Archives For funny

Late quote, anyway~
I was listening to the Glee OST *sings*
I’m having trouble accepting there won’t be Glee for months.

Glee - 1x12 - Break into the Business

I can cry on demand. It’s one of my many talents. I am very versatile, and aside from nudity and the explotation of animals, I’d pretty much do anything to break into the business.

so true, Rachel. so true. LOL

Sorry for the late post on Glee.

This week’s quote has also to do with the screencap~~~


“How to Raise a Baby on Five Dollars a Day”

Saw it at the bookstore. Figured I’d steal it for you.
You know, in case you change your mind and decide you wanna keep it.

thank you Puck and Quinn…

Hahaha, it’s hard to resist Family Outing Hyori.
So irresistibly a-dork-able Hyori. xD
And man, that fake Afro. Totally kills me.

And yes, I’m sad Jaesuk is leaving. No more FO. U.u

– edit –

Since the video was deleted from YouTube, I wonder if this new version can load. If not, you can try to check it out at

Yeah, yeah. Didn’t post anything substantial today. I know.

Watched Precious last night. *sighs* It was sad.
Like, “want to hug you” sadness.

— EDIT —

Seems the video is gone from the net. :(

Here’s something to get you by.

— EDIT 2 —

Lo and behold!

8 Ways to Kill an Idea

November 22, 2009 — Leave a comment

I feel you.

Kill an Idea by Scott Campbell

More images, and bigger over at TrendsNow[fr].

Courtesy of Terri~~~
Will’s not-a-pregnant wife.

Glee - 1x10 - I'll Kill You Suzy Pepper

Listen, you little psycho. This is Will’s wife, and if I don’t get enough sleep my anti-depressants won’t work, and then I’ll go crazy and I’ll kill you.

Stalkers make me laugh.

Suzy Pepper (laughs) was played by Sarah Drew, who also played Bianca… Jaye’s stuttering stalker on Wonderfalls.


November 18, 2009 — 1 Comment

I found these shots of Anne Hathaway taken by Yu Tsai


Cute, but you gotta see the ones with Eva Green — photographer, I dunno.
You know? Well, let me know then…

Continue Reading…

Courtesy of Mercedes, and Mr. Schuester~

Glee - 1x09 - My Chocolate Thunder

Why do we have to go all vanilla on this song? See what we need is my chocolate thunder.

*all in agreement*

Okay, we don’t have time to re-arrange the song for you, Mercedes. Rachel is singing it. Don’t worry, we’ll find something for you to dip in chocolate.

Though, to be honest, the episode was more heartfelt this time around.

You know when you’re young, and you’re with your friends hanging out when your parents arrive. They try to be cool, and talk to your friends about the time when you were a kid… about the most embarrassing or bizarre things~ Or they feel it’s appropriate to tell your friends about when you were a baby, and feel the need to tell the story graphically, so they decide to take the family photo album out and show them photos of yourself probably naked and being all baby cute? xD

Well, we’re playing that role today, since we seem (at least I) to know nothing about Yu’s parents and overall family — though I’m pretty sure she has an older brother.

Anyway, Acerk found a video of Yu playing games.

I’m not sure what it is, if it’s a game show or what… but I’ve been suspecting is a clip of her work as an OHA Girl for Tokyo TV’s OHA SUTA… but that’s just a theory of mine. It just reminded me of those clips I saw of the show in search for one of Yu.

Tweets I Would Love to Read

October 23, 2009 — 2 Comments

You know what I love more than the smell of victory? The smell of loser’s defeat.

@sueCsit yeah, hon. thank you.

I just got my feet unwebbed!

@marycherry I shoulda picked the other one when I had the chance.

@mamacherry oh, mama~ I love ya. Let’s go hunting for baby seals!

Come over here to get some frottage!

@apriltuna meet you at the janitor’s closet.

get them all?

Courtesy of Noah “Puck” Puckerman
Hawt-mohawk-guitar-playing Jew-football-player~

Glee - 1x08 - Hot Jew!

Rachel was a hot Jew, and the good Lord wanted me to get into her pants.