Archives For Screencaps

Testing New Theme

November 18, 2008 — 2 Comments

You enjoy? Hmm… still tweaking, but I think that’s for tonight. I’ve got some French stuff to listen to, and it’s already almost 1a.m. Since it was just a little tweak, I’m thinking… Days of Amy. LOL’


Going back to the other style for a while, in the meantime~ here’s a capture of the new one.

Days of Amy - Sample

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Time for a Change?

November 17, 2008 — 2 Comments

I am thinking of re-styling this place (my mom is also thinking of changing the color of the apartment) – but am undecided. I have 3 pretty different ideas… opinions?

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November… again?

November 1, 2008 — Leave a comment

Wow, time flies! Really does… anyway, this month I was checking out some films on cable, and was interested in watching a few so I made a list. Yes, because I’m a geek… and there’s plenty of films, so I didn’t wanna miss one by overlapping them. Anyway, Little Fish was supposed to be on HBO tonight at 12.25am, and as you can see it’s 1am and it’s not on, so I went to the HBO Latin America site to check that out. Surprise!

Cable Magico - Horario Equivocado

As you can see… the HBO site (Peru schedule) has The Others listed as ‘now playing’ while there’s still 1.30hr for Little Fish, meaning it will be playing at 2.35am or so instead of 12.25am like the Cable Magico site and magazine say~~ which begs the question~ will the other films also be at other times?

Three posts back I blogged~ It’s not Oct. 3rd yet over here… but it sure is in Norway~ Because the first track has just been released. Of course it’s “The Chase” – no, not the album! The track… So if you’re interested, head over to Marit’s MySpace page…

At the same time, Marit blogged saying this…

To me, one of the biggest challenges and thrills of being a recording artist is not just writing songs, but making albums. A good album is to me one where you can listen from beginning to end, experience highs and lows – and at last feel equally satisfied and hungry for more. An album really should not resemble a random playlist or a “best of what I wrote the past couple of years”. My favorite albums of all time have these qualities (and they are something I will be trying to match for the rest of my life).

For the rest, head over HERE.

I loved she said that ^^ Because I love listening to her album, and I DO get that feeling of satisfied and hungry – so hungry that each time I play her album, I end up playing it 3 continuous times. xD

JULYSSA! Oct. 13!! – The Chase comes out! Will you look for it for me? Wait, I haven’t check Amazon yet, *giggles* – LOL’ Nope, they don’t have it listed… so I’m guessing it might be an Scandinavian release ~ actually I dunno how big a release it is, haha. So maybe it’s an EMI Norway release only?

Oct. 13 is a Monday… I’m not used to a Monday release~~ Are Mondays new DVD/BluRay/CD day in Scandinavia or Norway? Just like Tuesdays is new product day up north in America and Canada…

Oh, did I mentioned I love “The Chase” even more than “If a Song Could Get me You”? And I got so giddy because I started playing the track and noticed the Play Count marked “0” – which means that I was the first one to play it, or that the counter works different to what I thought~~

Marit Larsen - The Chase - First Play??

OMG, are you watching?? I can hear millions of Asian girls swooning~~~ Wang Lee-Hom and Bi singing Beijing Beijing Wo Ai Beijing!!!! Poor Kelly Chen… who? Where was Guan Zhe, though??

Wo Ai Beijing - Lee Hom Wang and Bi Rain

American-Chinese musician Wang Lee-Hom, and Korean musician Bi (Rain) perform together Beijing Beijing Wo Ai Beijing in the Closing Ceremony of the 2008 Beijing Summer Olympics

Are you waiting for London? Eh, No~ What the heck was that, London? That looked more like a Superbowl half-time entertainment than an Olympic closing performance. We all love some Beckham… and some people love themselves some Leona Lewis and then some Led Zeppelin… but that was just so anticlimactic.

Anyway, going back. Closing ceremony was not as HOLY-CRAP-CAN’T-BELIEVE-THAT-I’M-SEEING-THIS, but it was pretty good. LOL’ I am still swooning over Wang Lee-Hom and Bi together….

