Archives For Rants

Please, if you haven’t seen The Host (Gwoemul) — not the Twilight series writer one — and are thinking of watching, watching it subtitled and not dubbed. PLEASE.

Don’t believe me? This is why~

Sure, that scene is supposed to be funny… but that dubbing is HORRIBLE.

First reaction was a shriek. What the hell had happened to my account? Well, it had just turned into a MUBI account instead.

From indieWIRE;

It had to happen. The cinephile site The Auteurs has changed its name.

Cakarel wants to grow members into the millions. So he went on a quest for a new name. He called on ad agencies all over the world to find a simple, easily-typed name. “Find me my global brand, my Sony,” he told them. It took nine months, but finally an agency in Tokyo knew they had found the name. Mubi.

The word “movie” is mispronounced in many cultures that have trouble with the letter V. It isn’t a word in any language. It is a city in Nigeria. And Cakarel plans to make that city the movie-lover capital of the world.

Even if finding out about the change of names through indieWIRE and not TheAuteurs itself is just a little offensive, I could understand a change in branding. However, the change in brand seems to be a complete move towards the mainstream market to attract more members, who aren’t necessarily interested in auteur-driven films, and hence wouldn’t know how to type “auteur” in the first place… than a re-brand to actually make the product better for its core audience. It’s like Inca Kola trying to be hip and cool, when it doesn’t taste the same.

With this “strategic” branding idea, they have stirred up their community by having many users complaining about the change of name, and those who aren’t complaining? Well, they are indifferent to the change. Overall feedback seems to be quite negative so it has prompted forum boards by now-MUBI Efe (Cakarel) titled “Why did we change our name to MUBI

The most interesting part of it all, is their deals with the Sao Paulo Film Fest to stream their films — and possible future deals with the likes of Tribeca — and deals with Cannes.

Let’s just hope they continue to focus on Silents, Foreign Films, Classic Films and other hard to watch films, and/or other hard to find for people to share with, than mainstream Hollywood films.

And since we’re talking about remakes of Swedish films, how about an article that says every of-the-moment actress in Hollywood wants to get a Dragon Tattoo. At least according to a post by Deadline.

Every hot young actress in Hollywood wants to play the lead in Sony Pictures’ The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo. But will director David Fincher cast one of them — or go with an unknown?

Sony execs insist they’re “nowhere near casting”. But Mulligan, Page, Kristen Stewart, Mia Wasikowska, Natalie Portman, Keira Knightley, Anne Hathaway, Olivia Thirlby, and Scarlett Johannsen are all circling.

You know what I think of Mulligan, Page, and Portman as Lisbeth, but what about the others? Well, about Stewart, I am not convinced about her acting, plus she still has Twilight commitments, meaning she wouldn’t be able to toughen up for the role because… well, then Bella would be all able to kick Edward’s ass. Plus, another series after a series? I don’t think it would be smart as an actress. She should keep it open for a while.

Wasikowska never ever crossed my mind as Lisbeth, she’s so delicate so she would also need to toughen up, and I mean it in the way she needs to gain a little more weight to get some muscle there. But she certainly fits the cute and tiny bill. And please! Keira Knightley is a total pass. WAY too skinny, and she’s not able (according to her) to gain weight, so she wouldn’t be able to get that bad-ass look down. Plus her eyes are dull.

Anne Hathaway is too old, and not the right body type, as is Johansson. Plus, she is known for her curvy body, would she lose that in order to get a bad-ass muscle body? As for Olivia Thirlby, I kinda liked that. She’s not really mainstream… but there’s also the thing about the bad-ass.

And wait for it, wait for it…

On the other hand, they think the male lead does require a star, and the studio is waiting for an answer from Brad Pitt.

Say what? I like Brad and all, but this is exactly what Lainey said would happen.

It’s alive~~~~~~~~

re-fitted my computer this afternoon… man, those things can keep so much dust and other nasty stuff. And damn these Windows stuff, not saying that the new card is compatible… and then saying my audio driver wasn’t found, when it was RIGHT THERE where it’s supposed to be.

Then funny thing, after I put the video card in, Windows didn’t want to start. Looked it up online after typing the error number, and one of the tips was to take the hard disk out, and put it back in… and it worked. PCs are such weird phenomena. But now is finally over…

I kept the laptop my dad lent me, ha!

And, as you can see from one of my posts before, I listened to a LOT of music online.

And I also bought more books… LOL. I found the third tome of the Millennium trilogy – The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet’s Nest [Paperback][Kindle Version]… and the original Swedish title, Luftslottet som Sprängdes which is The Air Castle that Blew Up. *sighs* translations… translations.

I also bought Åsa Larsson’s Aurora Boreal (wtf?) from the original Swedish title Solstorm… which is literally Sun Storm like the actual English title. *sighs* anyway…

I also bought Yasunari Kawabata’s En el Lago (Mizuumi, The Lake), which I’m about to start. And… Cuentos Inolvidables according to Julio Cortazar, which included shorts by Capote, Borges, Edgar Allan Poe, Ambrose Bierce, Henry James, Tolstoi, Juan Carlos Onetti, Felisberto Hernandez, Leonora Carrington and Katherine Mansfield… which well, I found kind of boring.

