Archives For English

So… it’s been a month since my last Music post. LOL’ Sadly (or maybe luckily for my credit card??), there hasn’t been huge changes in my iTunes library. xD There’s been just a few additions to it~

First off, Sigur Rós – I was never a HUGE fan of them, but watching the NatGeo concert with Bjork was an incentive. I actually had a lot of fun with that one song they performed together, which had me giggling and tapping my upper legs and desk at the rhythm of their percussion~~ xD

Anyway~ Here’s the list:

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Aha! It’s time for a recap of films I have seen… truth be told, I haven’t seen AS MANY films as previous times, as I recall. There’s been entire weeks when I didn’t see any… and not even mentioning music~~ you will see.

Okay, so I managed to cross some names from my movie list. But the list has also increased a bit, LOL! Which means trouble, hahaha. This list of films is never ending.

So these are the films I’ve seen:

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Fans… that tend to have their fan-colored glasses on should stay away from rumors. Yeah, sure… we can love reading Lainey’s celeb reporting, and opinions about Nicole Kidman… or codename Granny Freeze. LOL’ I mean, I like Kidman’s acting in films like Margot at the Wedding, which came out not long ago~~ But things like that make me snort.

But when one has their fan-colored glasses on… *cough* we should stay cleared. xD And I refuse, I REFUSE to believe the rumors I just read. You see, this is what happens when you actively search for rumors. Haha, you get punched and your fan-colored glasses suffer.

I know sometimes, most the times, we should take our glasses off and take our idols off the pedestal we’ve put them on. But it’s so hard! LOL’ I swear, it will take me 6 months… at least, hahaha. Please, let the rumors just be rumors. xD

Feliz 28!

July 28, 2008 — Leave a comment

Yup~ Felices fiestas! xD Que viva el Peru, and the whole shebang~

Brace yourselves for some marching tomorrow, and prepare your illegally bought movies ‘coz many won’t be too fond of national TV xD

My jaw hurts, so I won’t be eating anything hard to chew. I’m beginning to hate doctors… my jaw hurts worse that it used to. It blows. Clean ears, my ass.

Also, YesAsia blows. I need to bent! Keep your fingers crossed for the next five days so they can at least find Dandelion… because Dandelion is oh-so-pretty-a-book. And I need to have it.

Jul 25

Do You Know Your Asians?

Lainey does not have a grandma named Mrs. Wong.

See, even us Asians can’t tell their Asians apart. As I said in the last post, it was the 16th anniversary of the restaurant. We went to eat meat… loads of meat, which was also bad for my jaw.

Anyway, it was a big ass table, so I sat next to my cousin. We got to talking about school, music, economy, eco solutions, and stupid people, among other topics, like Japanese, Korean and Chinese. I told them it was getting harder to tell each apart because everyone is getting a slicker style. However, my cousin was proud to admit that he could tell them apart, which I refused to believe~~

I asked him once again, Continue Reading…

Not really a rant, but weird stuff that don’t happen often have been happening. Well, a couple of weeks ago, maybe two weeks….? I was preparing to eat my Banana Nut Crunch cereal, so I was getting my milk ready on the bowl when *LE GASP* There was a worm in my milk O_O Tiny white worm, I’m such a girl sometimes, I totally freak out. LOL’ More like I get icky, you know…. My mom and I thought it might be the milk, so we threw it all…

Last night, i was watching a Natgeo special on bugs that live in our house and we don’t even notice. Even watching that make me go all itchy, to which my mom replied “Why do you watch then?” x’D Where else can I see a red-eye humongous fly without trying to chase it with the flyswap?

Anyway, later… like at 1am, I went to the kitchen to finish with the rest of the mandarin juice, and when I was pouring that into a glass, I saw another freaky white worm climbing up the wall. I totally mute-freaked xD, my mom was asleep already so I couldn’t wake her up, so I got rid of it… totally made the back of my neck all funny.

Well… now, today! I was totally sitting on the kitchen preparing a new bowl of Banana Nut Crunch, I poured the milk on the bowl and was about to open the box of cereal when I feel something brushing my arm really fast… u know, like the feeling of a leaf that has just fallen from a tree?? Just like that. So I went WTF O_o, I moved around to check the floor, AND THERE IT WAS! A tiny white worm wobbling on the floor… totally lost it! LOL Just thinking about it makes me icky… So WTF, mom and I haven’t found the ‘source’ of this white worm outbreak.

On other crappy news… well, the morning after I went out with my friends, I woke up with a terrible ear sore. It was not outside, nor inside… like somewhere in the middle, but it only bugged me when I opened my mouth. As the young adult that I am, I shrugged it off. LOL’ So I went about my day thinking it will clear off. I woke up on Monday having the same ear sore, and a bit more intensified, so I told my mom and she told me that if it hurt in the morning of Tuesday, that we should visit the doctor.

So we went about our day, had dinner with everyone for the restaurant’s 16th anniversary, and went back home… when I woke up, the same thing with my ear, SO today I visited the doctor. He checked my ears, my throat and nose for any sort of flu/allergy kinda thing. LOL, he told me my ears are WAY too clean… cleaner than average. LOL’ and that my sore on the left ear might be because of a jaw inflammation. He asked me if I had eaten anything hard to chew… or chewed gum. When I told him I didn’t, he thought maybe I had yawned a ‘power yawn’ LOL and it sort of moved from its place!

He gave me some pills to reduce inflamation, so let’s see how that goes. In the meantime, gotta keep those yawns in check xD

I always browse around the web, and I’ve bought some niftyness over the past years. Today I met up with Diana, who gave me a belated b-day. Even more belated than Julyssa’s Greta Garbo Book. And YAY!

Dianisha gave Amy a belated b-day clock. His name is Bob… Continue Reading…

Act 3 is OUT!!! All will be available until July 20, then you will have to wait for iTunes download or the DVD. I am waiting for the DVD, but go watch it while it’s free! xD

Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog

If you fancy some singing… head over here.

Music for Free!?

July 19, 2008 — Leave a comment

Over a year ago, I wrote a lengthy post on downloading stuff with P2P or torrents, as well as legal downloads. In that post I mention I only had 2 legal downloaded albums from iTunes (Canada), and yes… now I probably got a few more (I got two more just a couple of weeks ago), and AM still waiting for Amazon MP3 to go international… is it offering this service already?? I must test for my next digital purchase.

Amazon MP3 is still NOT international.
Amazon MP3 - Not International Yet

Anyway~ do you buy music? Do you support your favorite artist? Continue Reading…

Back in 2003 (yeah, most likely that year), I found a group called The Sunwater Diaries… It must’ve been between 2003 and 2004 because I was a fresh student of web stuff, I remember. It’s also because I wrote the group an email a couple of times… I wanted to work with them on a website, and I also wanted to get the lyrics to their song. They had two songs online, and I remember I downloaded it for free on a site that is no longer online (I think it was Vitaminic or something like that) – and then The Sunwater Diaries went *POOF*. E-mails began bouncing, and their sites went down.

You see, The Sunwater Diaries was a Canadian duo… his name’s Derek McKinley (yes, luckily I didn’t lose all emails), and her name’s Beth Henderson. Yes, Henderson… she’s sisters with Meredith Henderson, and that’s how I found them. Problem with that? LOL’

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