What to Watch…

November 1, 2008 — 1 Comment

If you’ve got Cable Magico, that is… though I am pretty sure I’m double-checking times, don’t hold a grudge if I get a wrong date… blame the cable magazine~~

Some of them I’ve seen actually… but it is to be note off~~~ INTERN ACADEMY. xD Not sure how that film will be, but it has none other than Carly Pope in the cast, so worth checking out for me. LOL’

November… again?

November 1, 2008 — Leave a comment

Wow, time flies! Really does… anyway, this month I was checking out some films on cable, and was interested in watching a few so I made a list. Yes, because I’m a geek… and there’s plenty of films, so I didn’t wanna miss one by overlapping them. Anyway, Little Fish was supposed to be on HBO tonight at 12.25am, and as you can see it’s 1am and it’s not on, so I went to the HBO Latin America site to check that out. Surprise!

Cable Magico - Horario Equivocado

As you can see… the HBO site (Peru schedule) has The Others listed as ‘now playing’ while there’s still 1.30hr for Little Fish, meaning it will be playing at 2.35am or so instead of 12.25am like the Cable Magico site and magazine say~~ which begs the question~ will the other films also be at other times?

The Battle of the iPods~

October 31, 2008 — 2 Comments

Battle of the iPodsAmy’s got (finally!) her new iPod. Er… I can’t remember what generations iPods they are, but I upgraded from a 20Gb to a 120Gb – but to tell you the truth,  re-uploading 14Gb of music BLOWS. I spent all my night going through 3 DVDs full of music, and I’ve only got 5Gb on my new iPod.

Plus, PLUS~~~ What about my play count data!! +60-played songs are suddenly becoming 0-played. Not to mention some of the mp3s in the backup don’t have the proper album, track number, date, or even artists names~ SUCKS, I tell you. Isn’t there a way to just MOVE my old iPod’s info into the new one?? Does anyone know?

I tried to look for an answer, but everyone was talking about syncing two iPods on one computer, but what I want is to sync my new iPod to the old one. Please help! T_T

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Photographic Wishes…

October 29, 2008 — Leave a comment

So despite having my economics like my math results when I spent math class doodling…

I want these… xD

Nikon D60

A Nikon D60, which is pretty old~~ but I think will work for me. It’s 10.2MP (which is up my MP from my D70s), but still not sure if it will be actually be better than my camera…

What I do want is a new memory card, because mine are pretty small (256Mb, by 3 cards, and one 128Mb) – Ha! I know… I should be pretty ashamed of myself. Not practical at all~~~ So now I’ve been eyeing the SanDisk 8 GB Extreme III:

8Gb Sandisk Extreme

And a Nikon Lens Pen Cleaning System~ I need to clean my lenses, and it also looks cute. LOL’

Nikon Lens Pen

Happy Bewitching!

October 27, 2008 — Leave a comment

Today (I know I’m kinda late…) Alluringly Bewitching* (don’t forget the *) turns TWO (2 years)~~ that’s right. I know it’s a lame website, but it serves its purpose of fanlisting. Would people want it a website? I don’t know. Certainly, Kahlen news have slowed down… visits as well (cause or consequence?) – Anyway, even ANTM searches have slowed down in here…

But we’re here to celebrate Alluringly Bewitching* – Kahlen is to date my favorite ANTM contestant/runner-up/etc ~ and two years ago, I was surprised she didn’t have her own Fanlisting… so I opened one. My second one, I don’t know how some people manage to handle over 20 sometimes~~~

We’ve reached over 250 members in the time it’s been opened. I am still hoping Kahlen writes someday *laughs* … *rolls eyes* – Anyway, on the layout. I love that shot of Anger/Wrath, and it’s probably my favorite photo of all the seasons I’ve watched.

Thoughts? Comments?

or should I say… if you don’t know her, but want to know more about her… here’s some videos. I was telling my friend about Margaret Cho after she sent me a link to a video I had seen in 2006 of another comedian. The video IS kind of funny, but it can only be funny a number of times. So I thought I would suggest other comedians to her, but she either doesn’t enjoy Margaret Cho’s humor… or she didn’t find a very good clip.

I understand there might be people who will find Cho’s humor an acquired taste, but I literally laugh myself to tears… especially when Cho does impersonations of her mom. If I had a cellphone (yeah, haven’t bought a replacement xD) I would use Cho’s mom’s impersonation “pick up the phone” as a ringtone xD

Anyway, videos after the break…

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Eri my Love – Finally!

October 23, 2008 — 2 Comments

Saw it. It’s a pity more people didn’t get to watch this…

11-one-or-two-minute-episodes + a five-minute-SP, some of them were pretty funny and showcased Asami Mizukawa’s funnyness. Is it wrong that I laughed so hard when Eri hit Ogurin with the paper-fan?

After the break, enjoy a +1minute of Eri (Asami) impersonating Ruka (Juri), Ogurin impersonating Takeru (Eita) and finally Eri impersonating Michiru (Masami) – Laugh Out Loud moment… well, if YOU’ve seen the series anyway…

I literally laughed my ass off with Asami’s Michiru’s spot-on laugh. Seriously… if you want to watch it, the LJ Juri Community has it~~~ You either need an account or maybe join the community…



Well, in the meantime while I figure out my video ripping…

I’ll leave you with a cute CM with Aoi Miyazaki and Yu Aoi, who… of course! worked together in the… 2000? 2001? Gaichu (Harmful Insect).

I really like both Aoi’s work, and I am actually watching Atsu-Hime on NHK (whenever I catch it on). People seem to want to make them compete? Both are good, but Miyazaki might be a tad more known… I noticed many of her films on DVD do include English and even French subs, while Yu’s are not subtitled at all – is that a cause or a result? Subtitles are EVERYTHING for broad distribution, I think.

Anyway… geez! How cute is this CM? They both know each other for 5, 6 years?


So just a few minutes ago, I put on my Hana & Alice DVD, because I felt like watching something silly about nothing at all… meaning it couldn’t be a film, because I would have to pay close attention to it. This is my 2nd time watching the Making Of, and it’s serious but kinda funny. Well, apparently Japanese edition, and Taiwan edition have different Making Of’s – Well, I only could find clips on them on YouTube (JapPart9, JapPart15, TwClip) – the Japanese ones are pretty funny…

I’m trying to rip a clip of my own, but it seems to take forever without SmartRipper. LOL’ Will get back to you with that later on this post… in the meantime – Well, just wait!

6-Month Mark…

October 22, 2008 — 7 Comments

So… I have noticed, I don’t know if you have, but I seem to have a 6-month mark. It’s basically me finding something, obsessing over it for 6 months, and then sort of… there? It’s still there, but not getting mad over it anymore.

At least it’s been like that since Harry Potter… I am almost pretty sure. I pretty much disliked the last two books, for OBVIOUS reasons, some smart people might notice… and friends will pretty much know. So it all sort of crushed something inside of me…

Main thing is, I don’t read as much as I was reading in my 2003-2006 period, but that’s another topic.

Since then, I’ve been jumping fandoms… now, is it because some fandoms are not good? Or is it something about me? Can’t I hold my interest longer than six months??

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