I bet you’re jealous of those who got the chance to see Yu-chan on Madame de Sade last March. I know I am… Anyway~ I guess I will be adding the photos I find of it on this post xD
Archives For yu aoi
Sh*t just got dirty. Sorry, I had been reading Japanese “news” that I missed during my trip. ANYWAY, I’m not here to talk about such things. If we’ve discussed such things, you probably have a way to email me or PM me in some forum or Facebook — if you wanna talk about this, you know what to do~
Here’s a very super cute commercial Yu-chan released on early March sponsoring these glasses [1]. She looks positively glowing, and the reports say she was a natural during these shots. Of course. She excels at this type of things. Her facial expressions are perfection. Always. All the time.
Best way to begin the week!
Look what I found!
Yu-chan is going to be starring on the play Madame de Sade, which… I’ll just copy/paste the info I found because I’m lazy. LOL~ I know, I know~~~ But I compensate by adding all the dates on the Yu Aoi Google Event Calendar, alright?
Unofficial Yu Aoi Film Discussion post. LOL
Has any of you gotten the chance to watch Tamatama yet? (are there subs out?)
I always wanted to use that phrase: “From the Vault” LOL. Have I said how much I love Weibo? You find all these gems uploaded all the time. It’s amazing.
Yu-chan was so young in this one that she didn’t even write the kanji for “sai” next to her age.
You know I have to do it… LOL
I wanted to add one more panel, but I thought it would be too spoilerific of the episode. I really really REALLY hope and wish someone subs Shokuzai because it’s only five episodes, and buzz seems to label it as “the drama” of the season because of the amount of talent involved [1].
Actually, I’m really surprised at the way the trailer for this has been cut… like, not a hint of being a Japanese trailer. Is it because it’s a Warner co-production or something?
The teaser is better than I was actually expecting it to be…
Also surprise at the amount of comments in Spanish for the video… goes to show you that films like that shouldn’t just be released in North America. By the way people are talking among themselves, they sound a lot like a Peruvian crowd — and if they’re not Peruvian, it’s very likely they are all Latin American.
Seriously, time is flying.
We probably need someone to translate – cough, queue Nina xD
Does anyone know if a fansub group is taking this? And… are you guys watching this?
Usagi! The Asian Peace Sign~
Yu Aoi has been caught! Several times!! LOL
There’s just… no denying it, Yu.