Archives For funny

Entertainment Weekly is reporting that Madonna is letting the Gleeks sing her song catalog. What that means? Possibly an episode full of Madonna tracks~ But it’s not the first time Ryan Murphy is featuring Madonna~~~

I had read a rumor that Madonna (and Gwyneth — split from the same cell as Mary Cherry) were fans of Popular. LOL Could that be true? Because that’d be awesomeness~~~


Ladies! We’ve got our Smokin’ Gun~~~ xD


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So so hard to pick a great quote
because the whole episode was filled with Sue Sylvester
dialog to spare~~~

Glee - 1x07 - Minorities!

Alright, everybody! Listen up! When you hear your name called, cross over to my side of this black shiny thing.

(That’s called a piano, Sue.)

Santana, Wheels, Gay Kid — come on, move it! Asian, Other Asian, Aretha, and Shaft!

BUAHAHAHA. So so many great quotes on this week~

Courtesy of Sue Sylvester again!

Glee - 1x06 - Procreation

I’ve always thought the desire to procreate was a sign of deep personal weakness. Me? Never wanted kids. Don’t have the time, don’t have the uterus.

And come on! That journal entry! xD

Courtesy of Kurt~
the a-dork-able Chris Colfer~
But I was battling it out with that other line,
which I will also post, because it’s too funny.

Glee - 1x05 - Oh, Bambie!

Oh, Bambie! I cried so hard when those hunters shot your mommy.

*BARF*!!! xD

I don’t know yet where he [Kurt] got the booze, although I’m pretty sure it wasn’t a fake I.D. He looks like an 11-year-old milkmaid


Courtesy of Sue Sylvester
played by the awesome Jane Lynch

Glee - 1x04 - Yes, We Cane!

You know caning has fallen out of fashion in the United States but ask anyone who’s safely walked the immaculate sidewalks of Singapore after winning an international cheerleading competition, and they’ll tell you one thing — caning WORKS! And I think it’s about time we did a little more of it right here.

And to all those naysayers out there who say “That’s illegal. You can’t strike children on their bare buttocks with razor-sharp bamboo sticks!” Well to them I say “Yes we CANE!” And that’s how Sue C’s it!

Why aren’t you freaking watching Glee?


That was the moment for me. LOL I was expecting my Dr. Horrible mention xD
Now if only someone could upload for embed a good version of the intro
I love it when he mentions Joan… Ms. Holloway xD

  1. mori girl
  2. web
  3. amy wong personal
  4. all about lily chou chou
  5. amy wong porn
  6. aoi yu
  7. takumi mitani
  8. amy wong porno
  9. amy wong sex
  10. yu aoi

*bolding mine. HAHAHAHA. Gosh! Who looks for that? Fantasizing with Futurama much? Hentai, I get… but come on. I wonder if there’s people looknig for American Dad, Family Guy and The Simpsons’ porno. Seriously, guys… stop these weird searches. Spend a few bucks, watch some regular porno. xD

Other than that… yay! for Yu Aoi searches!! xD
Also… I’m sorry Yu that you have to share your searches with porno and sex searches.


It’s titles! I wonder if porn movies still make funky title designs…
since they are also battling torrents and streaming sites,
also… the music xD
hmmm… maybe not so safe for work.

[iframe src=”” width=”560″ height=”308″]

sporting this AWESOME cover,

Natalie Portman for Interveiw Magazine

the newest issue of Interview magazine has an interview conducted by our favorite Jake Gyllenhaal (who’s sharing the screen with Portman in the upcoming Brothers) PLUS! with some good looking photos by Inez Van Lamsweerde and Vinoodh Matadin – those are some though names to type.

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Only like 6 days, in fact!

Here’s some more info~~~

Episode 1 – GITA~ KE~SU no Onna (Her Guitar Case)
Episode 2 – HOPE
Episode 3 – Tonari no Tonari no Akira (Akira, the neighbor of the neighbor? LOL)
Episode 4 – Tabi no Aida (Traveling Time)
Episode 5 – Aru Asa, Hinata wa Totsuzen ni (One Morning, Suddenly Sunny? xD)

And Juri singing the closing theme! which she also wrote xD LOL

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