Archives For Motion

A new interview with Bibi came out… yesterday!
Or actually… two days ago considering they’re like 14hrs ahead of me~

Bibi Zhou @ Rong Chen Blog

Very cute interview, where they look back a bit on her singing…
Bibi’s mom is also there! And she’s got dimples!!! LOL
And Bibi doing celebrity impersonations~~~ xD – She is very good, if she weren’t singing, she’ll be doing that, I bet. Also pointing out the difference between herself singing, and doing impersonations.

Sorry, no subs… but still fun to watch.

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Here it is!

Kobukuro + Yu Aoi CM

August 8, 2009 — 1 Comment

For those of you who didn’t know, Kobukuro has just released a brand new album (CALLING), which I’m not necessarily loving… but that’s a tough job to pull considering how awesome ALL SINGLES BEST was as a compilation.


SPAZZ! There’s a new article over at with a couple of
photos of Yu on the CM for the new album…
also with a new interview.

Yu Aoi - Kobukuro CM

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More Heath! Take a look at the music video he was working on.
The video has humans and whales on inverted roles…
cruel, but sorta funny. I’ve got a dark sense of humor.

I told you one was coming!
I didn’t know what to expect from Doctor Parnassus to be honest,
but Gilliam seems to deliver another horrorific tale here
can’t wait to see it.

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Two trailer postings back to back~~~
and there’s another one coming…

Where the Wild Things Are looks positively abso-bloody-lutely horrorific~
A few couple more horrorific films than I thought there will be…

Anyway, enjoy the trailer~
Can’t wait! To watch it, and even get it hahaha

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By Peter Jackson, Ooh la la~~~
This trailer is awesome, though at the moment

[iframe width=”560″ height=”349″ src=”″]

*burst out laughing*

You know how I feel about dubbing, but this is just too much. xD
Plus, Yu-chan voice-over acting skills, promoting LG (Korea or International?),
and she even manages to mention gohan (food) and ke~ki (cake) – How? Dunno~

[iframe src=”” width=”480″ height=”400″]

Check it out, yo!
Park Chan-Wook’s 1999 Simpan
Though make sure you can dispose of 30min of your time xD

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I just needed a reason to post Salyu’s videos. xD
Her newest PV, Extension~~~ She’s changed a lot since her days
as Lily Chou-Chou xD – you can see some of the most obvious changes after the break~
from newest to oldest…

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