Gou begins this Sunday!! And it’s supposed to be a 70min. episode.
Please, that clip of Juri possibly crying… and possibly pulling at each other’s cheeks, I’m going to be crying and laughing with this… just like when Atsuhime aired.
I’ve never seen this video of Bibi during her Super Girl days. And I never knew she sang Gone by NSYNC! She even has a more likable – hint: not nasal – voice than Justin Timberlake. Someone tweet this to him ASAP! xD
I wish she had changed the line about “being a man and be strong” xD but to what?
Then? Then she pulls of the ABC song in blues? Please, WTH.
I’m also making a YouTube playlist titled “Why Zhou Bichang is Awesome” LOL And you see the 2nd clip on that list? The duo with Priscilla Chan – that’s the same song she sang on this clip up here in the contest.
I knew this had to become a single. Surprised that Bibi’s English is so well-pronounced. I mean, we got a tiny official peek when she sang those bits in English on her song Seasons from the Time album, which has a super soft tone to it, so easy to listen to and so lovely.
But in I Miss U Missing Me she goes all power ballad on me xD
The video is eh… eclectic for a power ballad. But I can dig the color palette, though I don’t get the circus and carousel theme.
But I’m pretty sure I’ve seen some Japanese cellphone that could do that same thing translating on the spot, but in Kanji. Now take that and tell me that’s not amazing? xD
The New York Times’ got around 1min. clips of actors acting titled Fourteen Actors Acting. From Tilda Swinton to Chloe Moretz going through James Franco and passing through Michael Douglas, all the way to Jennifer Lawrence with a tinge of Noomi Rapace.
And… I want to say it looks great, because I love black and white – but really?
This is the best I’m going to get from Lily. A new song.
For those of you who don’t know, Lily Chou Chou is the fictional singer portrayed in Shunji Iwai’s film All About Lily Chou Chou. Lily was played by Salyu on the film, and there was an album released under that artist name. This is the only new material ever since the film was released… and it’s even rare to get to hear the Lily songs in a Salyu concert.
Visitor Uzaigaijin kept me posted on the status of her concert ticket, and she messaged me saying she got one! So she will be writing a review of Lily Chou Chou’s concert this week for YAM Magazine. ;P
Wow, amazing AMAZING stuff by Michel Gagné (some animation in Ratatouille and ALl Dogs Go to Heaven) in Sensology – shortlisted in the list of 10 animated shorts for the Oscar. It needs to be between the nominees.
And if it wins? Woah, does that mean the gap between animation and motion graphics will be even more blurred? Up until now, I haven’t seen any “motion graphic” piece win. They nominated I Met the Walrus, but it lost. I think that’s the closest nominee I’ve seen that looks more like a motion graphic piece, than an animated short.
Best viewed in HD~
Always amazing animation stuff coming from Canada, and no – I’m not being biased ;P
Wow, pretty good, and a much better balance between music video/music than M.I.A’s Born Free.
You know? I prefer Arcade Fire music with music videos. I’ve never been able to just listen to an Arcade Fire album, I always have to be doing something else. Their music videos make me appreciate their music much more.
This video for The Suburbs is directed by Spike Jonze, and there will be a short film release… apparently. But we’re going to have to wait for December 20th for that one. Looks pretty promising. Beautiful sad.