Archives For Illustrations

This, you have to admit, is pretty darn good-looking.

Psyop is doing a series — in all honesty, it’s only three webisodes — as prequel to a video game, and decided to do the animation by hand with some 3D enhancements.

I ran into this beautiful animated clip promoting a website I’ve never heard of. anyone? Whenever I get on it there’s some form of PHP loading error… maybe it’s Chrome?

Direction and animation: Hiraoka Masanobu
Production manager: Aude Danset De Carvalho
Music: Eduardo Castillo
Song Name: Ahora Si
Production: Je Regarde – 2012

Lucky and awesome indeed.

It’s all about money, of course. The International Olympic Committee wants to retain all the control of its brand — who can blame them? — and to retain its control online, it took the social media control from the London Olympic committee, unlike what happened back at the Vancouver 2010 Olympics.

To Olympics lovers’ surprise, the Vancouver Olympic Committee was allowed free social media range, which they put to good use with online apps, tweeting athletes interacting with fans, the whole shebang [1]. I don’t actually care about online apps (nor Vancouver’s nor London’s), and I don’t care if athletes tweet. My only interest in the Olympics is watching the games and finding photographs xD

Cool photo, huh?

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I ran into these, and thought “wow, these are particularly quirky classy for Playboy.” xD Has the brand upped its marketing? Because I’ve ran into a couple of other of their commercial, ads, and covers, and well… they’ve changed.

The concepts were done by Brazilian company Neogama BBH.

I found this… seems to be pretty old considering this YouTube upload, but the animation style is still nifty. The Vimeo version doesn’t have a logo and is much MUCH crisper. I don’t know who did the animation though.

This is… sorta like a romantic version of infographics, right? xD

There’s also a Vimeo version available.

I don’t think I’ve been this excited about an animated short for a while~~~ it’s got great style, flow, pizzazz — great for those who love animation, those who love Star Wars… and it’s also very relatable for those people who are familiar with riding on a subway (or any public transportation!).

This short animation, besides being super entertaining with its stylish violence, it’s also part PSA~ teaching you to always give your seat to the elderly!

This is amazingly good-looking animation. I’m rather surprised I didn’t see it any other place than Weibo, unless there was and I wasn’t paying attention being away during the month of March and all. xD

I tried sharing this on YinYueTai, where it goes through an approval process. Finally, it didn’t make it… because it didn’t adhere to YinYueTai content policies, which can only means that the music video it’s too dirty. LOL

The Vimeo version has subtitles.