AfterElton Top East-Asian Suggestions 2010

May 17, 2010 — 13 Comments

Bonus #1 – Seung-hyun Choi (T.O.P from Big Bang) (22)

He’s the main MC (rapper) on the Korean boy band Big Bang, and is currently trying to make it as an actor. It seems like 2010 could be a big year, as the big epic war production of Into the Gunfire (aka. 71: Into the Fire) is slated for a release next month.

Bonus #2 – Young-bae Dong (Taeyang from Big Bang) (21)

Also as a bandmate of T.O.P, Taeyang seems to be focusing on his music and becoming an entertainer worthy of Bi Rain pictured on #2 above. Plus, my friend would never forgive me for not including him. Plus, his performances? Exude hotness.

13 responses to AfterElton Top East-Asian Suggestions 2010

  1. I with my great Asian men bias, approve of this list! XD
    Who is it that needs to be schooled about Asian men, and where should I do it?
    That dude from Lost? Aw god, did u see his An An spread, he is so *pukes*

  2. You know I don’t usually search for magazine spreads…
    unless it’s a photographer I like, or an artist I follow…

    Why would you see a spread on An An by him? LOL
    Anyway… I have taken the mission of putting East Asians
    on Western entertainment LOL, starting with gay people! xD

    You know these two Suggestion posts have already increased visits %700? xD
    wanna, help the invasion, Julz? xD

  3. I am all for more Asian anywhere everywhere!

    And I didn’t see his spread cus I wanted to, somebody put it up on livejournal and man did he look douche as hell! It was not attractive anywhere….

    Your visits increased by 700%! Honto?

    So what do u need me to do?

  4. muchos bonus ya con 2PM,
    aparte… no soy tan conocedora de 2PM xD
    GD como q tiene algo… pero no es HOT lol
    no como TOP xD
    Me gusta GD cuando se aloca x’D

  5. ¿Y los de 2PM? Taecyeon, Chansung.
    So Ji Sub
    ¿Dónde está GD?
    PD: Esa foto de Odagiri va directa a mi colección

  6. What about Leandro Okabe, Ian Anthony Dale, Russell Wong, Tim Kang….oh so many! :-)

  7. Bae LOVE!
    What about Siwon from SuJu?


Trackbacks and Pingbacks:

  1. – A Blog by Amy Wong. » Blog Archive » AfterEllen Top East-Asian Suggestions 2010 - May 18, 2010

    […] might want to consider for future editions of your Hot 100. I would also offer a weekly/monthly (a la my AfterElton offer), but I don’t think I’m as knowledgeable in this area. I could try pimping Asian […]

  2. – A Blog by Amy Wong. » Blog Archive » Rain and Lee Hyori Dance Parodies~ - May 25, 2010

    […] course, you do know I pimped Bi and Hyori to western audiences last […]

  3. – A Blog by Amy Wong. » Blog Archive » High School Teacher 2003 – Koukou Kyoushi - June 9, 2010

    […] and trying to get it on with the teacher — seriously, teacher wasn’t that hot… Abe Hiroshi on the other hand~~~ but then, that would be even more creepy, eh? — and then Mami *giggles […]

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