And finally read Benjamin Button… but I enjoyed the movie better. To be honest, Benjamin Button was kind of a jerk in the book. I didn’t like him at all, but the story started out much more logical than in the film. How do people manage to make a 3hr film of a barely 50pg. book? LOL

OMG, I think I’ve broken my own whatever record of music heard ever.

I’ve been listening to whatever I could find for streaming. Including albums that I had no plans to listen to, but I figured I should just to say I have listened to them when giving my opinion, and not get that “well, if you don’t listen to it, how do you know it’s bad?” – you know that response, right?

So I think you’d be surprised to see what I’ve listened to.

Continue Reading…

Wow. I’m really computer dependent. And not only that, it’s MY computer the one I need. I was using my mom’s desktop these past two days, but it wasn’t the same. Now, my dad brought the laptop my aunt isn’t using, but it doesn’t feel right either…

I need to find new software for Vista otherwise I won’t be able to work on anything, including the next issue of YAM… and my YAM mockups. I need my fonts, and I need my non-backed up files… which are only a couple [mostly some images that I didn’t back up, and a few video files], but the one thing I do need to get is my list of 20 actors, which if you have noticed… I’ve stopped updating because I don’t know who’s next! LOL

From the New York Times comes an article that talks about how some casting directors and directors are reacting to butchered surgery jobs on actors…

Independent casting directors like Mindy Marin, who worked on the Jason Reitman film “Up in the Air,” are urging talent agents to discourage clients from having surgery, particularly older celebrities who, she contends, are losing jobs because their skin is either too taut or swollen with filler. Said Ms. Marin: “What I want to see is real.”

Even extras get the once-over. Sande Alessi, who helped cast the “Pirates of the Caribbean” movies, said she offers to photograph actresses in their bathing suits, telling them they can keep the photo for their audition books.

Professional courtesy? Not exactly. Moviemakers prefer actresses with natural breasts for costume dramas and period films. So much so that when the Walt Disney Company recently advertised for extras for the new “Pirates” film, the casting call specified that only women with real breasts need apply. By taking a photograph, Ms. Alessi said, “we don’t have to ask, we will know.”


Talent > Plastic Looks… right?

Please someone tell that to Reality TV not even worth mentioning here.

And I love photos with wrinkles… of course, not MY photos with wrinkles, but I do love my movable face… even though my mother keeps telling me to stop making faces. So I’m kinda taking the Sally approach to limit of facial expressions hahahahaha.

My video card is out…

April 27, 2010 — 6 Comments

has been not working for a while now, but now it won’t start at all. system starts up fine, but it won’t recognize the monitor. SUCKS.

Won’t be posting until it gets back up and/or I get a new card.

anyone know what video card I could use to replace the Nvidia Geforce 5600? I’m pretty sure it’s that model, I’m too pissed to look for the box…

Seldom Book Talk

April 26, 2010 — 1 Comment

I don’t read as many books as I watch films, tv series or listen to albums… but I think that reading subtitles count on as part as the word count of how much I actually read… as well as reading lyrics xD

At the moment I’m reading — being trying to finish for the last month or so — Cronica del Pajaro que da Cuerda al Mundo (The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle, aka Nejimaki-dori KURONIKURU) by Haruki Murakami, but really can’t blame me for taking so long. It’s 900 pages long, and I know Harry Potter 5 is as long and it only took me 3 days to finish that one. But Cronica began really slow, and I left it there for a long long time until about 3 days ago, when I picked it up again. xD

I’m actually devouring any Murakami novel I ran into the bookstore. I have already bought Sputnik, mi Amor (Sputnik Sweetheart, aka SUPU-TONIKU no Koibito), and El Fin del Mundo y un Despiadado Pais de las Maravillas (Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World, aka Sekai no Owari to HA-DOBOIRUDO WANDA-RANDO).

I’m looking for Kafka on the Shore, which I saw at a bookstore’s listing, but when they checked… it was gone. Highly suspicious… I never believe things like books, cds or dvds ever get sold out here.

Julz will also be surprised to find out that I ran into copies of Män som Hatar Kvinnor… which wasn’t literally translated, as the book in Spanish is called Los Hombres que no Amaban a las Mujeres [literally, Men Who Didn’t Love Women for those of you non-Spanish readers] – I guess Odiar/Hate is too-strong a word? At least it beats “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo” [Hardcover][Kindle Version]. Gosh. I was disappointed with the title in English when I saw the film. xD I also found a copy of Flickan som Lekte med Elden, which was translated to La Chica que Soñaba con una Cerilla y un Bidon de Gasolina [literally, The Girl who Dreamed with a Match and an Oil Drum] but the Swedish title means The Girl who Played with Fire [Hardcover][Kindle Version], right Julz? Which is exactly like the English title. Wonder who picks the titles…

However, I couldn’t find a copy of the third part. I will probably look for it after I finish all of the above, or buy it if I ran into it… – I wonder why they only had the two tomes.

Also, why are books so effing expensive here? I paid a bit over $30 for each Stieg Larsson book, and they’re not even hardcover editions. Frak, I even complained when that stupid Dan Brown book was $16 USD on Amazon… while they were selling it for nearly $35 USD in bookstores here. FRAK, I tell you!

I really, REALLY hate Japanese trailers.

[iframe width=”480″ height=”390″ src=”″]

Not tagging this as trailers yet.

The film, as it looks there, looks a bit rubbish. The black & white looks really dull, though I saw some of a sakura shot, and it look kind of interesting.