via Kawaii Joyuu
I guess the poll was for the release of Raiou… which was a bust. The film opened at #8, and has since then dropped out of the Top10. Where are the Masaki Okada fans when you truly need them?
From the Top10, 5 are dramas (Osen, Dr. Koto, Ryomaden, Tiger & Dragon, Unubore Deka) and two of those are recent. Considering her Ryomaden guest star has officially ended this Sunday, it boosted it to the Top5.
*goes rabid fan* Seriously, people! Honey & Clover over Hana & Alice??? O_O
This question should be, “which is the most popular Yu Aoi role?” For a “more proper” rank or a better guide on what you should be checking out — in case you’re a new fan — Check this Yu Aoi Ranked.
Also, Poll time!
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