Film Independent (alongside Banana Republic, and Vanity Fair) are currently showing a series of shorts, and you can vote for your favorite (if you are in the US, and are interested in a Banana Republic giveaway).
I can’t vote… or I’m not eligible for voting, but I can vote… but I don’t want Banana Republic stuff in my inbox. Anyway, I liked a few of the shorts – which you can watch on this website – particularly the one titled Steps.
Written by Marissa Jo Cerar, and directed by Barney Cheng.
I also have a soft spot for Three Times Me (boys are icky, *laughs* xD), and Foolishly Seeking True Love – and was it me, or were these shorts over-using French?
Anyway, check them out~ and vote for your favorite… or you know, if you don’t want to be spammed by Banana Republic, you can just leave your comment here xD