Archives For funny

F*cking Windows

February 27, 2010 — Leave a comment

Do it yourself.

I haven’t had a Fortune Cookie in forever~~~

Take a look at The Killing of a Chinese Cookie, for a short documentary that talks about the history of this pop culture icon that is not so Chinese… or Japanese. It’s interesting and funny! Favorite part was the judge’s cookie~

You can actually  order it on DVD, watch it onDemand… or as a Rental, or you can just head over here.


February 19, 2010 — 1 Comment

This is so awesome. The most Batman I had was a sleeveless t-shirt with the batman logo. However, I did have a Spiderman pajama that had everything (even the mask) except for the hands, coz hands are difficult. So it was like a one-piece Spiderman pajama with a mask xD I totally rocked that one.

I know I should have a picture of that somewhere.

In the meantime, take a look at these super heroes! xD

Tina Few will be gracing the cover of Vogue on March 2010, with photographs by Peruvian photographer Mario Testino. Funniest part? Fey’s Testino accent…

“You look like Stephanie Seeeee-mour.” Her favorite moment: “At one point I was posing for him, and he was talking from behind the camera and he was like, ‘You have to fliiiirt, darleeeng. You have to bee-leeve you are wuuuurthy to be on the cover.’

On the interview she covers normalcy, hand-me downs, mom jeans, power-suits, award season fashion, wardrobe on a movie set… her new film, and much more.


Sorry for the lack of posts today. Didn’t know that working on two magazine designs was gonna make my head hurt. Okay, the blog totally slipped my mind today.

Anyway! Someone thought Gaga looked very much like George Washington… so now we’ve got crazy fashion dollar-bill art. I’m not a Gaga fan, though I like her performances. I would love to see her live right in front of me walking on a very normal day just to see what she’s wearing. xD

Look at them over at The Jailbreak.

I thought that for my birthday, I could have a little Nicole Julian reunion…
I love it when she asks Mary Cherry why she’s dressed up as a gay turkey.
Teehee, even makes me laugh to type that.

“the biggest hit show in America”
or something like that, according to my translation. xD

“kimi niwa uta ga aru” ? xD it will make you sing? xD

Tenga Eggs

January 13, 2010 — 2 Comments

Squishy and Oishii have completely changed their meanings.

Someone at NotCot ran into these Tenga Eggs. Obviously, I didn’t know what they were about until I saw the commercial… but maybe I’m just part of the minority that didn’t know. LOL
Continue Reading…

I actually had read about this before, and wasn’t gonna make a big deal about it, but CM is kinda funny especially listening to Tarantino speak Japanese. xD “Tara-chan desu!” – the concept is easy to follow.

He’s all I’m Tara-chan, and then goes all gibberish. Then his wife calls and tells him to come back home. LOL

I dunno what to do about the Glee Quote of the Week now that Glee is off until April. APRIL! For the love of God!!! What am I supposed to do until then, uh? Tell me.

Glee - 1x13 - Sex is not dating.

Santana: Sex is not dating.
Brittany: If it was, Santana and I would be dating.

*awkward silence*

LOL. That was so awkward, and so phunny. But the whole episode was soooo funny, especially the part about the judges. Oh but you gotta watch the whole scene play out. And I’m so totally convinced Rachel has a little Mary Cherry in her too. She also has (psychic) powers! LOL