Archives For Music

Deezer embedding test

October 14, 2007 — 1 Comment

I’ve seen a few clicks wondering about embedding Deezer. Personally, I haven’t got any trouble embedding it, but I haven’t tried actually posting IN a post. I have noticed that Flash embedding sometimes broke my layout, and I have no idea why. In this post I will be testing a few ways of posting the Single Song Player, and the Playlist.

Single Song XHTMLclick here – this is the code pasted in a 1.0 Transitional XHTML.

<div style="top:0px; left:0px; width:180px; height:45px;">
    <object data="
    type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="180" height="29">
    <param name="allowScriptAccess" value="sameDomain" />
    <param name="movie"
    path=69370&color1=000000&color2=000000&color3=000000" />
    <a href=""
    <img src=""
    alt="free music" title="free music" border="0"
    style="border:none;margin:0;padding:0;" />

The single song player is in fact faulty. Trying now the URL linking – here

I just discovered Christophe Maé’s music – how cool is his album, Mon Paradis… searching for a less pricey copy of it through amazon ::crosses fingers::

Love singing along to it hahaha… though I do not understand most of it, xD … for sure I’ll be adding a new French category. I’ll be recollecting the albums lyrics because they are all scattered around the web. This is the tracklisting:

  1. On S’Attache
  2. Mon Paradis
  3. Belle Demoiselle
  4. Parce Qu’on Sait Jamais
  5. Ça Fait Mal
  6. Art et La Mannière
  7. C’est Ma Terre
  8. Maman
  9. Ma Vie Est une Larme
  10. Va Voir Ailleurs
  11. Mon Père Spirituel
  12. Spleen

Continue Reading…

There, I said it! I so wished I could get to do some more concert photography… Here are some of my latest faves on concert photography!

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My thoughts on Deezer

October 4, 2007 — Leave a comment

Okay, last night I had a whole idea of posting a really elaborate post on Deezer, which I have just begun to use. Mainly because I had some complaints about using their upload function… more than anything else. But now, I’m just too lazy to take all that trouble of screen capturing and showing you what bothered me, and alternatives.

My main pet peeve was that I had to open a brand new tab/window to upload and browse at the same time. Maybe I’m just kinda silly, but the first track I tried uploading failed because I went to my “new playlist” while it was uploading hahaha. Oh, silly me~ So yeah, after that, I did the whole tabbing thing, but it made the upload transfer even slower. :(

Now, the upload experience was a pain in itself. Some tracks will go through, and some would begin but never make it… all the time, it seemed like the interface froze, and had to restart again and again. Until I finally called it quits. I successfully uploaded like 6 tracks out of the 12 tracks I had chosen… in like 5 hours or so.

I don’t think their upload function works really well, because it doesn’t let me know at what speed my mp3 is uploading, and at what percentage or how many kbs its uploading. It was really frustrating at times, specially with the freezing of the uploads… Moreover, the multiple uploads didn’t really work. 2/3 of the tracks never make it past the middle of the bar, and it went back to frozen.

I read some comments on it, because I was looking my problem up online, and it seemed I wasn’t the only one with uploading problems. I think there are a lot of users who won’t be sharing their music due to this issue, and I should include myself in!

Up until now, the most satisfactory upload feature has been that of Flickr. I love it. Haha… It lets you upload multiple files, lets you review your files, and then lets you begin your transfer. It shows you a progress bar that is constantly moving, and one by one, they begin their upload. Just simple.

What’s Deezer good for? Sharing playlists, finding music and probably listening to music, though it does take a few tries to get the song play fine because sometimes it takes time buffering, and sometimes it even just plays a second or two and skips to the next. I will still probably use this for a month or two… or maybe a bit more, until it finally gets screwed up like Pandora did. Yes, I am complaining because Pandora is now country restricted. It is funny that of getting digital music country restriction, yet I can purchase stuff off of anywhere on the net.

