I’ve got the following problem.
More specifically, I have issues when I start my system… or a cold boot. The video card does not activate (my uncle pointed out the card is cold) so my screen goes automatically to “power save mode” but everything else loads fine. Keyboard, mouse, drivers, disks and you even hear the Windows system start sound. It’s like that until I reset the system a few times, until it finally works.
Funny thing this started just when the temperature started to change to winter.
I had been keeping my computer on to avoid wasting time starting the system, but yesterday someone unplugged all my electronics accidentally and I couldn’t get it all running. I tested 2 other screens, with different cables but nothing, so my uncle said it might be the video card.
then I read this…
I had exactly the same problem.
I bought my computer in the summer and it booted up every morning with no trouble…until the nights began to get colder, and overnight the computer room is not heated,..and then it would not boot up unless I switched it off and on repeatedly.
This got worse and worse as the nights got colder.
I changed the motherboard and PSU and neither change made any difference, if fact the error beeps indicated a video fault.
The manufacurer was willing to take it back but I had a feeling something odd was going on and I doubted if they were any wiser than I was at that time.
The problem was solved by switching on a small fan heater aimed at the PC for a few minutes before I start it in the morning.
The video card, Nvidia 6800GT,seems to be very low temperature sensitve and just refuses to “exist” below a certain temperature..no fan running, no output to monitor,no nothing..so giving it a little warm up is all that is needed.
So I was like WTH, I use Nvidia… lets give it a go. Started the system, grabbed a towel and kept it close to warm everything up faster. And then it worked! Why do they make a product that can’t stand temperatures below 15C? I mean really, you can’t depend on people keeping their heat up inside their houses… and considering it’s not common to use heat in Peru… what to do? Hopefully, it will be spring soon and I won’t have the problem… in the meantime, I should look for another video card just in case, and back my shit up. I need an external hard drive. T-T