Best Songs of 2000-2009 – Part 2/5

December 28, 2009 — 2 Comments

To keep things interesting, I’ve decided to switch to the newest songs that made the best 100 songs of the decade. Just the heads up, it turned out to be very Asian. Is it trying to tell you something?

One of those examples was the Welcome to Beijing song, which had a HUGE bunch of Asian (mostly Chinese, Taiwan and Hong Kong) stars. The scale of the project is probably similar to (or even bigger than) Michael Jackson’s We Are the World song… which in its time was epic. To me, and to many Asian (and non-Asian) people who keep track of the Asian music industry it marked an important time. Not only did the Olympics opened China to the world… and the world to China, but it also felt like a huge switch on everything from basic economics, industry… and entertainment.

It’s as if Chinese musicians had been enclosed all those years while the economy started to pick up, and have exploded with a huge fireball of creativity. It’s amazing at the amount of talent coming out from there, especially now that they can upload their music through the many Chinese music websites like and, and the amount of blogs and communities that are reporting on them.

Some really awesome music, which I have already blog in this place. This is the reason, I want to get over these ones first, before I post many other songs from 2002-2006 when I didn’t blog that much (or at all).

here we go!

  1. Sodagreen (蘇打綠) – 無與倫比的美麗 (Wu Yu Lun Bi de Mei Li) –
    Incomparable Beauty (2007)
  2. St. Vincent – Jesus Saves, I Spend (2007)
  3. Yael Naim – New Soul (2007)
  4. Yuguo (羽果) – 又见蓝天 (You Jian La Tian) – Hello.Blue Sky (2007)
  5. Adele – Chasing Pavements (2008)
  6. Big Bang – Haru Haru (2008)
  7. Britney Spears – If You Seek Amy (2008)
  8. Chris Lee (李宇春) – 少年中國 (Shao Nian Zhong Guo) – Youth of China (2008)
  9. DBSK (東方神起) – Mirotic (2008)
  10. Marnie Stern – Prime (2008)
  11. Mayday (五月天) – 你不是真正的快樂 (Ni Bu Shi Zhen Zheng De Kuai Le) –
    You’re Not Truly Happy (2008)
  12. Milk@Coffee (牛奶@咖啡) – 蝶恋花 – Die Lian Hua (2008)
  13. A R Rahman featuring Sukhvinder Singh, Tanvi Shah & Mahalaxmi Iyer – Jai Ho (2008)
  14. Sigur Ros – Gobbledigook (2008)
  15. The Ting Tings – That’s not my Name (2008)
  16. Utada Hikaru (宇多田 ヒカル) – Prisoner of Love (2008)
  17. Various Artist – 北京歡迎你 (Beijing Huan Ying Ni) –
    Beijing Welcomes You (2008)
  18. Chang Shi Lei (常石磊) – 洪湖水浪打浪 (Honghu Shui Lang Da Lang) –
    Endless Waves in Honghu Lake (2009)
  19. Crowd Lu (盧廣仲) – Oh Yeah!!! (2009)
  20. Eason Chan (陳奕迅) – Allegro, Opus 3.3 a.m. (2009)

YouTube Playlist.

Best Songs of 2000-2009
part 1, part 3, part 4, part 5

Trackbacks and Pingbacks:

  1. » Portfolio Archive » Akinee @ Akiba Fest 2010 - June 23, 2010

    […] guys and girls from Akinee. Since that night was a long one, I only remember they sang DBSK’s Mirotic — a song I think has saved pop music of the last 10 years. I still like the Korean version […]

  2. Braganza vs. B̩lier РFIGHT! This Heart Is Flying! | - A Blog by Amy Wong. - October 11, 2015

    […] accessible (let’s be honest, the film starts out with 2008 staple That’s Not My Name [1]), it’s also lighter. Bhansali’s story focuses a big chunk of his running time to tell […]

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