Ao Akua arrived this afternoon! – Book is the cutest thing ever. LOL’ Tinier than I expected really~~
Though, I don’t love this PB as much as I love A Piacere, mainly because I was a tad bit disappointed on the photographs. Don’t get me wrong, there are a few great shots, but a lot of snap shots too~~ What I love about this one? I like the concept, and the fact that there’s a companion DVD.
More after the break.
Juri truly shows a lot of artistic skills in this project, including painting on canvas, photography, some cooking (from the dvd), crayon doodling and even scuba-dives.
See, I told you! Some pretty good photos~~ + Ao Akua the DVD, makes this worth it. ^^ Here are some more photos for you to enjoy~~~
Excuse me, How many pages in this PB?
it’s 143 pages according to the numbering in the book, though it’s a few pages more with indexes and extra pages.
Thanks Amy :”>