Act 3 is OUT!!! All will be available until July 20, then you will have to wait for iTunes download or the DVD. I am waiting for the DVD, but go watch it while it’s free! xD
If you fancy some singing… head over here.
Act 3 is OUT!!! All will be available until July 20, then you will have to wait for iTunes download or the DVD. I am waiting for the DVD, but go watch it while it’s free! xD
If you fancy some singing… head over here.
Act Two of the Joss Whedon web-series was out today, and I love it!!! I LOVE Neil Patrick Harris!!! If you haven’t seen it yet, you better head over there and watch it. Act Three will be out on July 19th, but I’m pretty sure it will be hard to watch in the first hours of the day just like it was to watch today’s episode.
Fangirl me thinks this is worth buying when it’s out… just for captions and extras. You know you want to have subs and caption for it so you can sing along to it… you know you want it~~~
In the meantime, I leave you with two more photos of it. One of the cast, and another of evil Dr. Horrible.
First… sadness. My Marcia wasn’t EVEN nominated. Why do people NOT love Bree?? Why not some love for Marcia?? WHY??!?!
Then, yeah… I told you. I am rubbish guessing TV. But YAY! 30 Rock is leading…. 30 Rock rocks ‘coz of Tina Fey. What else rocks??? Pushing Daisies got a handful as well. xD
Outstanding Comedy Series
30 Rock
Curb Your Enthusiasm
The Office
Two and a Half Men
Outstanding Drama Series
Boston Legal
Mad Men
Outstanding Lead Actress in a Comedy Series
Tina Fey – 30 Rock
Christina Applegate – Samantha Who?
Julia Louis-Dreyfus – New Adventures of Old Christine
America Ferrera – Ugly Betty
Mary-Louise Parker – Weeds
The complete list of nominees can be viewed here (WARNING, BIG ASS LIST).
The first part (of 3) of Joss Whedon’s web-thing-series will be up online today. I go there, excited as hell, only to find this.
WTH, man. If you’re in the US, go ahead… watch it! If you have an idea how to work around this issue, let me know!
**EDIT** July 16
Ok, the fangirl in me googled ‘other’ sources for this, and read an article that said that there were some issues with regions. And I was able to see it just now!!! Though my friend claims that he still doesn’t see it…
INSTANT LOVE! Neil Patrick Harris as the villain, I love it! Super geeky, super funny… Nathan Fillion is pretty funny too, but NPH is just TOO funny. xD Can’t wait for episode 2
Show just began. Many look different to their photos… many look better, but Miss Italy looked like rubbish, so I take back what I said in the previous post. I guess the costume makes all the difference in the introduction… Korea was cool with the sword. LOL. I’m sold on Korea. I’m sold on Thailand… I like the I’ll kick ur ass angle. xD Also… Mika in the background music, totally dig it, even if the contestants couldn’t dance well. LOL. Venezuela with the giant nose piercing, awesome. HA!
Top15 announcement after commercial break… who will it be?
I wasn’t gonna post about Miss Universe (or as I call it in Spanish, Miss Wequiverso) until the ceremony begun… like I did last year (Miss Wequiverso 2007). However, reading who is hosting made me go WTF. Jerry Springer, seriously???? I don’t have a problem with Mel B (aka. Scary Spice) hosting, but SERIOUSLY~~~ JERRY SPRINGER??
I remember when I was little that Miss Universe was the shit to watch on beauty pageants. It was a BIG BIG! deal to hear about Miss Universe, but throughout the years, I’ve seen a diminishing interest (or lack thereof) in it and its contestants. This year, for example, I wouldn’t even KNOW they were showing them tonight if I hadn’t been surfing channels and had stopped on TV Guide to check times on Friday. I didn’t even bother to look which country was hosting or who was hosting… so it was the big surprise to read JERRY SPRINGER today. I’m smelling cheap scandal~~ is anyone else expecting the baby’s daddy to come up to the stage and beat up any tranny Miss Universe? That would SO totally beat last year’s Miss America falling on her ass and still making the TopSomething list. Oh yeah, and the booing…
Man, I don’t even know who Peru sent as Miss Peru… or should I say Ass Miss Peru? Yes, most of them are assy, not coz they’ve got great asses, but because they make total asses of themselves. SWEET. xD – The only Miss Peru I’ve seen I’ve like was Marina Mora. Word.
So… we’ll see. Any predictions? People are smelling Asian domination. Remember last year? Everyone was Asian-ized. Almond-shaped eyes, light clear skin… you know, exoticly Asian. Miss Korea? It’s all about the introduction, but since Vietnam is hosting… maybe they all go for Western.
