My 13 Most Iconic Movie Images

September 4, 2011 — 6 Comments


The Curse of the Golden Flower

All that GOLD. O_O

Moulin Rouge!

Let the Right One In

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

6 responses to My 13 Most Iconic Movie Images

  1. I LOVE it, each of these screencaps is so strong.
    I tried watching Memories of Matsuko once but couldn’t get into it and never finished it. I think I didn’t do it justice though because I stopped in the early stages. Now with your screencaps, I’m thinking about giving it another go :)

    • it was also weird for me the first time I watched it, but I made it through the end and my heart just exploded with emotion. LOL And… it just gets better each time I watch it.

  2. I like the Jurassic Park one and the one from Poltergeist. They are iconic!

    • Joel, you of all people should really take a look at Memories of Matsuko – Third Windows Film already has a UK region DVD release, or a Bluray one with subs. It’s a really successful Japanese blockbuster that’s really over the top melodramatic. LOL

  3. Wonderful topic Amy and some wonderful choices. As you can see I’ve started doing something similar on Top 10 Films. I think I found it too difficult to restrict myself to say just ten so it’s an ongoing feature.

    I might start something similar with posters too.

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  1. » The Most Beautiful Movies Ever Made – A Blog by Amy Wong. - July 22, 2012

    […] in there, alongside Darren Aronofsky’s The Fountain — which was one of my picks for most iconic movie images. […]

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