I think one of my favorite parts was when the performers made the Olympic logo, because I’m so-oh-in-love with Dancing Beijing… unlike the ‘unnamed’??? 2012 London Logo. While watching the whole London Olympic sequence, I couldn’t help but think about school Motion Graphics. Yes, sure… aim at young people, but don’t alienate the older viewers. My mother sure didn’t appreciate that~~

Dancing Beijing - Memory Tower

Performers make the 2008 Beijing Summer Olympics logo, Dancing Beijing, on the Memory Tower.

Moving on… again! Placido Domingo made an apperance! He sang alongside Song Zuying (which the dude on TV made sound like ‘Son Su Jin,’ which made me think she was Korean).

Hmm… will look for photos. Photos are everything… or at least a video clip. Did you swoon? Lee-Hom Wang and Bi deserve my swooning~~~ I hope you swooned!! xD

**EDIT** 8.54pm – Found some photos!
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Chinese stories? Yah, in the Western Media.

Last week or so, my mother woke up to some news reporter, what else, talking about the Olympics. Such news report, title Cuento Chino (Chinese Story, as in Tall Tales?), broadcast sometime on Sunday (probably Reportajes) in Canal 2 (Frecuencia Latina).

Furious, my mother wrote a letter to one of those so-called opinion columns, for Somos magazine that is part of El Comercio newspaper.

Here is the copy of her email to them.

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Jena Malone fans! Jena made an appearance at the Tropic Thunder premiere (which I’ve got no intensions of watching, LOL) – But Jena made her appearance with… is that a Mohawk? Kind of… like, yeah? Kinda like what Natalie Portman had right after V for Vendetta?? Take a look yourself~~~

Jena Malone - Tropic Thunder - 2008 Jena Malone - Tropic Thunder - 2008 Jena Malone - Tropic Thunder - 2008

Anyway, when did you first spotted Jena? I think I was a kiddo when I first saw Bastard Out of Carolina, because her face was already familiar when I saw Stepmom, which was probably in 2000. Because back in the day, I didn’t use to go to the movies… so it is likely I didn’t watch her films at the movies, but on Cable~~~ OR, even on regular TV.

I saw Cheaters before I even learned about For Love of the Game (with Kevin Costner). But my favorites are still probably Cheaters, and Donnie Darko~~~ I’ve also seen Life as a House, The Dangerous Lives of Altar Boys, The United States of Leland, Cold Mountain (though I saw this one for Natalie Portman! LOL), Saved!, The Ballad of Jack and Rose, Pride & Prejudice, and Into the Wild~~ Wow, I’ve seen quite the number of films… which is kinda nifty. However, I admit from all those films, I’ve only seen Saved! for Jena Malone.

I leave ya with some other photos of a younger Jena~~

Jena Malone - Stepmom Jena Malone Jena Malone Jena Malone

Slowly, I have been noticing that Flixster is one of my favorite and most used, if not THE most used application I’ve got going on my Facebook profile. It’s not that I love their website, but I like how handy it is on Facebook (I’m still an IMDb user at heart xD) Continue Reading…

I know I’ve heard that one before… maybe in school? Maybe just talking among friends… but one thing is for sure, that a good story can be understood even with a language barrier.

Has any of you watch a film in a language that doesn’t resemble yours? I’m not talking about me watching La Vie en Rose with Swedish subtitles… though that was a challenge, but let’s face it~~ French, Spanish…. kinda helped a little bit, non?

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Jul 25

Do You Know Your Asians?

Lainey does not have a grandma named Mrs. Wong.

See, even us Asians can’t tell their Asians apart. As I said in the last post, it was the 16th anniversary of the restaurant. We went to eat meat… loads of meat, which was also bad for my jaw.

Anyway, it was a big ass table, so I sat next to my cousin. We got to talking about school, music, economy, eco solutions, and stupid people, among other topics, like Japanese, Korean and Chinese. I told them it was getting harder to tell each apart because everyone is getting a slicker style. However, my cousin was proud to admit that he could tell them apart, which I refused to believe~~

I asked him once again, Continue Reading…