Archives For Motion

Acerk made a great find last night, in case none of you had seen it. It’s a Making-of clip of Don’t Laugh at my Romance. The clip includes a Table Reading, which is the session where the cast, director, writers and producers (or other members of the crew) sit around a table to read the script out loud.

There’s also a brief Yoga session, which reminded me of my acting classes.

And Shugo and Yu are so funny.


The film is based on an award-winning novel written by rookie author and housewife Kanae Minato. Actress Takako Matsu (K-20, Villon’s Wife) plays a dedicated teacher at a junior high school who’s young daughter is found brutally murdered. Believing two of her own students are responsible, she decides to leave the school, but not before a final chilling confession to her class in which she informs them that she’s already enacted her plan for vengeance.

Watch the trailer via Nippon Cinema.

What will become of America in five, 25, or even 50 years from today? FUTURESTATES is a series of 11 fictional mini-features exploring possible future scenarios through the lens of today’s global realities. Immerse yourself in the visions of these independent prognosticators as they project a future of their own imagining.

That sounded like a pretty cool idea, so I’m currently on episode 2, though I couldn’t really made myself watch all of episode 1. Episode 2 titled Mister Green is pretty good though.

And it looks oh so pretty.

In the disturbingly near future, Venice is submerged, Canal Street in New York City has become a real canal again, and it’s 87 degrees in December in Boston. Catastrophic global warming has moved from theory to fact. At the Biosphere Climate Change Expo, undersecretary for the Department of Global Warming Mason Park (Tim Kang) informs the crowd of scientists and activists that the tipping point has passed, and that they are all at fault.

You can watch it for free over at the Mister Green Futurestates website.

I dunno if I can post a link to Mirella’s Facebook, but this credit goes to her. Phunny.

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That’s what I call dedication…
Sucks to be supportive of the story in Avatar. LOL

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OK Go does Pythagora Switch (PITAGORA SUICCHI) on steroids… and other enhancing performing substances. Released on March 1st this year… single from the album Of the Blue Colour of the Sky, the video was directed by James Frost.

But seriously, guys. This isn’t about the music, it’s all about the video. Possibly our contender for Breakthrough video of 2010~~~ I wonder if there will be any more awesome videos???

Opens March 4th-7th

What is Disposable Film?

In recent years a new kind of film has emerged: The Disposable Film. It has been made possible by new media (webcams, point and shoot digital cameras, cell phones, screen capture software, and one time use digital video cameras) and the rise of online distribution (YouTube, Google, MySpace, etc.). These films are often made quickly, casually, and sometimes even unintentionally.

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Let’s take a moment to learn a little bit more about
what the Internet is today…

OMG, that Crowd Lu plush toy is the cutest thing!

Here’s some interesting info:

The animation work was made in Adobe After Effects. Each frame was then printed and the print was subsequently scanned back into the computer. The scanned frames were then assembled back into the original animation, now with a new rugged look, created by the visit in the physical analogue world. No effects added after scanning.