Archives For Illustrations

Ah these French animation students…
they are kicking out butts. xD

This was kinda scary!! LOL
and the sound + animation is really good~~~
dude, done by students. And then people wonder why I bitch~ xD

There was a time I was nuts about paper and its texture, I still have a thing for it xD

Early YAM006!

October 8, 2009 — 5 Comments

So I wanted to make some time to work on those subtitles I was supposed to work on, and today is October 8th! So it’s perfect to release YAMM006, even if we are a little ahead.


Thanks to Julz for working so hard on the cover story, and all those reviews. ^^

On this  issue we review a lot of stuff, including Inglourious Basterds, Honokaa Boy, Mother, Treeless Mountain, Big Bang, G-Dragon, Arashi, BackStreet Boys, Imogen Heap, Olafur Arnalds, Chang Shilei, Juri Ueno and the Five Bags, Mad Men… Cusco Bizarro – and we even talk a bit about Glee, Dexter and House~~~

So head over here~~~

I know there’s people  that HATE — and I really mean HATE — Hello Kitty with a passion. I know there’s also people that love Hello Kitty… and I remember my friend even made a drawing of Hello Kitty eating Mickey Mouse. Hahaha. It was only HK with a little dark-spaghetti-like-tail in its mouth.

Anyway, I digress~~~ The fact is Hello Kitty is turning 35 — crap, HK is older than my cousin xD

The news reminded me that Barbie is also turning 50, and oh how much has Barbie changed throughout the years. I wouldn’t be surprised she’d be a common Botox user, as well as pretending to go to the gym and starving herself to death to keep that body of hers…

Change isn’t always good, just like the re-designed version of Strawberry Shortcake. It’s not like the new version is a technically bad version, but I would wonder why I would want my daughter watching her. Old Shortcake was short and child-like cute with baggy clothes, big boots, green/white stockings, and short curly red dreaded-hair. She was like a kid, and petted her cat (whatever connotations that may have now…).

New Shortcake is skinny and wears pretty tight clothing. It’s so tight, it almost looks like a freaking one-piece.  She has wavy and lustrous hot pink hair, and uses soft pink lipstick, and she freaking chats on her cellphone. WTF. I don’t want my 6-year-old who barely knows how to write on paper to spend her afternoon nagging me over a cellphone. No wonder kids are so effed up nowadays~~~ 6-year-olds acting like they’re 14.

Last post of the month! #75!!! xD

Dominoes - wwf

Animated for the WWF (the wildlife… wrestling is no more for a long time now) by Wyld Stallyons. I always have a thing for things dealing with domino. Like in V for Vendetta. xD I can’t help myself.

Check it out~

And is that Tempus Sans? I used to use that in school too. xD

There’s a short film/music video hybrid~
check it out, yo!

Posters by Felipe Cortazar

September 27, 2009 — 3 Comments

Yo! It’s pimping time!
From my comments over at Cinencuentro,
I was forwarded to this blog: DISEÑO PERU
obviously, it’s in Spanish, but it’s got great posts.

From there, a cool post on posters designed by Felipe Cortazar, who’s known for his work as a poster designer for theater releases such as the ones I’m about to show you ;P

Continue Reading…

This makes me think of the 80’s, anyone else?
Like hyper-reality with  The Neveredning Story~~~

And check out the single M.A.G.I.C

It’s supposed to be “stop motion” but it’s really mixed media =P
can’t go really wrong with music by Sigur Ros, eh?