Dandelion Gift Teaser…

Okay, to make up for my badness (I am trying to make time here) I made another simple wallpaper. This time with a photo of Dandelion. Currently made it my wallpaper last night, and since the other became so popular… I decided to share this one too.

Aoi Yu - Dandelion

This is just to make up for the delay, while I find the time to re-watch Gaichu (Harmful Insect), which is the next film I will be adding to the “Yu Aoi Film Discussion” (which right now contain 3 films in watched-order). Since then, I decided to begin doing it on a more chronological order… except for the ones I haven’t watched, or am not so interested in watching, but probably will in the end~ who knows!

Enjoy  the wallpaper which is 1680×1050, but I’ve also got a fullscreen one sized 1280×1024, in case you want one…

3 responses to Dandelion Gift Teaser…

  1. OO nice wallie! U know I’m such a wallie hoe!!
    If u make one of Yossy, me love u long time and if u make me one of tohoshinki me love u even longer time!

  2. link here

    hehehe LF totally ruined me, it is supposed to be girlfriend….. and it is supposed to be me…..

  3. hahahaha. “dot dot dot” xD

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