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Stockholm Icebar

November 2, 2009 — Leave a comment


NOTCOT got a sneak peek at the Absolut Icebar re-design. I was talking about it with my dad this passed weekend — talking about the iced-shots and how they would melt in this weather, so I ended up mentioning the icebars, and then he said how the people would complain is cold. I told him there are coats, and then he said that those must be stinky. HAHAHA.

I just found this kick-ass photoshoot with pretty light by Bruno Dayan, and behold! While looking at his portfolio, I ran into these Marion Cotillard photos as well. =D



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Catching up here too!

Can’t really tell how well I did for music, so let’s get going~

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Catching up with these movie postings…

Almost a movie a day! =D

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lugar-llamado-nada-amy-tanTitled in English as Saving Fish from Drowning (not the literal translation), Amy Tan tells the story of a group of American tourists traveling to Myanmar that are reported to have disappeared. Telling the story is Bibi Chen, the leader of the touring group who mysteriously died before the trip. Of course, Bibi is traveling with them and knows stuff before it happens because she’s a spirit.

I haven’t read such a bad book since I graduated high school. You know, when the school reading guides point what you should be reading, so you feel like you HAVE to read it. It’s a horrible way to read, and this book reminded me of that feeling. And it’s not like I hate the book because it’s over 600 pages — because kamisama knows I’ve read Order of the Phoenix 3 times when I was a Harry Potter fan, but the book combines a few elements that I hate…

1. your typical mindless tourist (especially the American ones) who think they know better than anyone. Case and point, Wendy who pretends to visit Myanmar “touring” while also talking to students and finding more against the Myanmar government. Not only is she endangering herself, but the people traveling with her and who have no idea she’s one of those self-righteous Human Rights defenders. If you don’t like the way the country handles itself, just don’t visit the country and don’t waste your money.

2. Irresponsible journalists who only care about selling the story, because that was Belinda’s intentions… to sell the story, win a Peabody and Emmys. Screw the lost tourist, the Myanmar Army can shoot them if they want, right? Even if they’re not with the rebels? I hate those self-righteous defenders of the truth, when all they can do is report the events subjectively.

3. I know people are stupid, but couldn’t the characters be more easy to relate to? By the time I wanted to care about people like Heidi, I just didn’t care. Harry was an idiot. From the moment they decided to ditch the official itinerary, I decided to ditch them. I said it out-loud, I hoped all of them died.

4. OBHWF effect. The ending was bad, like conveniently bad.

I mean I can’t remember (since finishing high school) reading a book that made me lose interesting so fast. I hated all the characters, they were pathetic, and whoever described this as a “comedy of errors” is certainly crazy. I would detest having to travel with this bunch of people. I mean, really? Peeing on the ruins? It’s stupid decision after stupid decision, and that’s the worse characters you could possibly have, unless you plan to kill them.

The book is over! But I still think you should have killed 85% of your characters.

By the by, that North American in Peru? She killed people, she should be sentenced to it as well… just so whichever of the characters who mentioned it knows.


Multiple Yu Aoi post day!
ending the month with 85 posts!

As you know (most people anyway) Yu pimps Kirin beverages. She’s been feature in a full series of Kirin Tea… “Afternoon Black Tea” and other tea-related beverages. One of the commercials that was released this past October was this cute one with the dancing xD

on Tudou.

Dancing and smiling Yu to make your day a happy one. xD

Bunch of other Kirin CMs below the break

To be honest, I do drink tea all day. Not Kirin, not sold locally. xD

Playlist is here.

I ran into this video, which is a fan-made video without label that made me think it was almost a real video, if I hadn’t seen the original video from which the Yu Aoi footage comes from. LOL

Ikimono-gakari‘s Sakura ~2007 version~ (single was released in 2006).

[iframe src=”” width=”480″ height=”405″]

I really like the song, so I will check out their discography~

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Once again, no subs ;P
But you can still enjoy the interview.

If I ever meet Yu-chan, I want her to introduce herself.
It’s so adorable every single time she introduces herself, something about the way she says her name with the combination of “minna-san” xD “minna-san, Aoi Yu desu~” xD

The Web to Go Non-Latin

October 30, 2009 — 2 Comments

I was watching the news last night, and they began talking about the decision of the ICANN to implement non-Latin characters on domain names. What that means? In short, for us Asian entertainment fans, it means loads of Asian groups and musicians will be dishing more money to buy those domains for themselves.

Since I’m listening to Lee Hyori’s albums at the moment, I’ll take her as example. Let’s pretend that M-Net Entertainment had bought and, net,, etc — which they didn’t, IDIOTS — well, now they will have to dish more cash to buy 이효리.com, 이효리.net, 이효리, etc.

Everyone is making a big fuzz on the news, and CNN is being particularly stupid about it wondering what Latin-alphabet-users like us will do to enter those address. The ICANN representative finally told it like it is, why would a person who CAN’T read Japanese, who CAN’T read Korean, Chinese, Arabic, Russian, etc would enter a website with a non-Latin URL?

I, on the other hand, think that this decision is just to cash in some more bucks, this time on the other side of the world. After all, these other companies who already own their Latin URL will also have to buy their non-Latin version. I mean, it would be a revolution if this Non-Latin implementation would let me type 可口可乐.com and would automatically open the website of Coca Cola China, without the need to buy that domain in addition to pay for, right?

Big money suckers!

You know when you’re young, and you’re with your friends hanging out when your parents arrive. They try to be cool, and talk to your friends about the time when you were a kid… about the most embarrassing or bizarre things~ Or they feel it’s appropriate to tell your friends about when you were a baby, and feel the need to tell the story graphically, so they decide to take the family photo album out and show them photos of yourself probably naked and being all baby cute? xD

Well, we’re playing that role today, since we seem (at least I) to know nothing about Yu’s parents and overall family — though I’m pretty sure she has an older brother.

Anyway, Acerk found a video of Yu playing games.

I’m not sure what it is, if it’s a game show or what… but I’ve been suspecting is a clip of her work as an OHA Girl for Tokyo TV’s OHA SUTA… but that’s just a theory of mine. It just reminded me of those clips I saw of the show in search for one of Yu.