Archives For animation

NHK ni Youkoso!

April 6, 2010 — 2 Comments

Based from the novel, and the manga series by the same same, Welcome to the NHK [which stands for most part of the series for Nihon Hikikomori Kyoukai or The Japanese Hikikomori Association] tells the story of a Hikikomori himself called Satou Tatsuhiro, a 20-something-year-old University drop-out who’s been living like a Hikikomori for almost 4 years of his life until an 18-year-old (?) girl named Misaki decides to take him on as a project and make Satou better of his social condition… as well as helping herself.

During the 24 episodes lasting 20 minutes [without opening and closing credits], we deal with a lot of what we’ve come to known as inherently Japanese odd behavior[though it’s really a global issue], including what we’ve learned to call the Japanese sub-culture of Otakus… Lolicon, video game culture, etc etc. However, we also deal with serious issues such as isolation, suicide and abuse – the last two often being such taboo topics in Asia or Latin America.

This animated series is what makes Japanese animation so avant-garde, in my opinion. Televised animation has hardly anything in its favor. They can’t ever boast on how great their graphics are, because they need to restrict their resources so they fit the budget… ultimately, animation as a medium is seen by many in America and, to a lesser extent, in Europe as a kiddies hobby. If the people often putting animated films and series down just because of  being animated could give Welcome to the NHK a chance, they’ll understand it better.

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I feel like I’m having a HUGE music video animation bias, but this could be a good candidate for one of the highlights in Music Videos for 2010. Doesn’t compare to the Breakthrough of this though.

made entirely of cut paper, pen and ink by Liam Stevens.

I need you to link me to synchronized dancing or videos with loads of dancing~ xD

Cinematical has an interesting post asking “What’s your Favorite Disney Animated Feature since Lion King?” To which I have always said that I’ve enjoyed many of them. Mulan, Tarzan, Lilo & Stitch and The Emperor’s New Groove being possibly at the top of my list.

However, I have also enjoyed Treasure Planet — with it’s luscious sky-boarding animation. And I also remember I enjoyed Atlantis: The Lost Empire… though I don’t really recall a specific reason why. Maybe it was the bad guys and that most of the other characters were flawed.

I even went to the theater to catch Home on the Range, which I was disappointed it being the last ever 2D animated flick Disney was ever going to make… which it wasn’t. And I also enjoyed Brother Bear fine. I think Disney’s dismissal on the animation genre is that it ultimately began release straight-to-video 2d animated films making it seem like 2d Animation was no longer worthy of a theatrical release. Shame on you!

Add to that the fact that Disney characters weren’t ever really flawed, Aladdin was a thief (street rat) with a heart of gold~~~ Simba was a bit of a hothead, Quasi was… well, a hunchback… but that’s hardly a flaw. Tarzan didn’t speak English… but as storytelling advances and begins having characters that are good but not perfect, we want to see imperfect characters in a positive light. Characters like Mulan who was a little rebellious, and didn’t fit the mold she was supposed to fit, Kuzko who was selfish like no other… or Lilo who didn’t have many friends.

Also, check out Cinematical’s list of Disney Vets who should return to Disney.

After so many years of watching animated films, it feels like Dreamworks has found their winning formula of cheap thrills and decent box office numbers, and they’re sticking with it. Time and time again, they put out a piece with similar jokes, running gags, and uninspiring character design with little heart.

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So so SO cool with simple shapes and music.
I love circles =D

the evolution of the universe?
Darwin would be sorta proud xD
I love doodles! Reminds me of high school~~~

[iframe width=”560″ height=”349″ src=”″]

I meant to post this sooner, but the version going round was the one on YouTube, which got me a region restriction [SUCKERS!]. Anyway, here’s the new material from Gorillaz which features none other than Bruce Willis.

I’ve never been a huge Gorillaz fan, but I gotta admit that they’re pretty visual. I don’t see this as more than a regular good looking video though.

I sure wish the song was about Chocolate, but it’s just a song how “our love” is like chocolate. However, the video is really cool with cookies and ingredients animated =D

I hope they didn’t just throw away all those cookies after the shoot.

It used to be really difficult to watch shorts before the Academy Awards gave its shorts prize, but now it seems many filmmakers have decided to show their work online… and well, people have taken into uploading more shorts xD Obviously, except for the BBC and Wallace and Gromit in ‘A Matter of Loaf and Death’
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and the winner is… Pixar’s Up!

Big whoop!

Among the other winners of the night were Futurama, Robot Chicken, Fantastic Mr. Fox (for Writing), 2 wins for Monsters vs. Aliens, and 3 wins for Coraline and Princess and the Frog.

Check out all the winner here.