I should also add my comment on some of the add suggestions for a next release. I read on their forum that people wanted an application for Facebook, as well as other mambo-jambo features, which I think will complicate Deezer. I like Deezer how it is, simple, easy and useful. No users, no “check this user’s taste in music”, no “compare your taste in music” crap. Deezer, KISS! Oh yeah, I know it doesn’t really work on mySpace or probably other sites, but please… can we hmm promote proper Flash embedding?

<div style="top:0px; left:0px; width:180px; height:236px;">
 <object data="〈=
 en&autoplay=true&id=627896" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"
 width="180" height="220">
 <param name="allowScriptAccess" value="sameDomain" />
 <param name="movie" value="〈=
 en&autoplay=true&id=627896" />
 <a href="" target="_blank"
 <img src="" alt="free music"
 width="180" height="16" border="0" style="border:none;margin:0;
 padding:0;" title="free music" />


Amy’s going!

October 4, 2007 — 1 Comment

To Bjork’s concert… at least, for the time being. I’m still keeping a close watch… you know, in a country like mine- you can never say it’s a done deal until it’s a done deal. hahahaha.

Here’s a picture of my dorkness;

Amy's a dork, but she's going to see Bjork

New Music Player

October 4, 2007 — Leave a comment

Changed the Music Player!

Now I’m using Deezer to see how it goes =D – Right now it features the Soundtrack for the episode Once More with Feeling, from season 6 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer! So check it out ^^

Bjork viene a Lima!

October 3, 2007 — Leave a comment

Es acaso oficial? Bueno… sera oficial cuando tenga mi ticket! xD

Acabo de encontrar este site de Bjork en Lima – esteticamente y tecnicamente es malazo~ JAJAJA –  pero por lo menos da una idea mas concreta que Bjork si viene a Lima. xD

El foro no funciona, y el press d Peru tampoco, y su email form tampoco funciono JAJA – pero ahi esta el site…

Amy’s concert laments

September 25, 2007 — 2 Comments

I’ve no idea why I checked the Ticketmaster site, haha – probably coz I like to suffer for the next 60 days.

Arctic Monkeys @ PNE for only $35

Klaxons @ Commodore Ballroom only $17.50 MYGAWDDDDD T_T goes cry in a corner

Tokyo Police Club @ Plaza Nightclub only $15

The Thermals @ Richards on Richards only $15 – *ucking Chris… it goes even lower and lower!

*Amy dies*

I actually hate it when people start getting famous and begin charging over $50, lol… like Maroon 5. Hahaha… I actually paid like $40 to see them before, but that was in a John Mayer concert… they were opening for him. And how about Liza Minelli and 12 Girl Band? Pricey~

New-old articles up

September 25, 2007 — Leave a comment

I’ve given up, this is what I’ve been working for a while… Continue Reading…

put on some clothes, woman!

September 9, 2007 — 3 Comments

So, just about 20min ago, Britney did her ‘comeback’ performance on the 2007 VMA’s – there is just something that sums up what’s on my mind. WHAT A JOKE! First impression was; EWWWWWW.

She looked terribly wrong in that outfit, and let’s just say she needs to realize she’s not a hot momma, and that she’s a mother of two. She can’t keep wearing this crap and think it’s hot. Looking at her with that outfit was like watching a mom wearing a leotard… just plain disgusting.

Then, after having a first impression and terrible opinion of her wardrobe, let’s talk about the performance. First, I’m not so into the song… but hey! There was still a slim chance she might give a rocking performance… oh, how I wished that! Let’s see… she barely sang anything. BUT, you might say what about her dancing? I mean, 7 years ago she had pretty awesome choreographed dances~ yeah, well… that was 7 years ago.

Nothing is left of her dancing abilities. This time around, she barely moved around the stage, while wearing thin-needle-heel shoes… and when she tried to move in any way that faintly resembled past-Britney, she failed miserably with sluggish movements that looked horrible on screen. I won’t even get into saying how this combination of music, dance moves and wardrobe looked with her new mommy body.

Enough said.