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As some of you know, The L Word is making its final showing this coming January (woo! exciting!) – Promo looks good, as in it looks pretty. Not sure about the “killer’s look” – I wonder… will they give me Sholly? I saw the poster, and Shane was licking Jenny… are they trying to throw me an anvil? ARGH, I hate anvils… they bring bad memories to my shipping heart.
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Yay for no “this content is not available in your country” messages. Britney and IMEEM team up and have released Circus for preview one week ahead of it’s official release on December 2. I was actually kinda worried that I might not be able to listen to it (like I can’t see some official video releases on YouTube), but thank you IMEEM for letting me sample.

— EDIT 2012 —

IMEEM doesn’t exist any longer, so here’s a photo of Britney!

Don’t have an opinion yet… I’m on track two. Anyway, you too… listen to this.

Please, Sample some Bibi Chow

November 25, 2008 — 4 Comments

I know some *coughjulyssacough* tried to sample some Bibi Chow [aka. Zhou Bichang] but couldn’t. I just found out… you can sample all of Bibi’s music (sans download, I think) on her website. But ALAS! If you google Bibi Chow you won’t find her website… so I will make it easy. Bibi’s website is – call me CRUISE, but I thought that was kinda NOT obvious… but oh well, okay.

It’s Flash-based, so can’t give you a direct URL to the music, but follow  this:

  1. enter and wait for it to load.
  2. on the green menu [commonly known as the main navigation], click the first option
  3. you are on bibi’s desk now. there are 4 items on the sub-navigation.
  4. click on the 3rd item of the sub-navigation. this item will open the stereo on bibi’s desk.
  5. the stereo has its own navigation to go through bibi’s music [misc., EP, NOW/WOW + other stuff, and Who Touch my Violin String]
  6. listen away…


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Because I didn’t. I don’t watch awards for music (anymore) other than Grammy, and MTV… and I am doubtful I consider MTV any worth now. However, I read enough headlines on the past American Music Awards to make me curious… so did you watch? I saw 6 clips of the performances…

  • Christina Aguilera
  • Taylor Swift
  • New Kids on the Block
  • Jonas Brothers
  • Sarah McLachlan & Pink
  • Alicia Keys, Queen Latifah & Kathleen Battle

I do like Christina Aguilera, in fact, I love Back to Basics as an album. I don’t think her “greatest” hits was either great (like the writer for Entertainment Weekly) or sucked (like Lainey said) – It was neither here nor there… though the performance of each song was ok, the medley was disaster. O.o

Another medley disaster was New Kids on the Block. LOL – and I do sing along to Steps by Steps or the Right Stuff, so I’m not a hater. I like Jordan Knight solo stuff, as well as Joey McIntyre… but new NKotB smells like middle age crisis. They are still trying to sell it to teens, while telling us NKotB has matured. Doesn’t reflect on the music…

LOL, don’t even get me started on the Jonas Brothers. This is the second live performance I see of them and I’m still unimpressed.

Sarah McLachlan and Pink was good, as was Alicia Keys, Queen Latifah and Kathleen Battle, though I felt that Kathleen Battle didn’t mix well with the whole feel and number, even if she has a voice.

Taylor Swift, however, I was actually kind of impressed. I haven’t had the chance to hear or review Taylor’s sophmore album, just her debut which I thought was kind of decent. Then I heard her speak in an interview and lost the little respect I could get from hearing her music, but this is the first time I see her performing… I was sort of reminded of Faith Hill. *blasphemy!!* xD

White Horse is a pop country-ish ballad that faintly reminded me of Faith Hill’s Fireflies… talking about fairytales and real life, I still need to give a listen to both songs back to back to really know what I’m talking about, but Swift reminded me of Faith Hill in that AMA performance. OJO! Just faintly reminds me… Faith Hill has a voice so powerful… Swift’s voice still needs maturing, she sounds more like a chill studio Avril Lavigne at the moment, but if she goes the right way, I can imagine her in 15 years with a really powerful voice… and better stage presence… you gotta admit she looked a little bit nervous standing there…

As If Once Again!

November 24, 2008 — Leave a comment

I just found out that Canal I-Sat is showing As If. *goes mad* – I am losing it, ha! Watching Buffy… now As If, it takes me back. If you are a fan (join here), and get the channel… and you didn’t know they were showing it, go watch it!

All of these are on -5 GMT
Monday to Friday
4.30am, 10.30am, 3.30pm

Though, still haven’t confirmed it’s a regular thing. Those times are for this week…

If you knew… why didn’t people tell me about it??

I still wish this was on DVD… would so buy. So… would you sign the petition?

A 2004 NHK Made-for-TV-Film about a high school girl named Nanako (Yu Aoi), who is often labeled as weird and anti-social due to trust issues with people caused by the betrayal she feels her dad committed. Seven years after his death, Nanako is thrown into the unusual situation to cohabit with her half-brother, Nanao (Yuri Chinen).

Genre: Drama… kinda cute, but drama.
Starring: Yu Aoi, Yuri Chinen
Duration: 1:15hr

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Please, scanlate Osen!!

November 23, 2008 — 2 Comments

Over this past weekend, I decided to look for the Osen manga again… I had tried times before, but ended up in nothing. However, this past weekend… THIS PAST WEEKEND! I found a group that are scanlating Osen!

Thank you Kotonoha!

Osen is a 12 volume (and ongoing) manga series, which gave way to Yu Aoi’s Osen NTV adaptation this year. And I liked the series, so I wanted to read the manga… Kotonoha has only uploaded the first two chapters of the first volume, but I am already liking it. MangaOsen is different to JDramaOsen… at first I had an issue with how skanky MangaOsen looked on the cover, but she already has me after the 2nd chapter xD

So I am hoping they continue releasing scanlations for this one, because I wanna continue reading.

Toda Mafalda by Quino

November 23, 2008 — Leave a comment

Toda Mafalda by QuinoWell, just finished reading Toda Mafalda by Quino, which my mom owned but we never bother to finish reading. I only ever read Mafalda on the single strips that are featured on the newspaper, so it was a fun delight to read it all in one go! ^^

Some of the strips are far more fun than others, but nonetheless I enjoyed reading the whole thing as a sequence. I love that while going from vignette to vignette, I could picture friends and members of my family being a little Mafalda inside, as well as a little Manolito, a Susanita, little Felipe… we all have a little Mafalda character inside xD

Though… a big THOUGH – I found the paragraphed text on the history of Mafalda, and other extra info VERY hard to read because of layout, and size of font and amount of info displayed in one page… that’s perhaps the biggest NO in the book. However, doesn’t make it unreadable… if you enjoy Mafalda on your newspaper, you’ll probably enjoy it here as well.

Reporting from…

November 23, 2008 — 1 Comment

… the “other” apartment.

Amy here. xD So house’s a mess MESS, so I let my mom in my bedroom ‘coz her room is a battlefield. I decided to crash on the other side, dust off the old sofa bed, bring my pillow over and sleeping bag xD But here’s a mess as well because a lot of stuff was moved over here.

Oh yeah… dust xD itchy nose.

Anyway, this was a weird post. xD

Message in a Post-it!

November 22, 2008 — 2 Comments

Look what I found. ^^

Messages in Post-its

I love post-its~ I ran out of them two weeks ago, and bought another brand coz they didn’t have 3M ones, but they don’t stick. So post-its MUST BE 3M. When I was at school I used to leave post-its in my friends’ computers, and they left them on mine too. ^^

Amy wants a post-it project now! Would you write/send/leave a post-it message for her? xD