Is It Yuuuuuuu?

November 29, 2013 — 8 Comments

I noticed a few people popping by searching for Yu Aoi, so I went looking for news on her tonight and I ran into this photo tagged with her name on Pinterest.


If it is, in fact, Yu Aoi. This is the first time I haven’t recognized her in a photo. Not like I’m like an expert or anything (though I do daydream someone calls me for a documentary on her life LOL).

First- the hair throws me off. So it may be one of those rare instances. The themes and styles seem to fit, and the whole shoot gives you strong Dandelion vibes for some reason. But one of the reasons, I don’t think it is Yu-chan is because I don’t see her freckles. She has three particular spots that always show up on her photos: the two marks on the right side of her right eye (the ones that looked like Shiro), and the mark on her left cheek near her nose.

Top suspect? One of them Korean look-alikes [see also and this]. At first, I thought it could be Hwang Seung Un [1][CM], but after a quick read, I decided it’s more likely Son Soo Hyun [1]. Seriously, some of their similarities [check the Busker Busker MV] are uncanny.

I wouldn’t mind one of those crazy comedy projects in which the two of them play sisters but speak completely different languages when speaking to each other. Specially directed by Satoshi Miki.

8 responses to Is It Yuuuuuuu?

  1. I think it can be the Busker Busker girl.
    The main difference between Yuu and the Busker Busker girl is the nose, eyebrows and the eyes! You maybe could differentiate them by the teeth but I don’t know what their teeth looks like.
    Wow they look so much alike they could pass as sisters!

    • Yeah, I noticed Son Soo Hyun’s nose is completely straight (and she does have freckles) in the music video, but you can’t tell straight on. Yu used to have a crooked canine (or maybe it was her last incisive on the left), but she had it fixed the last time she was with braces.

      I wonder if they’re of similar height xD I didn’t think I’d be impressed with a look-alike, but I was shocked with the Busker Busker video.

  2. The resemblance is uncanny! I went on a search to try and find the original photo in a magazine spread or something but no luck. But I did find the picture credited as Son Soo Hyun on some Korean blog sites! From the looks of her other pics, she seems like she’s got an air of quirkiness about her too.

    • The times I saw the Busker Busker video just to spot differences hahaha. It seems so difficult to find her name like this xD what are her hangul characters?

  3. Her name in hangul is 선수현 and here are the pages that I found the above picture on:

Trackbacks and Pingbacks:

  1. I keep seeing~ | - A Blog by Amy Wong. - October 24, 2014

    […] kankoku no aoi yuu. And, no- just no. If there has to be a Korean version of Yu-chan, it has to be this one only. xD Just saying. I mean, come […]

  2. Holy Aoi Yu, Jo Eun-Hee | - A Blog by Amy Wong. - November 9, 2014

    […] swear, for a while now South Korea has been trying to clone Aoi Yu. [1] Thank gods, Yu-chan’s switched styles and has been sporting different hair, and has sorta […]

  3. OOHYO – Goodbye – YAM Magazine - March 9, 2017

    […] a few Korean look-alikes too [1][2] xD So Korea gets my Yu Aoi thing. You get me, Korea. So thank you for this video because I still […]

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