Animation Story Artist Josh Cooley (from Pixar’s Ratatouille and Up fame) is releasing a book in a very stylish a la Pixar concept art about grown up films. Perhaps the kiddies will just not get the movie references on this one.
Archives For Illustrations
Well, it sucks to be Greek at the moment.
I mean, you guys, seriously.
Suck it up like all of Latin American economical crisis
(what IS the plural for crisis?)
Will The Mighty EU be able to help???
In the meantime, these are the first 2 episodes of The Greek Crisis Explained
[iframe src=”″ width=”560″ height=”315″]
After posting about Rigoletto, the good guys who worked on these Opera Live projects [Peter from Little Miss Robot] have sent word that the second “episode” is now up for streaming for free. More FREE Opera!
With more pretty cool illustrations presented on the trailer for Gaetano Donizetti’s Il Campanello di Notte (The Night Bell). Impossible to miss the chance to watch this… come on! It’s FREE!
And we support great FREE stuff.
Check it out at the site for a WHOLE month.
I feel like I’m having a HUGE music video animation bias, but this could be a good candidate for one of the highlights in Music Videos for 2010. Doesn’t compare to the Breakthrough of this though.
made entirely of cut paper, pen and ink by Liam Stevens.
I need you to link me to synchronized dancing or videos with loads of dancing~ xD
Turner Classic Movies are opening the first ever Classic Film Fest, a four-day event presenting over 50 classic films~ Obviously, it’s held in Hollywood… in places like the historic Chinese Theater, and the Egyptian Theater.
If you want more info, head over to Living in Cinema.
Posters designed by Canyon Design Group.
If you love opera, you’ll love this… and if you’re new to opera, you should still like it. I mean, look at those luscious drawings. And the drama! Opera is embracing the new technology =D
“Available on demand from March 23rd” :O
Check out the website (speakers on) over at
Let’s take a moment to learn a little bit more about
what the Internet is today…
by German illustrator/designer Andrej Krahne.
— edit coz Google are assholes and they think this is a sex post —
I know you love it.
They are pretty good, even if they remind me of those Grammy 2009 ads. which rocked.
Sorry for the lack of posts today. Didn’t know that working on two magazine designs was gonna make my head hurt. Okay, the blog totally slipped my mind today.
Anyway! Someone thought Gaga looked very much like George Washington… so now we’ve got crazy fashion dollar-bill art. I’m not a Gaga fan, though I like her performances. I would love to see her live right in front of me walking on a very normal day just to see what she’s wearing. xD
Look at them over at The Jailbreak.
Very cool stuff.