Welcome to the brand new adventures of Amy Wong, this time~ entitled, Amy Wong and the Search of the Silver Sea. (insert harry potter pun in here)
As many know, I have found myself obsessed with Celtic Woman, so I was trying to look for some tracks by Meav Ni Mhaolchatha, whose name I have finally learned to type. I was browsing iTunes when I found the music I wanted, and downloaded some of her tracks, when I realized iTunes Canada didn’t have listed her album Silver Sea… yes, I was browsing iTunes USA when I saw it. So I found myself cursing and cussing against iTunes, because seriously… Canada and the US? Not much of a difference in the market, is there? I know, I know it’s not iTunes’ fault per se, but the record companies… but WHATEVER.
Anyway, since I couldn’t get the tracks the legal way, I started searching all torrents sites with Bit Che (insert sponsorship here) – but couldn’t find ANYTHING. Then, I decided to open LimeWire (insert more propaganda here), but yeah~ no such luck either.
Then, I started googling (more propaganda here… seriously, I should get some money for all these advertisement I’m adding in my post) – Tried Calabash Music first (more ads), but nothing there… and then found Artist Direct (more ads) – they had Meav listed, they just didn’t have the Silver Sea album… AND FINALLY! I found eMusic (more ads) – the site seemed normal, read the WHY JOIN? thing they had, and DIDN’T READ anything about REGION RESTRICTION, so I signed up. But SURPRISE! I couldn’t download~ The album is not allowed in Peru, nor Canada~

Now, I went straight to the source of all this madness… Meav’s official site, which gives a few links where to get her album. Amazon.com or UK don’t have the album anymore (ok, more ads… and I knew I wouldn’t be able to find the album because it’s quite old) – and also… Celtic Collections. In fact, Celtic Collections HAS the album in stock, with another cover, and who knows what other tiny differences. The price? 13.5 Euros. Now, that’s a rip-off for me, I’m sorry… coz I know for sure, I will need to pay probably 7 Euros more for shipping, and I can’t really see if that’s a good deal for me.
I heart Meav, and all… but come on! Get real, I’m Peruvian – over 15 Euros for an album is a lot of money for me, especially because I only want 5 tracks from the album! However, I’m seriously tempted in buying it just to post it online, so no one has to suffer getting the tracks. My only chance without spending over 10 Euros, is to wait for my cousin to get me the tracks… she may be able to, since she’s living in the US. Hopefully, eMusic will allow her to download the tracks, or else… I’ll have to figure out a way around the iTunes tracks.
Oh yeah, by the way… Calabash Music is pretty good, since I haven’t gotten any content restriction issue with it, as well as those DRM-Free music thingies on iTunes music, you know, “The Protection” code thing which really bugs people. So I will shout it to the world, CALABASH MUSIC IS PRETTY AWESOME.