Woah, this is pretty nice xD
it’s like a YouTube music console~~~
In Bb 2.0 is a collaborative music and spoken word project conceived by Darren Solomon from Science for Girls, and developed with contributions from users.
The videos can be played simultaneously — the soundtracks will work together, and the mix can be adjusted with the individual volume sliders.
Not really a music video… but will tag it as suck~ Check it out here.
I don’t care what anybody says. I love them even without Kevin. Secretly I’m holding out for a full reunion with all 5 members, at least for a live performance.
that made me think it sounded like me. But read the post because it’s funny.
Anyway, the guys are releasing a brand new album (This is Us) this coming October (6th, in case you wonder) and apparently they’ll be going back to their old sound of R&B(ish) sounding Pop tunes that was so popular before, which to tell you the truth I’m not that thrill (not overly anyway) because I did enjoy their new sound, guitar driven rock-ish sounding pop ballads… but I did enjoy tracks like “Treat me Right” (produced by Nsync’s JC), so we’ll see…
In any case… BSB is promoting the album with the single Straight Through my Heart with a er… new video, which isn’t anything out of this world, but it has nice colors xD – but it does have cheesy vampire eyes and stuff~~~, and then there’s RollingStones who has a new interview up in their website.
Call them pop’s longest-running, most persistent group. Call them men, not boys. Just don’t call it a comeback.
For some reason it seems like the person who wrote the article was told to do an article on them, and she didn’t want to. It happens… after all Rolling Stones works with record companies to secure promotion and stuff.
I just want to hear what Max Martin can produce now… xD
If You Seek Amy wasn’t a let down xD and I’m pretty sure Bad Influence had his credits also.
It’s Julia Stiles!
presenting her eco-design clothing line.
Okay, not. But she does present the fab “10 Shirts I Love about You”
And the “Save the Last Shants” …
Ever been wearing a shirt and thought “I sure wish I could also wear these as pants.”
Film Independent (alongside Banana Republic, and Vanity Fair) are currently showing a series of shorts, and you can vote for your favorite (if you are in the US, and are interested in a Banana Republic giveaway).
I can’t vote… or I’m not eligible for voting, but I can vote… but I don’t want Banana Republic stuff in my inbox. Anyway, I liked a few of the shorts – which you can watch on this website – particularly the one titled Steps.
Written by Marissa Jo Cerar, and directed by Barney Cheng.
Anyway, check them out~ and vote for your favorite… or you know, if you don’t want to be spammed by Banana Republic, you can just leave your comment here xD
First, I meant to post these yesterday, but my computer screwed up. I’ll talk about it later.
Second of all… It’s been a while since a proper Yu post, apparently most of you don’t care about other Yu-tagged posts, and want Yu-centric… which kinda sucks, but maybe that’s just because I’m in a bad mood. So I will try to forgive…
Onto business…
Yu did a series of LG commercials, since I’m all lost on translation, I didn’t really know that 1. it was gonna be a Japanese campaign for new LG phones shot in France. 2. Yu did her French xD 3. I don’t understand her French. 4. She did mention she thinks French pronunciation is difficult. 5. I have suggested she learns Spanish because pronunciation is pretty close to basic hiragana/katakana – 6. when asked what her favorite feature was she said it was the address book because she tends to save many numbers for sweet shops, gohan shops and cake shops, LOL – so anyway!
Pretty cute CMs, but check the one below the break which is all of them into one video xD
Anyway~~~ Trailers are out!
Exciting! Funny Juri, Singing Juri!!
Like I’ve said before, I love this WOWOW projects.
Please WOWOW release Itsutsu no Kaban (plus One Million Yen Girl, and Camouflage) with English subs!