Archives For Screencaps

I really don’t know how I missed this trailer.

I mean, it’s got Yu-chan’s line in ENGLISH… broken English, but HER LINE IN ENGLISH. And it’s nearly a year-old video post, and I never knew. And NOBODY told me. T_T That’s the most depressing part.

I had talked with people who had seen Vampire already, and they’ve told me that Yu-chan’s part is small… but memorable (but maybe they’re a little bit biased). In any case, I’m not guiding myself by the reviews that came from Sundance because most of them… they were expecting some other movie about vampires.

I’m posting this today, because Vampire just got a Japanese release date — September 15th this year — but i can’t find an upload for that version on YouTube, so here’s a link to Wildgrounds.
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I was looking for some pictures for my upcoming post, when I stumbled into this Asami Mizukawa funny screencap from her show Yume wo Kanaeru Zo and I burst out laughing.

Since last year, right around the time I changed this blog (I think), I have been eyeing the WordPress theme titled Chunk. UGH. You don’t know how much I wanted to use that theme.

It was so white and had a typographic base. But it’s not available for self-hosted blogs… not that I could find any download easily anyway. My only pet-peeve was that it was a one-column layout and it just reminded me so much of Tumblr. So many WordPress blogs now work like Tumblr.

ANYWAY, so I resigned myself. I couldn’t get Chunk, so I didn’t use it. Throughout these months, WordPress has been releasing a series of themes that I loved much — many of them paid, though — and I just couldn’t find the perfect project to have a paid template for.

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I’m not going to be showing anything in particular or talk about anything in particular, but I gotta mention that this post is a bit NSFW~ Just because I’m going to be dealing with porn, or more specifically animated porn… which some call Hentai — but really, Hentai would be the anime version, right?


I’ve seen a couple of Blue films from a documentary — I really had no idea erotic films went that far back in film history, but it figures. Since then, I’ve always had a fascination with some of the “vintage” animated shorts I’ve run into about the subject. There many of them, of the German kind… sometimes Scandinavian, or Eastern European ones. There are many that re-work some fairy tales — the few that I’ve seen were Snow White, and there also was Hansel & Gretel. Many of them feature castle types, which I guess can be explained from the shape of castles… they lend itself to the topic. LOL

Then, I ran into this clip:

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I don’t know what is it about Hayato Ichihara (or Christopher Gorham) that I find so irresistible. Must be the kind of boyish charm, huh? I suddenly ran into Hayato Ichihara on NHK (so lucky I changed the channel!) where he talked about his new NHK project, A Tree in the Sun (陽だまりの樹) — adaptation of an Osamu Tezuka manga, and the interviewers asked him about All About Lily Chou Chou, for its recent 10th anniversary.

I don’t remember seeing him in the anniversary pictures [1], but I’m so glad they asked him about it because Yu-chan got a mention by name as well as a very long clip. Natsukashii na~~~

Anyway, I didn’t get much about the interview (of course!), except that he likes tako nigiri sushi (octopus). LOL — Also, Hiroki Narimiya stars in the new show, and he’s another one of my weaknesses~ I find Narimiya attractive when I see him acting on screen (crazy and all), though, not on photos.

Most blog activity~

February 22, 2012

Also, just wanted to make this clear~
I’ve moved most my blog activity over to YAM Magazine.

You can subscribe to all my posts there with this RSS Feed, or you know, you can just subscribe to all of the YAM Magazine Feed, but I understand if you only love me ;P

I don’t even… Tamatama

February 22, 2012 — 5 Comments

Unofficial Yu Aoi Film Discussion post. LOL

Has any of you gotten the chance to watch Tamatama yet? (are there subs out?)

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I dunno what to tag this.

But you know my fave Misster member is Chris xD

Her face is perfect. Look at that jawline and the cheeks.

I don’t want to say it’s a sad SAD day, because I’m pretty sure there are so many worse things going on in the world right now, but I was pretty shocked to find this one out after my ISP was wonky and wouldn’t let me on Facebook and Twitter. I seriously could only use Google-based websites and the Chinese ones.

Anyway, Megaupload is dead. Or at least, dead for the moment. I wonder what people that had paid for premium accounts and had loads of files stored are going to do. It’s like… their lives are gone. PUFF! That’s it. I hope they have physical copies or other backup uploads.

Could you imagine the repercussions for all those file upload systems? So uploading your iTunes backups to dropbox would be ilegal, cloud systems wouldn’t really be possible, right?

And what about all those Blogger sites, WordPress and other websites that dedicate to it. Does it mean that all those sites are getting axed next?

Anyway, it always happens this way. A site gets shut down, it gets bought, or something happens to it. There’s people outcry, and we move on to the next thing.