Archives For English

For the past two weeks, I have been spammed all over the place…

Usual spam begins with the words “hey, good site! respect!” – WTF, man. Do you think that’s a good way of spamming? Good spam takes time… I should know, lol! Spamming is an art I have sort of been using, but I take my time in commenting on the topic at hand, etc – and, oh well… I don’t really sell medication, drugs, sex… or try to get clicks by saying I’ve got a new Paris Hilton video sextape! Oops! I just made silly Paris another $100k for using her name… lol’

Now, not only have some of my entries been hitting with spams (especially the entry on the Peruvian Animation School, and the ones where I’m posting lyrics) – but I have been also heavily targeted in YouTube, which makes me say YOUTUBE SUCKS ASS. If you guys don’t get your crap together, I will move all of my stuff over to QOOB. And I will in fact turn my YouTube account into a QOOB portal, until everyone who visits my page knows I will be over at QOOB! BECAUSE AGAIN, YOUTUBE SUCKS ASS! I have over three pages of blocked users over there… and 90% of the comments I get on the videos are spam urging people to go to their freaking dating sites.

I will NOT allow spam in my YouTube Account… I am moderating all comments posted there, and I have already changed the settings in the videos I get more spam on… I am not letting any spam in my blog either! So all u spammers, FUCK OFF, ALRIGHT? If you wanna spam about something, make it something useful or something that matters. Don’t come over here to spam ur porn site, or ur meds site, because I will kick your ass, and put u in the black list!!

Hey, YouTube! Another message to you stupid idiots! Why don’t you try making a nice community like Flickr is doing? Eh? Ever since you guys got owned by Google, you have been sucking balls. Yeah, I said it… your community sucks balls. I think by far, Flickr is the community I have been enjoying the most… for sure. People comment, ask for permission, invite you, and view your stuff without spamming at all.

Rant over.

Oh yeah… I’m also tired of DeviantArt’s elitist ways, so I have officially decided to stop posting there. I will however, keep the account and turn it into a Flickr portal to my account… lol – see, that’s what I will do with you, YouTube, if you don’t put ur crap together and kill and murder all the spammers in ur community.

put on some clothes, woman!

September 9, 2007 — 3 Comments

So, just about 20min ago, Britney did her ‘comeback’ performance on the 2007 VMA’s – there is just something that sums up what’s on my mind. WHAT A JOKE! First impression was; EWWWWWW.

She looked terribly wrong in that outfit, and let’s just say she needs to realize she’s not a hot momma, and that she’s a mother of two. She can’t keep wearing this crap and think it’s hot. Looking at her with that outfit was like watching a mom wearing a leotard… just plain disgusting.

Then, after having a first impression and terrible opinion of her wardrobe, let’s talk about the performance. First, I’m not so into the song… but hey! There was still a slim chance she might give a rocking performance… oh, how I wished that! Let’s see… she barely sang anything. BUT, you might say what about her dancing? I mean, 7 years ago she had pretty awesome choreographed dances~ yeah, well… that was 7 years ago.

Nothing is left of her dancing abilities. This time around, she barely moved around the stage, while wearing thin-needle-heel shoes… and when she tried to move in any way that faintly resembled past-Britney, she failed miserably with sluggish movements that looked horrible on screen. I won’t even get into saying how this combination of music, dance moves and wardrobe looked with her new mommy body.

Enough said.

Tiny better eyes…

September 7, 2007 — Leave a comment

Heck yeah! Doing better with eyes… or maybe I’m just REALLY crappy with acrylics…

Check out the new portrait I did… this time, charcoal!

Portrait of Meav Ni Mhaolchatha

Portrait in Digital Charcoal of (ex) member of Celtic Woman, Meav Ni Mhaolchatha.
Corel Painte
Disclaimer: You can use this picture, but please give credit where it’s due!

Julyssa, det…

September 4, 2007 — 2 Comments

är för dig!

A 5x5in digital charcoal portrait! For making 10% of the comments in this blog~~~ that’s many! Thank you! Si lo quieres, loca… hazme saber para poder mandartelo! Y si lo quieres imprimir tu, o quieres q yo t lo mande jaja~

Julyssa & Me Portrait

So I guess I’m not the only one who happens to say “my favorite actress is…” and then I get a big “WHO?” because people just don’t have any idea who I’m talking about. It happens to me quite a lot recently… not so much with Mr. Finnegan, who happens to know every goddamn name in the film industry, lol – actually, in his case, it happens the other way around. My big excuse is “I’m in Peru, we haven’t heard about it yet.” lol

Anyway, so I just thought I would share some of the actresses I’m watching on the big/small screen… or mainly the ones that come to mind right away. So let’s begin! Continue Reading…

In the 6th Day of Swedish…

September 2, 2007 — 2 Comments

Julyssa said to me… lol’ – In case people don’t get it, it’s supposed to go with the tune for The 12th Day of Christmas………

Anyway, It’s been 6 days since I began my self-taught lessons in Swedish. It was a crazy idea I had at about 3AM last night (obviously, today.) that I would write my first email in Swedish… lol’ here is what I tried to write!

– jag ska använda med dig! –
Hej, Julyssa (Bruce och Lina) lol’

För första gången, jag ska sök till skriv in svenska. Det är så svår för mig. Det behövds tio minuter till skriv korta meningar! Jag mår liksom lite barn, jag vet inte om jag skrivar väl… fan också!! >,

Det är alla jag kan skriv fär idag! Är det bra? Var snäll, skrivar i engelska eller spanska. hahaha


Julyssa replied:

– O vad snäll du är! –
Tyvärr syrran ska du lära dig svenska så kan vi lika gärna kommuniciera med det. Tough love. Din svenska är hackig men du har ju precis börjat. Nästa vecka ska jag skicka lite saker som kommer att hjälpa dig.
Nu är jag dock snäll och skriver enkelt för dig!

She can be so good… lol’ – Tack för hjälpen så mychet, Julyssa! Tack för skriver enkelt för mig… hahaha.

Felt like sharing something from youngdoo’s Flickr! – Something Craig Swann said…

work less, play more

So let’s play more! lol’

Weirdest Comment Ever

August 30, 2007 — 5 Comments

From the post of Emma Caulfield’s portrait, I got the weirdest spam comment. It does look like a bot because the comment makes no sense whatsoever in different situations.


It looks like a non-speaking fan used Babel to translate, but the dude says he comes from Michigan. Then, there is no reason why a deaf person shouldn’t write properly… and a person with that many words in his vocabulary, should be able to write properly too.

A bot, I tell you!

– Vad är det?
– Det är ett äpple! lol

– Vem har boken?
– Studenten har boken!

So… if my is “min/mitt,” would you say:

– Det är min bok…. – well, that’s lesson Numero Tres!

How about we continue to lesson Numero Dos!

+ Talar du svenska?
– Nej, jag inte talar svenska. Jag talar engelska! xD
+ Varifrån kommer du?
– Jag kommer från Peru! xD

I’m a Maniac, Maniac!

August 27, 2007 — 3 Comments

… of languages!

Ok, here’s my story. Japanese is pretty awesome, but let’s get real. Any Asian language that I will ever try to learn, will eventually come to a sudden halt with the different writing… Continue Reading…