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CinemaCafe has an interview [jp] with Yu Aoi about Otouto — recently released on DVD and Blu-Ray. If someone could give a proper translation of it, that would rock. In the meantime… some of what I think are interesting bits.

Title of the piece is Kotoba ni Dekinai “Kankaku” ga Kanojyo o Tsukiugokasu, which seems to be something like “It isn’t the words, it’s the emotions that motivates her”.

First sub-title, Ii Deai no Renki ni Megumaremashita, which is something like “Blessed with good encounters,” referring to the people she worked with in Otouto [Yoji Yamada, Sayuri Yoshinaga, Tsurube Shofukutei, Ryo Kase], plus I see mentions of Kyoko Koizumi [from Gakuya].

GAH! I really can’t translate more, but the following paragraphs seem interesting. Like the last one about balancing work and free time. My head hurts.

Here’s some more Yu photos =D Like the intro said something about her gentle smile.

Continue Reading…

Raiou’s main theme will be in charge of singer Maika (舞花), who will be singing Kokoro (心/Heart). In the music video, which was recently shot with Yu Aoi and Masaki Okada in a modern setting.

Also, the two of them are lip-synching the lines of the song in the video. “It’s like the two of us are making the major debut. Next should be performing at a summer festival.”, Aoi commented. Yet when asked to sing by the journalist, Aoi was quick to say. “Ok, please stop. I said some useless things.”

via Music Japan +.

For some reason I found Yu’s comment about the major debut really funny. Must be the bias. Otherwise, I’m looking forward to the song, and the fake lip-sync.

Here’s a sample of Maika’s Oshieteyo ~ miseducation ~

Happy Bday, Yu-chan

August 16, 2010 — 4 Comments


Forgive the lack of respect with the chan and all. LOL

It’s Yu’s bday in Japan already. You want to have a celebration on this post? xD Well, write away. We don’t do anything fancy like bday projects, because frankly those take too much work, and I’m lazy. But I can, at least, dedicate one post… or maybe one day to Yu Aoi postings. xD

So Aug. 17th is Yu Aoi posting day. LOL

Directed by Edward Zwick — The Last Samurai, Blood Diamond — Jakey G and Anne look. so. hot. It seems like they have great chemistry, or at least it’s showcased more than their bits on Brokeback Mountain ;P

[iframe width=”560″ height=”349″ src=”″]

Apparently the film is receiving positive buzz. I don’t think it’s Oscar bait, but maybe a nomination for Screenplay, or Globe nods for Jake and Anne.

A pretty cool setup for digital DJing, with a multi touch screen with a simple – but not so simple – interface for DJs. Now, I wonder how much would installing this in an actual club would cost~~~

Someone. Sponsor. This. Now. xD

Sponsoring the 2012 London Games, Cadbury shows the classic battles of the animal kingdom… under the sea – are you supporting Spots or Stripes? Pick wisely… who will win? xD

YAM011 is READYYY!!!

August 15, 2010 — Leave a comment

I just spent nearly 2hrs. posting this somewhere else, and I still need to email everyone. LOL

Without further ado,


Hi, guys!

YAM011 is almost done. The Lima Film Fest ends tonight, so I’ll be closing the issue — hopefully on time, for a release on the 15th at 00.00hr. My timezone, not yours. GMT -5, FYI.

While I was writing the editor’s note — and addressing everyone on the Facebook group — I wondered what to call YAM readers. I thought YAMMIES would be nice, but then the Urban Dictionary told me those are tits/knockers. But then again, Penn & Teller said that pretty much any noun in plural can mean knockers. LOL Watermelons, lemons, air bags. There you go, wouldn’t be much of a difference.

So… then I thought about YAMMERS, but that can’t be good, right? So maybe YAMMIES is fine. Sounds a bit like “jammies” because you know… I’m a Spanish speaker. To me, the sound of a Y with a vowel, and the sound of a J with a vowel is the same. When I first moved to Canada, Yellow and Jello were the same to me. Well, I still can’t get it right. Frak.

Anyway, it’s getting late. I just wanted to post the streams to some of the albums we are reviewing and rating in the new edition of YAM. Not all, but most of them~ Thank you, Xiami ;P

* denotes that they have a written review.

Anyway, happy listening! Off to zzzz. Busy day today.

Yay! I’m done with the Garbo films that come on the TCM Garbo Signature Collection. On this batch there’s Queen Christina — my favorite just because of the line about being a bachelor xD — then there’s Anna Karenina, Camille and Ninotchka.

My favorite of this batch turned out to be Anna Karenina, even though it was the trickiest one to do. I wanted to use the train as the symbol of the film, but I couldn’t find a perfect train with the perfect smoke/steam. In the end, I ended up looking for smoke/steam alone… and I almost just use that by itself, but I thought it would look too much like the cover for Devil and the Flesh… so I made a composite image. LOL

Fake Criterion Collection: Greta Garbo Collection - Anna Karenina

I also sort of liked how Ninotchka turned out. It’s completely different to the other covers, except for the Criterion logo and titles, but like I told my friend JK when he asked why Anna Christie was the only one in color – besides whiskey not being whiskey without the color… Anna Christie was Garbo’s first Talkie, so to make it different in a “Garbo Talks” sort of way, there’s color. LOL, but you know… that may be total bull.

Fake Criterion Collection: Greta Garbo Collection - Ninotchka

Same with Ninotchka – “Garbo Laughs” and so the cover is completely different to the others. It’s got more color, the titles and signature are in black. You can check the whole Fake Criterion set on Flickr.

Sure they can.

Hi, Shane. xD Okay, not Shane. Shane’s just promiscuous.

In some recent posts on Jezebel and AfterEllen, they argued the yays and nays.

One side says that no, they can’t be called slutty because there’s no shame in sleeping around. Because “slutty” is a negative word that men use to make women feel less. ‘Coz a slutty man is a dog — with the forgiveness of dogs who are supposed to be loyal, but will diddle anything that’s in heat. Oxymoron!

The other side says lesbians can be promiscuous… which some argue means the same as slut. But if you think about it, different words have different connotations… even if they seem similar.

I see the word “slutty” as being easy. Nothing to do with prostitutes, whom you know have been around since the ages. Prostitutes work, sex is their trade. Nothing easy about that. However, slutty women are easy… not because they enjoy sex on their terms — those would be promiscuous… like Shane xD — slutty women have sex on other people’s terms. Actually, no… the first sign of slutty women is how tacky they are. Slutty is an attitude, so yeah… being a slut is different to being promiscuous.

I don’t wanna state names, but some not-a-celebrity who used to be on E! Hmm… actually a lot of people on E! Entertainment are slutty. They’re tacky, and they prance around their business like it’s our business to see them. Sluts are tacky women who crave so much for attention that they’re willing to give everything for it.

On the other side, you might think that Dita Von Teese, being a burlesque dancer and being nude a lot of the time, is slutty, but no. Von Teese is anything but that. If you read her or watch an interview with her, you might notice that she’s a pretty classy lady.

So being a burlesque dancer, a stripper, a companion, an escort, etc. doesn’t make you a slut. Your attitude is what makes the difference between a slut or not, while sleeping around makes the difference between being promiscuous or not. Not that I accept being promiscuous… though, you know… I love Shane, but that’s only because she’s such a good pal to everyone. I can be friends with someone who sleeps around, but I don’t think I could date someone like that. In theory, I’m up for an open relationship… in practice, I dunno.

So as conclusion… xD I, for one, think that men and women can be slutty. But that’s just me. If queer women can/can’t be slutty… what happens to queer men?