? Waiting and then find out it’s just a transition?

Check it out yourself at

Will navigate through it later in the night, or over the weekend. Hopefully, it’s just my internet connection. How can it be? I hate telephones and mobiles, but can’t live without the internet. xD

Is Sci-Fi Also Doomed?

October 29, 2009 — 2 Comments

I watched District 9 yesterday, and I enjoyed it a lot. Actually, I watched Moon this past weekend as well, which was also pretty great. However, I had noticed that I had previously marked both films as “not interested“. Why? Actually, because I marked most films that way, unless I’m already interested. But this also made me think about the films I’ve watched this past year, and which ones I’ve enjoyed the most.

I’ve never followed Star Trek, but I admit I enjoyed watching the film this year.

And on a similar topic, I finally finished watching Battlestar Gallactica Season 1. LOL

But why do I seem so reluctant to watch Sci-Fi? Yes, it’s the nerd tag… I guess. I think my mother puts it best — She’s not interested in aliens, in other worlds, or UFOs — I think I’ve had the notions that Sci-Fi was just escapism, and it is in some of the films, but some of my friends (some sci-fi and comic book lovers) have taught me and made me understand that Sci-Fi can be so much more. And I do love a good drama.

But in the end, people don’t really listen.

My cousin, yes… that same one that told me Love Happens was money well spent, HATED District 9. Her brief Facebook status read something like “District 9, sucks! Badly…” and it got a bunch of comments including mine asking whether to believe her or not, considering she liked Transformers 2 (So good, she said), to which she replied “aliens!? c’mon>>>> no more comments“. LOL – The fact that she thought the idea of aliens is ridiculous should have hinted that she shouldn’t have picked District 9. Actually, she told me she didn’t wanna watch Inglourious Basterds either, to which I fainted. xD

What is good sci-fi? My friend made me sit in front of my computer screen (we haven’t seen each other since we graduated) and told me I was wrong. He told me Good Sci-Fi is Good Drama, you get social commentary in the form of metaphor and you can place those stories in the real world. Good Sci-Fi is about the characters… much more than the universe created. He is the same friend who made me watch Firefly. Yes, that same sci-fi show that my sci-fi-hating mom loved to watch.

So if you’re not sure you like sci-fi, you can give Firefly a try.

Good Sci-Fi is also not about how high-end and kick-ass your special effects are. It’s not about how many explosions you can get on screen at the same time. It’s not about how cool your props look like.

As we see on Moon, it’s almost as if this sci-fi world becomes a character piece in which the main character talks to himself and re-discovers himself in the process. About his daughter, about his wife, about his work. The miniature models are far from the high-end spectrum of regular CGI effects, yet hold this charisma or perhaps it’s nostalgia.

On District 9, what could have been an alien invasion film with explosions where people save the day turns into a film where aliens live in slums among us, as big corporate heads try to find the way to use their bio-technology weapons and think they can get away with it when one of their workers begins changing. The character sort of begins a transformation worthy of Kafka, in which he starts becoming more a “monster,” but in reality human beings are the monsters. It’s sad.

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Courtesy of Noah “Puck” Puckerman
Hawt-mohawk-guitar-playing Jew-football-player~

Glee - 1x08 - Hot Jew!

Rachel was a hot Jew, and the good Lord wanted me to get into her pants.


Entertainment Weekly is reporting that Madonna is letting the Gleeks sing her song catalog. What that means? Possibly an episode full of Madonna tracks~ But it’s not the first time Ryan Murphy is featuring Madonna~~~

I had read a rumor that Madonna (and Gwyneth — split from the same cell as Mary Cherry) were fans of Popular. LOL Could that be true? Because that’d be awesomeness~~~


Ladies! We’ve got our Smokin’ Gun~~~ xD


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If you’re an office worker, I don’t think it will work out too much if there isn’t a Photoshop, Illustrator or Flash version. But! If you do work with Word, Excel and Powerpoint~~~ game away~~~

I’m sensing a new way to waste time. xD


Check out Can’t You See I’m Busy for the games~


October 20, 2009 — 3 Comments

I think I’m having too much fun with Flickr Galleries…

Anyway! In honor of La G-Dragon’s now infamous [Julz-coined] Marie Antoinette’s hair~~~


Goran Kudasai~ Dozo~~~

I just made a gallery at Flickr on gender-bending photos~
can only add 18 pics though =(

some celebrity photos! LOL – check it out!


So so hard to pick a great quote
because the whole episode was filled with Sue Sylvester
dialog to spare~~~

Glee - 1x07 - Minorities!

Alright, everybody! Listen up! When you hear your name called, cross over to my side of this black shiny thing.

(That’s called a piano, Sue.)

Santana, Wheels, Gay Kid — come on, move it! Asian, Other Asian, Aretha, and Shaft!

BUAHAHAHA. So so many great quotes on this week~

I first fell in love with the Wishbone Bike, it’s so adorable and environmentally sustainable!


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