Yu Aoi for FLOWERS

January 13, 2010 — 3 Comments

Is this a movie announcement?

Certainly feels like it, and turns out it’s just been published a few hours ago in a few blogs. According to this blog, and My First Gossip Blog. We’ve got info! YAY!

“Flowers” featuring Aoi Yuu (24), Suzuki Kyoka (41) , Takeuchi Yuko (29), Tanaka Rena (29), Nakama Yukie (30), Hirosue Ryoko (29) will be released on the 12th of June of this year. This star-studded cast will present a tale that will span 3 generations.

Wait… wait for it~~~

It opens with Aoi Yu in the 1930s who had her doubt in being married to the man decided by her parents. On the wedding ceremony, she escaped.

It was observed also, that the cast reminded one strangely of TSUBAKI CMs, where many beautiful actresses (Nakama Yukie notably included) are featured to reflect the “beauty of Japan”. Given these tropes of familiarity, there has been talk of a tie-up between the movie and a new TSUBAKI CM campaign.

You know those Tsubaki CMs? I don’t know how I would feel to actually have a movie so tied into a product commercial. For sure, it will be taking product placement to a whole new level. Crazy level.

As for myself, I don’t know how to feel about this film. I’m excited to get another film, no wonder why Yu released no projects last year… apparently this was shot from April through October. But who else is involved? Director, writer… those are important too, you know?

Also, will she be in Black and White all the time? xD I wanna see 1930s Yu xD

3 responses to Yu Aoi for FLOWERS

  1. If this film takes place in the 1930’s, then I don’t think they would put any product placement in it.

    Is this really a movie? Or a japanese drama? 7 months is pretty long to spend filming a movie.

    And why was this project so hush hush? The story sounds interesting and I like the fact that it will be all black and white, but I still need to know who the director’s going to be.

  2. Only Yu’s storyline is 1930s, the rest are playing their daughters and their daughter’s daughter, I think. So there could be major product placement in the rest, considering there also not black and white.

    According to Tokyograph, it is a film.
    “Toho has revealed a new film by director Norihiro Koizumi (“Taiyou no Uta,” “Gachi Boy”). Titled “FLOWERS,” the movie stars six women seen in Shiseido’s popular TSUBAKI commercials: Yu Aoi (24), Yuko Takeuchi (29), Lena Tanaka (29), Yukie Nakama (30), Kyoka Suzuki (41), and Ryoko Hirosue (29).

    “FLOWERS,” which has been in the works since late 2008, was planned by creative director Takuya Onuki, whose works include the TSUBAKI commercials. The movie portrays six related stories, spanning three generations.

    It begins in the 1930s with a woman named Rin Miyazawa (played by Yu Aoi), who is troubled by the marriage that her parents have arranged for her. Seeking freedom, she leaves the house on her wedding day, and later in life gives birth to three daughters. The oldest, Kaoru (Takeuchi), loses her husband in a car accident. The second, Midori (Tanaka), is a working woman who tries to decide between her job and a marriage proposal. The youngest, Sato (Nakama), is born with weak health and passes away after delivering her second child. Sato’s daughters are played in the present day by Suzuki and Hirosue. ”

    Loads of chances for it to get subbed then ;P

  3. that’s SOME cast, very interesting !!

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