Three posts back I blogged~ It’s not Oct. 3rd yet over here… but it sure is in Norway~ Because the first track has just been released. Of course it’s “The Chase” – no, not the album! The track… So if you’re interested, head over to Marit’s MySpace page…
At the same time, Marit blogged saying this…
To me, one of the biggest challenges and thrills of being a recording artist is not just writing songs, but making albums. A good album is to me one where you can listen from beginning to end, experience highs and lows – and at last feel equally satisfied and hungry for more. An album really should not resemble a random playlist or a “best of what I wrote the past couple of years”. My favorite albums of all time have these qualities (and they are something I will be trying to match for the rest of my life).
For the rest, head over HERE.
I loved she said that ^^ Because I love listening to her album, and I DO get that feeling of satisfied and hungry – so hungry that each time I play her album, I end up playing it 3 continuous times. xD
JULYSSA! Oct. 13!! – The Chase comes out! Will you look for it for me? Wait, I haven’t check Amazon yet, *giggles* – LOL’ Nope, they don’t have it listed… so I’m guessing it might be an Scandinavian release ~ actually I dunno how big a release it is, haha. So maybe it’s an EMI Norway release only?
Oct. 13 is a Monday… I’m not used to a Monday release~~ Are Mondays new DVD/BluRay/CD day in Scandinavia or Norway? Just like Tuesdays is new product day up north in America and Canada…
Oh, did I mentioned I love “The Chase” even more than “If a Song Could Get me You”? And I got so giddy because I started playing the track and noticed the Play Count marked “0” – which means that I was the first one to play it, or that the counter works different to what I thought~~