I always thought Buffy the Vampire Slayer was a popular show, but apparently is not very cool to say you like Buffy. But I disagree. I respect people who have watched the show and don’t particularly like it, but the most uncool of the uncool people are the ones who think are TOO COOL to watch or like a show like Buffy.
I’m one of those people who grew up watching Buffy… something that my writing teacher thought was nifty. The fact is that I was like 11 when I remember watching an episode of Buffy… and I have been a fan ever since. Am now 22, so have been a Buffy (and Whedon fan) for half my life. Le GASP!
I’ve seen the episodes so many times, that even my mom (who despises Fantasy and Sci-Fi) has seen repeat episodes of Buffy. Once, while watching a re-run on Canal Fox, my mom told me “Haven’t you watched this episode before? I know I have seen it at least 3 times… so by now you must know all the lines.”
The fact is that growing up watching Buffy shaped who I am today (I am most certainly sure about that). Being an impressionable 11-year-old with a knack for martial arts (am a fan of Bruce Lee), I thought Buffy kicked major ASS.
So it was so easy for me to watch Buffy… with a combination of ass-kicking, supernatural, and teenager-ness that gave a great transition of viewing habits between my pre-teen and teen years. It does help a lot as a young adult to know that Buffy was metaphorical (but you don’t really know what a metaphor means when you’re 12… do you?). So for those of you who don’t know… What the EFF is Buffy about?
Almost a month ago, I blogged PRICEY! xD OMG, has it been almost a month already?? A month of pricey-ness~~~ which includes Photobooks. Which includes me buying those photobooks. Yes, those 3 photobooks (except for Travel Sand) are in PROCESSING status on – And I’m hoping that I don’t get an email saying they can’t find the Rhythmedia Photobook entitled Dandelion, because that one already shows up as OUT OF STOCK. But it wasn’t out of stock when I placed my order, so there you go~~ I also bought Travel Sand from another store, but I won’t post where until I complete my order successfully. xD
Anyway, July 16th is coming soon. That’s the day when Aoi Yu x 4 Lies CAMOUFLAGE weird thingy series comes out. I like weird, and I like artsy fartsy~ and apparently the show wasn’t so popular, but people IT WAS GOOD. But it’s not for the masses… le sigh. Will my Yu sacrifice the artsy for commercial? I don’t want her to stop doing projects like Camouflage just because they don’t sell. So AM wondering… should I buy or should I not?? If there weren’t language and region issues, I would so totally buy. BUT there’s such thing as language and regions… Right now, it’s only being released as a Region 2 DVD (Japan, Asia, etc etc) and there are no subtitles listed. In the day of multi-region DVD players, I could overlook the region… but I can’t overlook the lack of English subtitles.
So if you’re Japanese… or are able to watch the show sans-subs because you know Japanese… AND you liked the series, I suggest buying. I can only hope to either learn Japanese fast enough (ha!), or that a version with English subs comes available soon. Here’s the link to
EFF! I say~~~
I was REALLY looking forward to buying the Buffy Tarot Cards Deck! I even created an account with just to find out they didn’t ship to Peru, so my friend was gonna buy it for me.
Sucky! I don’t even read tarot, lol… but the deck was a must-have because it was so awfully pretty!! [see, because me buy awfully pretty stuff, LOL] – Anyway, my friend was ordering for me, so I thought it was a sure thing~~~ until I check up on the link just to find a notice!
THIS PRODUCT HAS BEEN CANCELLED. Official word from Dark Horse:
“Due to circumstances beyond our control, Dark Horse will not be producing the “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” Tarot Deck. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience, but no existing orders will be filled. We appreciate your support of this program, and again apologize to those who placed advance orders and to fans alike.”
When did that show up? I don’t know. But I demand a proper explanation!! LOL’
Say~~~ what if DH releases the artwork on high quality printable digital files!?? It’ll be good to have, and it will be such a waste of prettyness if it’s just discarded~~~ And I’m sure many will still buy the deck, if they EVER decide to publish a print version. I know I would~~ My printing abilities wouldn’t compare to the quality printing they would offer…. most likely. Non?
Ok… maybe not a leak.. official leak? I don’t even know if it’s real or not. ANYWAY!
I really REALLY don’t know how this Emmy stuff works, but DUDE! Marcia Cross name is in the list!
Marcia Cross (might be) up in the Top 10 Semifinalist that’s out an about online. MY Marcia (lol) is up in there against some tough competition~~~ including:
and two castmates… Eva Longoria and Felicity Huffman.
So show some loving to Marcia! And read why we love Bree!
Sorry, no more comments since I don’t know how Emmy works. Moreover, my TV knowledge is rubbish. xD