Archives For Photographs

So I guess I’m not the only one who happens to say “my favorite actress is…” and then I get a big “WHO?” because people just don’t have any idea who I’m talking about. It happens to me quite a lot recently… not so much with Mr. Finnegan, who happens to know every goddamn name in the film industry, lol – actually, in his case, it happens the other way around. My big excuse is “I’m in Peru, we haven’t heard about it yet.” lol

Anyway, so I just thought I would share some of the actresses I’m watching on the big/small screen… or mainly the ones that come to mind right away. So let’s begin! Continue Reading…

Felt like sharing something from youngdoo’s Flickr! – Something Craig Swann said…

work less, play more

So let’s play more! lol’

I fly!

August 26, 2007 — 2 Comments

NOT. But this was fun! Decided to play around with the camera & flash, froze myself up in the air, check it out~

Amy Flies!!

According to Julyssa, anyway…

My friend Nate went to Serj’s Bday. See him here… He can’t drink though. He puffs up like something that puffs up… I know, he told me so.

Nate at Serj's Bday

If you don’t know who Serj is, well… you may know him from Continue Reading…

So continuing with the previous post, here are the Top 10 guys. Now, remember… this doesn’t mean they are who I consider saliva-worthy. These photographs are based on availability on Flickr, as well as resolution, and other factors that allow these pictures to be in my Favorite list in my account.

Continue Reading…

So I’ve figure I’ve had my Flickr account for a while now, and My Favorites are over a 100 now including portraits, landscapes, typographic, etc. So I’ve decided to make my Top10 Female Celebrity Portraits from my current favorites. Mind you, these favorites were also chosen by its resolution availability, besides from photographer, celebrity, art direction, and other factors.

I don’t have any credits, so if you know – please, leave a comment of the photographers, photoshoots, magazines, etc.

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Since I decided to create a ‘sharing’ tag in here, I decided to share this gorgeous portrait by Selma Al Faqir, from her flickr account salfaq7,

Portrait of EMma Caulfield polaroid


Buzzy Bee

March 16, 2007 — Leave a comment

This past week has been really really busy, while designing CD Artwork, re-programming a website, talking to clients for future projects, writing my series pilot, trying to write my short film, and designing a book. *phew*

I feel tired just thinking about it all…

It seems like a lot… but not a lot of money, so it kinda sucks.

Anyway, I took some time off to watch ANTM8, the episode was OK. I felt sad for Jael, but holy crap~ Britanny’s photo kicked ass. I loved her expression, it was great~ I was also glad to see Sarah doing good… she had great eyes in her picture. :)

Brittany on the Candy Photoshoot


ANTM8 has begun~

March 4, 2007 — Leave a comment

Cycle 8 of America’s Next Top Model began on Feb. 28th – my thoughts on it, after I saw it on YouTube (mainly because Sony takes like 6months to bring new cycles – stupid fuckers)

Now, I was never big on watching reality tv, but you know – it’s mostly all you see on television now. The first cycle I saw was cycle 4, the last 2 or 3 episodes, but I loved the photographs taken there. (if you haven’t noticed, I like photography) Then I saw a few eps of cycle 5, but didn’t like it – cycle 6 I saw while I was in Canada, and I sorta liked, so then I watched reruns of cycle 1 and 2. The formula is simple, get a nice candidate, get a shy one, get a tomboy, get a sexy one, get a sassy, get a crazy one, and a bitch one. Make sure you get color contestants, latinas, and if you can… don’t forget the asian one. The rest is up to you.

Cycle 7 – began with really interesting photoshoots, but then the pictures became less interesting. However, you could tell there were some good ones. AJ was my pick for that season, but she got the boot after 5 eps… then it was Michelle, Amanda and CariDee. CariDee was fun, most of them were fun… Megan was so sweet (she even left me a message on MySpace), Megg was “ROCK ON!!!”, AJ was great. The whole bunch was a great group of people that you could really like.

Cycle 8 – Episode 1-2 sucked talent-wise. The photos were WEAK, even though the theme was a really good one. I think they said it was “political views,” but I saw it as “ways of thinking”. It was really a thought-provoking theme, if contestants only had thought about this issues. “Pro-Choice,” was a great theme, but the Russian girl (natasha?) did a REALLY poor job at doing ANYTHING AT ALL. She just stood there being “pretty,” and she ended up with a horrible picture. The mom of the season did a poor job portraying “Anti-Guns” and let’s not get into “Pro-Fur”. Although, Kathleen (sp?) who did Pro-Fur was sorta funny accepting how she didn’t get the photoshoot.

Now onto contestants – Jael looks like a fused version of AJ, CariDee and Megg, drunk and doped… she’s got this way of talking like she’s tired or something, that sounds like a speech impediment. She’s funny, and seems nice, but it’s really hard to understand. There are two or three that seem uptight, total bitches or just plain stupid. The mom (who I can’t remember her name,) the Russian girl who seems like a total bimbo who thinks girls with short hair are not feminine enough, and the photographer chick who seems to know much, but doesn’t know shit.

Ok, I’m being harsh on the photographer chick, but she does seems uptight. There’s potential there, but she needs to loosen up. The mom needs to stop being the mom of the show, and the Russian girl needs to start thinking… that thing she said not wanting to get into political issues, she just wanted to be pretty. That’s gonna work against her…. and if she’s not careful on babbling about her marriage, immigration is gonna bust up her ass.

Some of the candidates I liked personality-wise were the two plus-size models… Whitney and Diana. They seem like really nice people, but they need to step it up! Their photos were weak, and Diana’s commitment to jumping around wasn’t there (she was Pro-Gun). Whitney had a Pro-Gay Marriage shoot with another contestant I kinda liked, Samantha. In her regular picture, she doesn’t look like much, but on the show she looks really great… almost like a fused version of Keira Knightley with Natalie Portman in a Girl-Next-Door sorta way. However, she seems too shy, and that might work against her. Another one that seems shy is Brittany, her picture was the one I liked the most, but it was still weak.

Pro-Gay Marriage

Anyway, not seeing much potential there…. we’ll see this coming week. Rant’s over.